In this article, we will consider the ways of infection with gonorrhea, the incubation period, signs and prevention.
This pathology is a very dangerous venereal disease. Illiterate and untimely treatment is fraught with the development of serious complications, one of which is irreversible infertility. It is generally accepted that gonorrhea can only be contracted by a person who is sexually promiscuous. However, it is not. Gonorrhea has several routes of infection. For this reason, each person must remember and comply with the full range of preventive measures.
How does infection with syphilis or gonorrhea occur, consider below.

Features of the pathogen
Gonorrhea, commonly referred to as gonorrhea, begins to develop under the influence of gonococci that enter the human body. These microorganisms are pathogenic, they rapidly spread throughout the genitourinary system and cause negative he alth effects.consequences.
It is known that the most common way of contracting gonorrhea is sexual contact.
Where are they located?
Gonococci are most often localized in the rectum, anus, vulva, urethra, cervical canal, eyes, nasopharyngeal area.
Pathogens of the disease with equal success exist in the intercellular spaces and inside the cells of the body. This is due to their special structure. They have special growths with which they move quickly, clinging to tissues. In some cases, gonococci can be absorbed by other microorganisms, such as Trichomonas. The course of treatment for trichomoniasis promotes the release of gonococci, resulting in the development of gonorrhea.
When do they die?
The causative agents of gonorrhea are able to exist in the environment. Their death occurs only when heated to a temperature of 56 degrees Celsius and above. Gonococci do not survive in direct sunlight.

These microorganisms do not tolerate arid environments. They are able to maintain their activity in biological secretions only as long as the latter retain moisture. Recent studies show that women are more likely to suffer from gonorrhea. Unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner contributes to the infection of 98% of women, while men become infected only in 50% of cases. Thus, gonorrhea is most commonly contracted through sexual intercourse.
Infection through sexual contact
The main route of infection is unprotected sexual contact. It is important to note that infection can occur through sex in any form. Full penetration is also optional, transmission can also occur during petting.
Infection of women occurs much faster than men. This fact is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the genital organs. Microorganisms very quickly penetrate the cervix due to the folded structure of the vagina. Moreover, even full-fledged douching after intercourse does not allow you to remove all gonococci.
Who is more likely?
The probability of getting infected is much lower in men, since it is difficult for pathogens to get inside the human body. This is due to the fact that the opening of the urethra is quite narrow. Even if gonococci enter the urethra, they will be further washed out by sperm during ejaculation. A man can greatly reduce his risk of contracting gonorrhea by going to the toilet immediately after intercourse. However, the risk of infection is still high.
Women experience an exacerbation of the disease during menstruation. The activity of microorganisms is significantly increased. In this regard, sexual intercourse during this period greatly increases the risk of partner infection.
The possibility of transmission of gonorrhea through oral sex is not ruled out. It is not so easy for gonococci to enter the body through the strong tissues of the nasopharynx. But if a person's immunity is weakened during this period and the protective functions of the body are reduced, infections are much easier to spread. Accordingly, the likelihood of getting sick during oral sexavailable.
What are other ways to get gonorrhea?

Household contamination
Very often people are interested in the existence of the possibility of infection by domestic routes. Microorganisms have low viability outside the human body, however, they can remain active in the external environment for some time.
There are several household ways of getting gonorrhea:
- When using the personal belongings of an infected person. Microorganisms can be transmitted through shaving accessories, washcloths, bed linen, towels. If a member of the family has gonorrhea, it is recommended to provide him with a separate bar of soap, which should be kept away from toothbrushes.
- When using one toilet. The toilet becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. This method of spreading gonococci should be feared primarily by women.
- When using someone else's clothing items. It is strictly forbidden to wear skirts, trousers, and especially underwear of a person infected with gonorrhea.
- When visiting public places, such as baths, swimming pools and saunas. All visitors to a public place are at risk if there is an infected person among them.
- When sharing crockery and cutlery. Gonococci in this case are localized in the nasopharynx, and the symptoms of infection resemble a sore throat.
- When swimming in ponds. Cases of infection in this way are quite rare, but such a possibility cannot be completely ruled out. The most dangerous reservoirs in which stagnant water.
- When kissing. This is how gonorrheal pharyngitis is transmitted.
Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of domestic ways of getting gonorrhea, unprotected intercourse remains the most likely.

Gonorrhea symptoms
The incubation period for gonorrhea is two days to two weeks.
Symptoms of the disease in men are as follows:
- Urethritis develops - an inflammatory process that is localized in the urethra. A man begins to experience discomfort and pain during urination. In addition, a purulent secret is separated.
- In the absence of timely treatment, a man develops prostatitis. There is swelling of the scrotum, pain appears in the lower abdomen, discomfort increases with the onset of an erection.
Routes of transmission of gonorrhea do not affect symptoms.
Manifestations in women
The most common symptoms in women are:
- Purulent discharge from the vagina.
- Inflammatory process localized in the bladder.
- Redness of the mucous membranes of the vagina.
- Painful manifestations in the lower abdomen.
We have looked at how gonorrhea is transmitted, and the symptoms of this pathology have also been outlined.

Gonorrhea treatment
When detecting the primary symptoms of gonorrhea, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible, self-medication is strictly excluded.
Tripper therapysuggests taking antibiotics. The selection of the drug is carried out taking into account the severity of the symptoms and the general he alth of the patient. In general, doctors prefer to use drugs that are part of the fluoroquinolone or cephalosporin group.
The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the correct choice of the drug, its dosage and duration of treatment. If the patient is found to be intolerant to antibiotics, sulfonamides should be preferred.
Gonorrhea should be treated comprehensively and antibiotics should be supplemented with the use of local preparations in the form of pastes, gels and ointments. It is also recommended to take immunomodulators and conduct physiotherapeutic procedures.
It is important to complete the full course of treatment, and not stop it after the onset of relief. An interrupted course of therapy is fraught with the flow of the disease into a chronic latent form, the detection and treatment of which is difficult due to the acquired resistance of gonococci to antibiotics. It is important to know in advance the ways of infection with gonorrhea in order to carry out competent prevention of the disease.

Infection prevention
Gonorrhea has many ways of transmission. You can protect yourself and avoid infection with gonococci if you follow a few simple preventive rules:
- When having sex, be sure to use a condom. This simple measure is one of the most effective in protecting against gonorrhea.
- Promiscuous sex significantly increases the risk of contracting gonorrhea. InTo avoid infection, you should carefully monitor the he alth of your partners. It is better to give up promiscuity.
- After sex with a person whose he alth is worrying you, it is recommended to carry out medical prophylaxis. The choice of the drug and the selection of the dosage should be carried out exclusively by a competent specialist.
- To prevent infection, men should visit the toilet and empty their bladder immediately after intercourse. Women can use intravaginal ointments.
- Regular visits to the doctor and check-ups. This will allow timely detection of infection, if it occurs. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the treatment of any disease primarily depends on the correct diagnosis and timely therapy.
- Be aware that the risk of contracting gonorrhea is much higher in immunocompromised people. Therefore, you should support the body's defense system with proper nutrition, sports, and taking vitamin and mineral complexes.
Routes of infection with syphilis and gonorrhea
There are significant differences between common diseases like gonorrhea and syphilis.
Both diseases are transmitted mainly through sexual contact, but they have a different pathogen. Gonorrhea develops when exposed to gonococci, while syphilis provokes the activity of the microorganism Treponema palladium.
Unlike gonorrhea, the symptoms of which develop as early as 2-10 days after infection and manifest as itching, burning and discharge of fluid from the anus and genitalorgans, syphilis has several categories, each of which is characterized by a separate group of symptoms.
In primary syphilis, sores appear on the tissues, most often in the mouth, on the genitals, in the rectum. The secondary category follows the initial stage of the disease, developing several weeks after the chancres have healed. A person with secondary syphilis feels headaches, weakness. A rash appears, loss of appetite occurs.

The ways of infection with syphilis and gonorrhea are very similar. With latent syphilis, a person is still contagious, but the disease does not appear outwardly and can only be detected during a laboratory blood test. Tertiary syphilis is the final stage in the development of the disease. Manifested by bone pain, anemia, high fever, non-healing ulcers.
The treatment of syphilis also coincides with the treatment of gonorrhea - antibiotics of the penicillin or dioxycycline group are indicated in combination with local drugs.
The basic methods of preventing syphilis are similar to gonorrhea: it is important to protect yourself during sexual intercourse and avoid contact with an infected person.
Everyone should know how to get gonorrhea.