Burning eyes: causes and treatment

Burning eyes: causes and treatment
Burning eyes: causes and treatment

In the article, we will consider the causes and treatment of burning eyes.

Vision is an important aspect of human life. However, the eyes are a rather sensitive organ, and it is almost impossible to restore lost vision. If you experience any discomfort, burning in the eyes or watery eyes, you should consult a specialist for advice. Lack of attention to vision can cause serious complications.

burning sensation in the eyes
burning sensation in the eyes

Causes of burning sensation

Burning in the eyes causes severe discomfort, and also spoils the appearance, as it leads to redness, fatigue and inflammation of the eyelids. If such a symptom occurs, appropriate measures must be taken to find out the cause of the discomfort and eliminate it.

There are a number of common causes of burning eyes, among them:

1. Eye injury. This can happen when a small, sharp object is dropped, hit, or thrown into the eye.

2. Eye disease of infectious origin. The origin of such pathologies can be different. Fungi, viruses, pathogens, etc. can provoke the disease. In addition, diseases such as SARS, flu, conjunctivitis, etc., can also cause burning in the eyes.

3. Eye fatigue, strain.

4. Increased intraocular pressure, provoked, for example, by an ophthalmic or neuralgic disease.

5. Increased tearing and burning sensation may occur against the background of an allergic reaction.

6. Burns of various origins. These could be thermal or chemical burns.

7. Pathologies of the endocrine system.

8. Tobacco smoke.

9. Ophthalmic pathologies such as glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, etc.

10. Impact of air conditioning.

11. Decreased fluid produced by the lacrimal glands. This phenomenon is called dry eye syndrome.

12. Incorrectly fitting contact lenses or violation of the hygienic rules for their use.

eye burning treatment
eye burning treatment


Burning in the eyes is a sign of many diseases, which are often accompanied by other symptoms, such as peeling and redness of the eyelids, itching, a feeling of sand in the eyes, etc. In some cases, swelling and increased lacrimation may occur, as well as photophobia.

Burning and pain in the eyes

Discomfort and redness of the eyes, combined with burning and pain, do not always indicate a mote that has fallen into the eye, or a consequence of prolonged sittingin front of a computer screen. In some situations, such symptoms may indicate the development of an inflammatory process, for example, conjunctivitis. Such signs are also characteristic of blepharitis and lesions of the mucous membrane of fungal origin. Burning and pain in the eyes can occur in a dusty or smoky room with a low level of humidity. Quite often, people who wear contact lenses suffer from such symptoms.

Redness and burning

Why else does burning in the eyes happen?

The most common cause of eye redness is blepharitis. This inflammatory disease is provoked by an infection that negatively affects the follicles located in the moistened area of the eyelids. However, redness and burning are not the only symptoms of blepharitis. In addition to them, the disease is accompanied by severe itching and the formation of a dry crust covering the eyelid. These signs indicate that a person needs to go for a consultation with a specialist. Self-medication can cause irreparable damage to the eyes and vision. What else could cause a burning sensation in the eyes?

burning eyes causes treatment
burning eyes causes treatment

Dryness and burning

When a person is forced to spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen or his work requires a constant high concentration of attention, the eyes are in a tense state, which ultimately leads to the development of dry eye syndrome. While working at a computer, the eyes do not blink as often as necessary, which becomes a prerequisite for overdrying of the mucous membrane and burning. As suchthere is no specific treatment in this case. It is necessary to use special moisturizing drops if necessary and carry out procedures to relax the muscles of the eyes.

Treatment of this pathology

Many perceive the burning sensation in the eyes as something insignificant, not requiring special attention. Some begin to self-medicate by burying their eyes and taking pills. However, this is not the best way out, because quite a lot of diseases can be accompanied by a burning sensation, and before starting treatment, you need to know exactly what kind of pathology is taking place in this case. Incorrect treatment of burning in the eyes can lead to serious complications. When contacting an ophthalmologist, the necessary examination will be carried out, the diagnosis will be clarified and the correct therapy will be prescribed.

why the burning sensation in the eyes
why the burning sensation in the eyes

If discomfort in the eyes is associated with an infectious disease, virus or harmful microorganisms, then drugs are prescribed whose action is aimed at eliminating the cause of discomfort. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

1. Eye ointment based on tetracycline. It is prescribed for the treatment of burns of the eye cornea, injuries, conjunctivitis and other pathologies that are provoked by pathogenic microflora. Ointment in a small amount is squeezed out of the tube and placed under the eyelid. The procedure should be repeated up to five times a day. The duration of treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the disease. The ointment should be applied very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane with the tip of the tube. After usethe tip must be wiped to prevent dirt from entering the eye the next time it is used. The drug has practically no restrictions in use and does not cause unwanted reactions.

2. "Levomycetin". It is a drug from the category of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The dosage regimen is selected individually, depending on the disease and its course. If the patient has nausea, then the drug should be taken one hour after eating.

In the treatment of burning sensation and various ophthalmic diseases, special drops are widely used. There are quite a lot of them in pharmacies. Consider the most common of them.

burning pain in the eyes
burning pain in the eyes


This is a drug that raises local immunity, which helps in the fight against pathogenic bacteria that cause burning in the eyes. The drug is instilled directly into the conjunctival sac. It is prescribed for both adult patients and children. Dosages for each disease are different:

1. Dry eye syndrome will require instillation of 1-2 drops in each eye twice a day. The duration of treatment is up to one month.

2. Viral disease involves instillation of 1-2 drops in each eye up to eight times a day. With a decrease in the severity of symptoms, the dosage is gradually reduced until complete recovery.

3. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is also instilled up to 6-8 times a day, but the duration of the course is 10 days.

Drugcontraindicated in pregnancy and lactation. Also, it should not be used in patients who have shown hypersensitivity to the components of the drops.


Drops are introduced into the conjunctival sacs, 1-2 pcs. The duration of therapy, as well as the number of instillations per day, depend on the disease and its course.

1. Uveitis, blepharitis and bacterial conjunctivitis - the drug is instilled up to eight times a day. The duration of treatment is up to two weeks.

2. Infectious diseases - one drop every two hours up to 12 times a day. The peak of effectiveness is reached after a period of two weeks to a month.

3. Eye injury - one drop up to eight times a day for 1-2 weeks.

4. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is used to prevent inflammation after surgery. Buried up to six times a day. Duration of use can be up to one month.

burning sensation in the eyes
burning sensation in the eyes


The drug improves the microcirculation of the eye vessels. It makes it possible to accelerate the process of resorption of hemorrhages that occurred for various reasons.

The drug is instilled subconjunctival, that is, under the mucous membrane of the eye. It is necessary to apply drops up to three times a day. The duration of use of the drug is from 3 days to one month. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of treatment.

Emoxipin eye drops are contraindicated during pregnancy and if hypersensitivity todrug. Do not combine these drops with other eye preparations. Before instilling the drug, it is necessary to remove contact lenses. You can use them 20 minutes after using the drug.

Drops for the treatment of burning eyes should be selected only by a doctor.


The drug is most often prescribed to patients who experience burning eyes for the following reasons:

1. Eye injury.

2. Burn.

3. Conjunctivitis of viral origin.

4. Dry eye syndrome.

The dosage and duration of use of "Thiotriazoline" is determined by the attending physician. The standard treatment regimen is two drops up to four times a day. For dry eye syndrome, two drops should be instilled every two hours throughout the entire period of work at the computer.

The drug has no side effects, and the restriction for its use is imposed on those patients who have been found to be hypersensitive to the components of the drops.

burning sensation in the eyes treatment drops
burning sensation in the eyes treatment drops


Thus, burning eyes and other symptoms require a visit to a specialist, as they may indicate a serious ophthalmic disease. Most eye pathologies are easily treatable at the initial stage of their development, so it is not worth delaying going to the doctor in this case.
