Mycoplasma infections are common in some people today. As a rule, such a disease manifests itself in two clinical variants, namely, bronchopneumonia and inflammation of the genitourinary organs. The most common mycoplasma infection occurs in adult patients. In our article, you can find out more information about such a disease.
General information about the causative agent of infection
The causative agent of mycoplasmal infections in humans are mycoplasmas. This is a large group of microorganisms. Their characteristic feature is the absence of a cell wall. Penetrating into the body, mycoplasma infection can cause autoimmune disorders. Mycoplasmas are one of the smallest parasites. Surprisingly, they are able to penetrate the human body through any protective barriers.
Mycoplasma infections and their pathogens do not survive in the environment. They die within half an hour at room temperature. The most optimal temperature regime for their living is0 degrees Celsius. It is for this reason that the exacerbation of the disease occurs in the cold season. Unlike viral infections, mycoplasmas are sensitive to antibacterial drugs.

Mycoplasma in a child's body
The causative agent of this disease is a microorganism that, in structure and mode of existence, occupies an intermediate position between viruses and bacteria. Mycoplasma infection in children can manifest as sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. The main symptoms include dry cough, fever, sore throat and shortness of breath. In addition to the respiratory system, mycoplasma can affect the genitourinary system and joints.
Mycoplasma infection in children often turns into pneumonia. The symptoms are similar to the flu. The incubation period for mycoplasma infection ranges from several days to a month. Parents quite often confuse the symptoms of such a disease with the flu or SARS and begin self-treatment of the child. For objective reasons, it remains ineffective.
Mycoplasma pneumonia develops in children due to exacerbation of bronchitis. Symptoms of this disease include high fever, pain and discomfort in the throat, shortness of breath and weakness. The dry cough that accompanies mycoplasma infections is often associated with purulent discharge.
Mycoplasma pneumonia in children proceeds without exacerbations. Only in some cases complications arise, namelyarthritis, meningitis and nephritis. Symptoms of mycoplasmal pneumonia are difficult to distinguish from chlamydial respiratory tract infection. The treatment of these two diseases is almost identical. In children, mycoplasma infections can also cause sinusitis and pharyngitis. On examination, a specialist can diagnose hard breathing and dry wheezing. The duration of treatment varies from several days to a month.

Acute mycoplasma infection occurs in children on the background of SARS. Symptoms include chills, myalgia, and fever. After the appearance of a dry cough, it gradually intensifies and moistens. Over time, a small amount of purulent sputum appears. In some cases, the child has symptoms such as vomiting, loose stools, and nausea. On examination, the patient has pale skin. In order to confirm the diagnosis, blood is taken from the child for analysis from a vein.
Against the background of SARS, children often develop mycoplasma infection. Treatment directly depends on the form of the disease. First of all, you need to pass the diagnosis. This is no coincidence, because the treatment of mycoplasmosis is significantly different from bronchitis. Children who have pulmonary mycoplasmosis are prescribed antibiotics - doxycycline ("Vidocin", "Dovicin", "Daxal") and fluoroquinolones ("Ciprofloxacin", "Norfloxacin", "Levofloxacin"), antitussive and expectorant syrups ("Lazolvan", " Ambrobene"), as well as analgesics and antipyretics("Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen"). Patients with this disease are isolated until they fully recover.
Infection during pregnancy
The Mycoplasma group includes more than ten subspecies. However, only four of them can cause serious diseases in the human body. Mycoplasma (ureaplasma) infection is most common in sexually active or pregnant women. Another factor for the development of the disease is the use of hormonal contraceptives. This is due to an increase in estrogen in the woman's blood. The main route of transmission of the disease is sexual.
Mycoplasma infection in women has no specific symptoms. In some cases, patients complain of discomfort during urination or slight discharge. In the absence of proper treatment, inflammation can develop, which can seriously affect a woman's reproductive function. As a result - infertility and spontaneous miscarriages. In addition, the patient may experience cystitis and urethritis.

The development of the disease during pregnancy can cause premature birth, polyhydramnios and inflammation of the walls of the fetus. Mycoplasma infections adversely affect the development of the child. As a result, damage to the eyes, liver, kidneys, skin and nervous system of the fetus can be observed. Mycoplasma diseases can cause malformations in a child. They operate at the genetic level. It should be noted that violations during pregnancy are possible only if a woman hasmycoplasmal diseases are progressing.
In the presence of inflammatory processes in a pregnant woman against the background of the development of mycoplasmal infections, it is urgent to undergo an examination and begin treatment. It is also required to determine the level of sensitivity to antibiotics. Thanks to this, it is possible to choose the most effective and safe treatment for the fetus.
Mycoplasma infection is not uncommon in pregnant women who have had an active sex life. Treatment includes antibacterial drugs (see above), as well as those drugs that increase immunity ("Cycloferon", "Timogen"). As a rule, the sexual partner of the patient also needs to be examined. Control tests can be taken a month after the start of treatment. Sexual contact is excluded until complete recovery.
Respiratory infection
Mycoplasma respiratory infection is an acute disease of the upper respiratory tract. It is not uncommon for patients to develop pneumonia. The source of the disease is a person who is a carrier of the infection or is in the acute stage. Microorganisms are transmitted through the air. Possible infection through household items. It is worth noting that people with Down syndrome are most susceptible to the disease.
Mycoplasma infection of the respiratory tract is a fairly common disease. Most often it develops in the cold season. Infections are susceptible to people who are often in large groups. The development of the disease proceeds rather slowly. Oftenthere is a combination of mycoplasma and viral infection.

Respiratory mycoplasma infection requires complete isolation from he althy people. The incubation period can be from a week to a month, depending on the severity of the disease. Respiratory infection sometimes occurs under the guise of SARS or pneumonia. Adult patients experience the following symptoms:
1. Minor chills.
2. Weakness.
3. Sharp headache.
Children with respiratory infections may experience a dry cough, runny nose, and sore throat.
It is impossible to distinguish mycoplasmal respiratory diseases from SARS and influenza by general symptoms. A lot of research needs to be done. If mycoplasma infection is confirmed, it is necessary to take tests for the presence of HIV. This is not accidental, because such a disease often develops against the background of immunodeficiency.
An advanced stage of mycoplasma respiratory infection can lead to other diseases such as pleurisy, myocarditis and encephalitis. For the treatment of this disease, etiotropic therapy and antibiotics are used. The duration of the course of taking drugs directly depends on their effectiveness on the body of a particular patient. There is no cure for this disease.
Chlamydia infection. Pneumonia and conjunctivitis in newborns
Chlamydial-mycoplasma infection is a common disease of the neonatal period. It is distinguished by the absence of clinicalsymptoms. Chlamydial-mycoplasmal infection can lead to the development of malnutrition, jaundice and cardiopathy. Infection of the child occurs during childbirth. The risk of developing chlamydial-mycoplasmal diseases directly depends on the method of delivery and the duration of the anhydrous regimen.
In some cases, the newborn may experience other infections that have formed against the background of chlamydial-mycoplasmal disease. In such cases, the child's condition is diagnosed as severe.
Conjunctivitis is one of the most common diseases that occur against the background of complications of chlamydial-mycoplasmal infection. The first signs can be observed immediately after birth, after three days or after a few weeks. Clinical manifestations include the formation of mucous and purulent discharge from both eyes. Only a specialist can diagnose the disease, having the results of the study. The complications of conjunctivitis include a sharp decrease in vision, which quite often cannot be treated.
Chlamydia-mycoplasma infection can cause pneumonia in a newborn. The first signs of the disease appear at least two weeks after birth. These include cough, respiratory failure, malnutrition, intoxication and toxic cardiopathy.
Chlamydia-mycoplasma infection can often provoke liver damage, namely fetal hepatitis. The disease causes the development of tissue defects.
Infection of the chlamydial-mycoplasmal type. CNS lesion in a newborn
Chlamydia-mycoplasma type infection can often cause disorders of the central nervous system in newborns. From the first days of life, such children have malnutrition. This disease is difficult to diagnose. This is not accidental, because the symptoms present are often mistaken for the consequences of fetal hypoxia. To establish the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a study of samples of cerebrospinal fluid.
Chlamydia-mycoplasma infection. Gastroenteropathy in newborns
Gastroenteropathy is the rarest form of chlamydial infection in a newborn. She meets infrequently. Manifested in the form of intestinal syndrome and conjunctivitis. Such a disease can cause intestinal obstruction. If gastroenteropathy is suspected, the child needs a number of studies. First of all, it is necessary to take the blood of the newborn for analysis. In the future, it will be sent for PCR diagnostics.

When the mother has an infection, pregnancy is difficult. It is not uncommon to be diagnosed with the possibility of spontaneous miscarriage.
Mycoplasmosis in men
Mycoplasma infection is less common in men than in women. The consequence of this disease is infertility. There are also cases when the infection affects the kidneys and causes inflammation in them.
The development of infection in men can cause urethritis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the urethra. The first signs of urethritis -this is discharge from the genital canals and pain or burning when urinating. It is worth noting that such a disease can occur not only in men, but also in women.
The cause of urethritis is a sexual infection. Often in the morning, the patient can observe a discharge of a green tint from the urethra. In men, the first signs of the disease are more noticeable than in women. If you notice the first signs of urethritis in yourself, you must urgently contact a specialist. Often the patient has no symptoms. In this case, the disease can only be diagnosed if the test results are available.

Mycoplasma infection in cats
Not only in humans, but also in cats, mycoplasma infection occurs. The symptoms of such a disease should be known to every owner of the animal. You can find them in our article.
Mycoplasmosis is a disease that affects the entire body of an animal. It is most often found in females. Symptoms of mycoplasma infection in cats include sneezing, coughing, and nasal discharge. The first signs are often confused with the common cold. It is for this reason that in the presence of the above symptoms, it is imperative to contact a veterinarian.
Treatment of mycoplasma infection in cats has been going on for a long time. In order to get rid of the disease in a short time, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Summing up
Mycoplasma infection occurs not only in people of all age categories, but also in animals. If left untreated, patients may develop complications. As a rule, in the presence of an infection, the patient is isolated from he althy people. The incubation period depends on the severity of the disease in a particular patient. In the presence of the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist. Stay he althy!