Moles, they are nevi, every person has. They can "settle" both on the face and on any other part of the body. Nevi are large and small, brown and red (and some other colors), flat and hanging, with and without a hair growing from them. I wonder why moles appear? Are they safe for human he alth? Is it worth getting rid of them? Let's try to find answers to all these questions.

The first moles appear in young children at the age of 1-2 years. Those. a person is born without them, but even in infancy they are poorly visible and usually small in size, so it is not always possible to pay attention to them. Over time, their number may increase, especially during puberty. Nevi can also appear in an adult, regardless of how old he is. In order to understand why moles appear, it should be explained that theyare spots with a high content of the pigment melanin, which is responsible for skin color. The production of melanin is associated with ultraviolet light, so during long exposure to the sun, moles may appear. But not only for this reason.
Moles appear at the genetic level, during pregnancy, with hormonal failure. According to statistics, women suffer from them more often than men. The same goes for people with pale skin, red hair and blue eyes.

Are moles safe
It is believed that if moles do not cause any inconvenience to a person, then they are safe. But if they are reddened, darkened, enlarged, you want to scratch, you feel pain, blood comes out and hair grows quickly from the mole, it is time to sound the alarm. You should also consult a doctor if moles appear in large numbers, while the symptoms described above also make themselves felt. Large nevi are more dangerous, as they can lead to the development of a tumor. They should be observed especially carefully, and on the recommendation of a doctor, they should be removed altogether.
It should be remembered that moles should not be exposed. They are not torn off, they are not picked, they are not scratched. They cannot be injured. That is why those nevi that are located in places prone, for example, to cuts or bumps, should also be removed. Among such dangerous areas, we note the feet, neck, palms and wrists.
Interesting fact

English scientists came to the conclusion that if moles appear, then you can understand how quickly a person will grow old. So, if there are a lot of nevi on the human body, he will live much longer than those who have only a few moles. Believe it or not, everyone will decide for himself.
So, we have determined with you what moles appear from, although the reasons for their origin are not fully disclosed. I would like to note that you should not treat them as harmless residents of your body. Even if they do not cause you problems, often look closely at their appearance and size. Well, if you still have not consulted a doctor in the presence of large nevi, be sure to do this in order to prevent the development of tumor diseases.