Many people think that a sore throat is such a minor problem that you should not try to cope with it, because a modern person has so much to do. But this is wrong. If you do nothing to treat your throat at home, you can earn a complication. If the tonsils were damaged, they became inflamed, the temperature rose to 38 degrees or more, then you have a sore throat. But how to treat a throat at home?

The patient should spend more time warm, better under the covers. Free movement around the house will harm not only him, but also those close to him, as the infection will spread. He will infect them with a sore throat, and then the whole family will be interested in the question of how to treat a throat at home. The patient should be encouraged to drink as much liquid as possible. The fact is that at high temperatures, moisture evaporates intensively from the surface of the skin, which can lead to dehydration of the body, so water supplies must be replenished. Drink preferably juices, hot tea with lemon and milk.
Folk remedies
Traditional medicine is incredibly rich, itthere are many ways to fight infectious diseases. She also knows how to treat a throat at home. Very often various rinses, compresses, inhalations, tea treatment and herbal medicine, etc. are offered.

In a word, there are funds "for every taste", and everyone can choose something suitable for themselves. You need to start treatment immediately. And be careful: if after three days of self-treatment the symptoms do not disappear, then you need to go to the doctor and find out from him how to treat the throat.
- Infusion of chamomile and linden flowers. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 2 parts of linden, 1 part of chamomile. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water, rise for 20 minutes, then strain. Gargle with the resulting liquid several times a day.
- Infusion of horsetail. Take 5-5, 5 tbsp. l. dry horsetail, pour 400 ml of boiling water, thaw for 15 minutes. Strain and use as you would for Chamomile and Linden Blossom.
- Infusion of raspberry leaves: 2-2, 3 tbsp. l. Leaves pour boiling water. In a closed vessel, the liquid should stand for at least 15 minutes. Gargle several times.
- Infusion of beet juice. To prepare the infusion, grate 1 cup of red beets. Pour in a spoonful of vinegar (6%), let it brew and squeeze. Use several spoonfuls to rinse.
Treatment with bee products

Chiefa product used in the treatment of angina is honey. In folk medicine, the properties of honey are highly valued, it can really help in case of various diseases. If you are interested in how to treat a throat at home, then you can stop at the following methods:
- Honey with aloe. Mix honey (3-4.5 tbsp) and some aloe vera juice. Apply this mixture to sore tonsils.
- Inhalations with propolis. Dissolve 10-12 g of propolis in one liter of water. Put all this in a water bath. Then breathe in the steam for 10-15 minutes.
Compresses will also be useful, in particular these:
- compresses with cabbage leaves. The throat is wrapped with cabbage leaves and wrapped in a warm cloth (for example, a woolen scarf). Every 2-2, 5 hours the leaves change. This treatment helps the body fight inflammation.
- Compress with vinegar. Dilute vinegar in cool water, soak a thick soft cloth in it and wrap your legs. Hold the compress until the fabric cools down. Then remove and wrap your feet in a warm blanket.
Starting treatment at home, you should pay attention to the tolerance of products and drugs, as allergic reactions are possible.