Chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms and treatment

Chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms and treatment
Chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms and treatment

Chronic cholecystitis implies an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder itself and the biliary tract itself. It is noteworthy, but representatives of the beautiful half of humanity suffer from this disease today more often than the strong. Chronic cholecystitis is conventionally divided by experts into calculous (there are stones in the gallbladder itself) and, accordingly, non-calculous (without stones). Let's talk about this disease in more detail below.

chronic cholecystitis
chronic cholecystitis

Case history: chronic cholecystitis

According to doctors, today this disease, unfortunately, is one of the most common. According to available statistics, about 20% of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from it. And in the course of the course of the disease, both the inflammatory process and the destruction of the walls of the gallbladder themselves are observed, which subsequently most often leads to a violation of its primary functions. It often happens that the digestive process also suffers from all these problems.

Chroniccholecystitis. Reasons

  • First of all, it should be noted that this disease, as a rule, develops as a result of the activity of bacteria such as streptococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus, etc. Only in some cases, chronic cholecystitis can be of an allergic or toxic nature.
  • This kind of disease can develop systematically due to stagnation of bile in the gallbladder itself. This phenomenon, in turn, occurs due to a violation of the tone of the organ, the presence of stones, vegetative / endocrine disorders.
  • Often, a peculiar impetus to the development of the disease is malnutrition, as well as the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Chronic cholecystitis. Symptoms

medical history of chronic cholecystitis
medical history of chronic cholecystitis

First of all, patients begin to complain of discomfort and aching pain in the right hypochondrium. Especially unpleasant sensations intensify approximately three hours after eating fried or spicy food. In addition, patients are constantly accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, as well as a taste of metal. There may be disturbance of the stool, heartburn, bloating, as well as flatulence and irritability.


As a rule, the treatment of this disease is carried out on an outpatient basis with a special diet. However, with an exacerbation of cholecystitis, hospitalization of the patient is required. In this case, broad-spectrum antibiotics and vitamin therapy are prescribed. If the outflow of bile is disturbed, choleretic preparations exclusively of plant origin are prescribed.origin.

diet for chronic cholecystitis
diet for chronic cholecystitis

Nutrition for chronic cholecystitis

As noted above, therapy for this disease, in addition to taking certain medications, also involves following a certain diet. First of all, patients should reduce the amount of food consumed, divide it into six equal parts. All alcoholic products, fatty and spicy foods, seasonings, and overly sweet foods should be excluded from the diet. With an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend arranging the so-called fasting days, when only one useful product is allowed. You can diversify your diet with fruits and vegetables, cereals, wholemeal bread.
