Hydrogen peroxide: treatment of nail fungus. Will hydrogen peroxide help with nail fungus?

Hydrogen peroxide: treatment of nail fungus. Will hydrogen peroxide help with nail fungus?
Hydrogen peroxide: treatment of nail fungus. Will hydrogen peroxide help with nail fungus?

The disinfecting properties of hydrogen peroxide are known to all. This tool is in every family in the home first aid kit, because it is ideal for washing various wounds. It can be used to disinfect any damage.

Causes of fungal infections

Hydrogen peroxide treatment for nail fungus
Hydrogen peroxide treatment for nail fungus

Many people are faced with lesions of the nail plates of the toes, and sometimes hands. Fungal diseases can occur as a result of infection in warm enclosed spaces with high humidity, where there is the possibility of contact with a sick person. These can be swimming pools, public showers, gyms. Also, the risk of developing a fungal infection on the nail plates occurs when the feet are in a humid environment for a long time, when wearing poor-quality non-ventilated shoes. People with nail or skin injuries, diabetes mellitus and psoriasis are more susceptible to developing the disease.

Treatment of these problems can be delayed for quite a long period. However, it is oftenturns out to be expensive. But few people know that fungal infections of the skin and nails can be cured with hydrogen peroxide.

Symptoms of problems

If you notice that the nails have become thickened, discolored, then you can suspect the beginning of the development of the disease. The next step will be increased fragility of the nail plates. If you neglect these symptoms and do not start appropriate treatment, then the disease itself will not go away. The skin under and around the nails becomes inflamed and painful. Even if the symptoms subside, this does not mean that you have got rid of the problems. In most cases, the disease returns, and periods of remission are followed by exacerbations.

use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of nail fungus
use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of nail fungus

To get rid of the problem forever, without spending huge amounts on medicines, you can treat nail fungus with folk remedies. The best methods and recipes involve using hydrogen peroxide for this purpose.

Indications for use

Knowing the disinfectant properties of a 3% pharmacy peroxide solution, not everyone can guess that it can be used not only for washing open wounds. It is this remedy that copes with many infections. Fungal infections are no exception.

hydrogen peroxide helps with nail fungus
hydrogen peroxide helps with nail fungus

Of course, doctors prefer to prescribe complex therapy with expensive drugs designed to get rid of the fungus. But at the same time, it is unlikely that doctors will tell you that folk remedies will help remove nail fungus.treatment. Hydrogen peroxide takes pride of place among the variety of options.

Tactics of action

To understand exactly how treatment should be carried out, you need to know that the drug should be in maximum contact with the source of infection. And the nail plate is a kind of shield between the affected tissues and the external environment. Therefore, if you decide to use hydrogen peroxide, the treatment of nail fungus should be carried out as follows.

First of all, it is necessary to cut the nail plate as short as possible. All contaminants must be carefully removed. This is the only way to ensure maximum contact of the active substance with pathogens. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to make a soda bath for the hands or feet, depending on where the lesion is located. This is necessary to soften the skin and nails.

fungal infection of the skin of the nails cures hydrogen peroxide
fungal infection of the skin of the nails cures hydrogen peroxide

After that, you can start using hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of nail fungus is carried out as follows: the affected finger must be placed in a container with a pharmacy 3% solution of this remedy for at least half an hour. At the same time, you should not make foot or hand baths from peroxide. This can cause skin irritation. After completing the procedure, dry your feet thoroughly with a clean, dry towel.


If you have 1-2 fingers affected, then making baths only for them, without dipping the entire leg, is problematic. But you should not, because of this, refuse to use suchagents like hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of nail fungus in this case can be carried out with the help of lotions. They are made as follows: a cotton pad is cut out according to the shape of the nail, impregnated with hydrogen peroxide and applied to the problem area.

In order for the specified compress not to move, it must be fixed. It is also desirable to prevent the possibility of peroxide evaporation. To do this, wrap the finger with the affected nail in polyethylene, fixing it with a band-aid or a fingertip.

Features of treatment

Like any other method of therapy, hydrogen peroxide will not immediately help with nail fungus. Treatment in most cases stretches for several months. But to get the best results in the shortest possible time, you must follow some rules. By the way, if you start such therapy when the first signs appear, then there is a chance to get rid of the problem in a few weeks.

nail fungus folk remedies hydrogen peroxide treatment
nail fungus folk remedies hydrogen peroxide treatment

So, after the procedure is completed, it is important that the legs remain open as long as possible. Do not immediately put on slippers or pull on socks. The longer the affected areas are in contact with air, the better. It is also important to monitor the length of the nails. They need to be cut off as they grow. By the way, for the period of treatment you will have to forget about applying varnish.

You need to do baths daily (or better twice a day) that use hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of nail fungus requires systematic. If you skip procedures, be lazy to do themdaily, the effectiveness of therapy will decrease.

Additional infection control

Hearing that hydrogen peroxide treatment can take several months, many are looking for alternatives. But anyone can try to speed up the healing process by using a combination of several remedies. So, many recommend the use of hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of nail fungus combined with the use of ordinary table vinegar. Means are mixed in equal proportions. Use the same way as just peroxide. With the help of the mixture, you can make baths or lotions.

nail fungus treatment folk remedies best methods and recipes
nail fungus treatment folk remedies best methods and recipes

The procedure should last as long as in cases where hydrogen peroxide is used. Treating nail fungus with a combination of vinegar and H2O2 gives the best results because the former restores the pH of the nails and the latter neutralizes the infectious agents.


Until people experience nail fungus or skin fungus, they underestimate the importance of preventing this problem. So, the main methods of prevention include regular washing of the feet, in which it is important to pay special attention to the cleanliness of the fingers. It is also important to dry the feet after water procedures, using dry and clean towels for this purpose. If possible, it is advisable to buy shoes made from natural breathable materials and use powder if your feet sweat.
