Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating

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Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating
Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating

Video: Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating

Video: Flatulence: causes and treatment of bloating
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There are many reasons for flatulence, and not always increased gas formation is a cause for concern. Even malnutrition can provoke it - if a person talks during a meal, air is swallowed along with the food. This leads to a disturbing effect. However, this explanation is far from the only possible one. Let's analyze what flatulence is, what provokes it and how to deal with it.

General information

Before finding out the causes of flatulence, it is worthwhile to understand what this term is used to denote. Bloating is an unpleasant condition that has bothered any person at least once. Discomfort from flatulence is significant, the main desire of the sufferer is to retire as soon as possible.

Sometimes the cause of flatulence is a focus of inflammation in the stomach or intestinal tract, sometimes the problem is provoked by food that enters the esophagus during a meal. Gases are formed under the influence of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Flatulence canbe temporary, but the greatest discomfort brings a permanent phenomenon. If flatulence appears very often, increased gas formation and belching, hiccups are felt constantly, it is necessary to visit a doctor in order to identify what caused it.

causes of flatulence in women
causes of flatulence in women

A possible cause of flatulence is the active vital activity of bacteria that inhabit the intestinal tract and stomach. Their presence is absolutely normal. It is thanks to the balance of microflora that the processing of incoming food is possible.

To be he althy, you need to eat right

One of the common causes of flatulence in adults that does not require treatment is excessively rapid absorption of products. This is true for children as well. If a person eats quickly, is in a hurry and does not chew food thoroughly, swallowing food in large pieces, air enters the esophagus along with the food. This is also characteristic of the process of eating food, accompanied by a conversation. Air accumulates in the stomach, which provokes flatulence. Some experts say that about half of the total volume of gas in the intestinal tract comes here with food during meals.

Another cause of flatulence in adults and children that does not require treatment is eating specific foods. Activation of gas production is observed when certain fruits and vegetables are digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Most often it is beans. Gas formation is possible against the background of the abundance of grapes that have entered the stomach. Sometimes bloating accompanies the processing of cabbage, apples, bread in the body. Flatulence bothers you for a while after drinkingbeer, kvass Dates, raisins, spinach can provoke it.

To minimize discomfort, you should eat stewed, steamed, boiled vegetables.

Nutrition and he alth

No treatment is required for the causes of flatulence in adults and children against the background of excess food ingested. To minimize this unpleasant outcome, you should, if possible, eat food in small portions, relatively often. It is necessary to avoid overeating - then gas formation in excessive volumes will not disturb. By the time the meal is over, a person should feel a slight hunger. This does not mean that the body is not satisfied - the feeling of satiety will come a little later, after 20-30 minutes.

The cause of flatulence in adults and children that does not require treatment is the consumption of foods that are incompatible with each other. For example, gases will certainly bother someone who drinks milk with fish. You can avoid trouble if you replace the liquid with yogurt. Milk does not combine with cucumbers, tomatoes, most fruits. Do not drink this drink with eggs, drink bread or meat with it. If you need to drink dairy, you should pay attention to kefir, yogurt.

Rules and regulations

In the intestinal tract, the stomach of a he althy person contains an average of 900 ml of air. Emptying the intestinal tract allows you to remove about half a liter of air masses. Flatulence is a condition in which the figure is three times or more than the norm. If the body, for some reason, cannot get rid of gases, complications are possible. physical exercise orsignificant loads during flatulence may be accompanied by involuntary flatus - the act of air release.

The intestinal tract of a he althy person contains nitrogen, methane and ammonia. Air masses contain oxygen and hydrogen sulfide. There are hydrogen, mercaptan molecules, carbon dioxide.

increased flatulence causes and treatment
increased flatulence causes and treatment

Possible sources of the problem

In addition to the above harmless factors that can provoke excessive accumulation of gases in the stomach and intestinal tract, there are other causes of flatulence in adults and children. Sometimes such a symptom manifests itself, for example, an imbalance in the microflora or a neoplasm in the intestinal tract. Bloating is disturbing against the background of an unbalanced, poorly selected diet, as well as when eating foods that a person cannot tolerate. A possible cause is drug abuse.

Sometimes the cause of flatulence after eating is dairy, carbonated, ingested. In this case, no therapy is required. But bloating against the background of constipation is a much more unpleasant factor that requires intervention. Increased gas formation is possible with a violation of the he alth of the teeth or failure of intestinal motility.

Diseases and their consequences

For certain causes of flatulence, treatment should be started as soon as possible, since increased gas formation is a relatively minor symptom, which will be supplemented with complications over time. Bloating can be observed with neurosis or infection of the intestine, with parasitic invasion. Sometimes the reasonflatulence in diseases of the elements of the digestive system. For example, it can be an ulcer, foci of erosion. Flatulence is possible after surgery or with intestinal obstruction.

If you do not start treatment, the causes of flatulence in adults and children from the list above can lead to a worsening of the situation over time, and the consequences are not always predictable. In this case, it is gas formation that can cause pain, belching. Some feel sick, others feel weak and lethargic. This condition requires the help of a qualified doctor.

flatulence in adults causes and treatment
flatulence in adults causes and treatment

Tender age

Most often, flatulence occurs in children and pregnant women. In babies, the reason is usually nutrition: an unsuccessful selection of products, the use of chemical foods, carbonated drinks. A possible cause of severe flatulence is eating too much and too often. In very young children, the gastrointestinal tract is still underdeveloped, which also leads to bloating. In some cases, flatulence is manifested by nervous, neurological disorders and a weakened immune system.

A common cause of flatulence in women preparing for childbirth is uterine pressure. Increasing in volume, this organ squeezes all those located nearby, thereby affecting the intestinal tract. In addition, in women, increased gas formation is sometimes observed due to excessive production of progesterone. Of course, common causes are also possible - bacterial imbalance, poor and unbalanced nutrition, infections andinflammation.

Easy to spot

It's almost impossible not to notice flatulence. The patient is disturbed by soreness in the abdomen, a feeling as if bursting from the inside. Such attacks appear suddenly, just as unpredictably disappear. May hurt in the stomach. Excretion of gases is activated. The manifestations of bloating are the same for everyone, regardless of gender. Whatever causes intestinal flatulence, in women and men, relief occurs when the air leaves. Often the patient suffers from stool disorders, and alternation of liquid and constipation is possible. May have a headache. Sometimes flatulence manifests itself as a decrease in appetite, nausea, sleep disturbance.

If the cause of flatulence in the intestines is food intake or other harmless factors, with disturbing appearances, you can take an instant drug. There are many foam extinguishers in pharmacies, and Espumizan can be safely called the most popular. The means "Simethicone", "Dimethicone" have proven themselves well.

flatulence causes
flatulence causes

What will help?

If the cause of constant flatulence is malnutrition, forced laughter when eating or heavy conversations during a meal, no specific treatment is required. If possible, you need to adjust your lifestyle. To alleviate the condition at a particular point in time, you can take adsorbents. An affordable and popular option is activated carbon. It can be found in the first aid kit of almost any person. Another good option is the drug "Polifepan". Such a remedywill absorb excess gases, due to which the condition will become better.

Treatment of folk remedies for the cause of flatulence, which consists in insufficient peristalsis, involves the use of dill water. You can cook caraway infusions or decoctions of fennel. Such simple and safe means allow you to stimulate motor skills, facilitate the discharge of excess air.

To eliminate increased gas formation, you can enter gymnastics into your daily routine. Charging must be done every day. The best effect is tilting forward, backward. During this exercise, the muscle layer of the abdomen tightens and stretches.

Causes and consequences

If the cause of increased flatulence is a serious illness, a doctor can determine it. Assuming you have a disease, you should visit a qualified doctor. First you need to make an appointment with a therapist, and he will redirect you to a gastroenterologist. The doctor prescribes a set of examinations and tests, on the basis of which he will formulate a diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

To clarify the condition of the client of the hospital, it is necessary to examine blood, feces, and urine samples taken from him. They will check the protein composition of the blood, the presence of glucose in it. Feces are examined to detect dysbacteriosis, if any, as well as parasites. The patient will be referred for ultrasound examination and gastroscopy.

During the appointment, the doctor collects complaints and medical history, conducts a visual examination of the abdomen. Sometimes a rectal examination is required. As the results of all the described activities are obtained, a diagnosis can be formulated and a program can be selected.recovery.

What to do?

The doctor prescribes, after analyzing the identified causes, the treatment of increased flatulence. If the condition is painful, antispasmodics should be used. The most popular option is the drug "No-Shpa". True, the drug should not be used too often.

To reduce the activity of gas production, you can use activated carbon or the equally popular Smecta.

If flatulence is caused by an infectious focus, the patient is prescribed "Linex", "Acilact" or other similar drugs.

For faster removal of gases from the intestinal tract, you can use Cerucal, Motilium. Slightly slower air in the intestinal tract is generated if you use the compositions "Espumizan" and "Pepsa-R".

It must be understood that all of the listed compounds are effective only as a symptomatic treatment. They will not eliminate the main cause of flatulence - for this, the doctor will prescribe medications appropriate to the case.

severe flatulence causes
severe flatulence causes

A solid approach

The best results will be if the patient strictly follows the doctor's recommendations. You will have to use biological preparations and herbal formulations that allow you to normalize the intestinal tract, stabilize and activate its work. With flatulence, it is important to monitor the diet, eat fractionally, in small portions. Without identifying the root cause of increased gas formation, it will not be possible to cope with bloating.

They select a treatment program so as to first of all remove the most unpleasant symptoms. ATin some cases, to alleviate the patient's condition, enemas and the installation of a tube for the removal of gases are shown.

It must be remembered that the drug course may adversely affect the quality of the functioning of the liver. To prevent this side effect, it is usually recommended to take hepatoprotectors.

Medicines against flatulence

To activate intestinal motility, you can take dill and caraway seeds, prepare decoctions and infusions on them. Of the pharmacy products, Motorix and Nausilium have proven themselves well.

Enzyme formulations will benefit those suffering from increased gas formation. You can take special balanced means to stimulate the intestines, containing pepsin formulations, as well as "Pancreatin".

With flatulence caused by stress factors, relief can be achieved with sedatives. You can use natural - chamomile and mint tea can relieve nervous tension, improve sleep, positively affect the functioning of the stomach, intestinal tract.

In pharmacies there are compounds that normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora. However, it is not necessary to study only the pharmacy assortment - natural yogurt, for example, has such a positive effect.

flatulence after eating causes
flatulence after eating causes

Relief from bloating is possible if you use a carminative composition. If the problem is caused by a parasitic invasion, funds will come to the rescue to eliminate the infection. True, they need to be taken carefully and in combination with liver protectors - mainlycompositions from helminths are extremely toxic.

Nutrition and Gas

To quickly leave flatulence in the past, you need to reconsider your diet. If possible, it is recommended to avoid eating fried, fatty, spicy and s alty foods. Products must be stewed, boiled. A double boiler will do the trick - it will make cooking simple and effective, and the finished products will be safe for the digestive system.

To minimize flatulence, food should be consumed warm. The ban applies to both too cold and too hot food.

Each portion should be a reasonable amount. It is better to eat little and often than a lot and rarely. It is allowed to eat up to seven times a day, using only small amounts at each meal.

Features of food

We will have to exclude from the nutrition program all dishes that can activate the production of gases. These include legumes, milk, as well as sweet, flour, carbonated. With flatulence, you should abandon pears and chocolate, cabbage and citrus fruits, apples and peaches. Minimize the volume of consumed cereals, bread, onions.

persistent flatulence causes
persistent flatulence causes

Every day you need to eat foods enriched with beneficial bacteria, fermented milk. Plums, including dried, freshly prepared juices, soups and vegetable broths, will benefit from flatulence. Useful read pumpkin, lean meat, apricots. You can drink tea and mineral water, but only non-carbonated. Include lean fish in your dietgreenery.

Every day, about two liters of clean water should enter the body. Broths and soups are not included in this calculation. Completely exclude the use of beer. Food during the meal is chewed diligently and slowly, keeping silence to avoid swallowing air.

Recommended to stop smoking. Don't eat too much protein-rich food. Proper and fractional nutrition in compliance with the above restrictions allows you to leave flatulence in the past as soon as possible.

In order for the manifestations of flatulence to stop bothering as soon as possible, chopped dill should be added to dishes. It is recommended to use cumin as a seasoning for vegetables. With an attack of flatulence, you can eat a piece of sugar, on which you have previously dropped dill or anise oil.
