Types of ulcers, what they look like, symptoms, causes, treatments

Types of ulcers, what they look like, symptoms, causes, treatments
Types of ulcers, what they look like, symptoms, causes, treatments

In the article, we will consider what an ulcer of the skin and mucous membranes looks like, which develops in different organs. The presented photos will help to recognize the onset of the disease in order to begin treatment procedures as soon as possible. You will learn the causes of their occurrence on the integument of the body, the main symptoms by which they can be recognized, how ulcers are treated.

First, let's find out how this type of tissue damage differs from simple wounds and erosions. An ulcer is a deep, inflamed, long-lasting defect on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane, the healing of which occurs with scarring, as tissue particles are irretrievably lost.

Ulcers can be the result of an infectious disease, mechanical damage to the integument, occur after chemical or radiation exposure. Often ulcers from varicose veins or other disorders of the blood supply to the organ, as well as the innervation of the site. If the ulcer does not heal within one month, then we are talking about a trophic ulcer. Most often to see what a trophic ulcer looks like,it is possible on the lower extremities (feet and lower leg) of people suffering from impaired venous outflow. Irreversible processes on the skin lead to the fact that the protective function of this place is greatly weakened and unable to withstand external influences.

Next, let's take a closer look at what an ulcer looks like in different places of the human body, how to recognize it at an early stage by common symptoms, how to treat it.

Ulcer on the walls of the stomach

Helicobacter pylori exposure is believed to be the main cause of stomach ulcers. This is a bacterium that enters the stomach with food and multiplies rapidly, damaging the mucous membrane. The ability of protective mechanisms is reduced, and the mucus secreted by the stomach is no longer able to cope with pepsin and hydrochloric acid. Aggressive factors destroy the mucous membrane, which leads to the appearance of an ulcer. Another reason for the appearance of an ulcer in the stomach is a nervous shock, constant stress that causes spasms of the muscles and, of course, the blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract.

stomach ulcer
stomach ulcer

As a result of impaired blood flow in the stomach, stagnation occurs, the aggressive environment of the gastric juice corrodes the walls, which leads to an ulcer. Also, the disease can appear as a result of other diseases - tuberculosis or diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver or hepatitis, lung cancer or pancreatitis, etc. Injuries to the stomach of a mechanical or chemical nature can also bring the mucous membrane to ulcers, as can some drugs.

Diagnosis of disease

A doctor can see howlooks like a stomach ulcer, making the patient fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy. This is a study during which a small camera is lowered into the stomach through a special tube and the entire mucous membrane with all the flaws is visible on the monitor screen. At the same time, the contents of the stomach are taken for analysis, checking for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. Also, the doctor prescribes blood, urine and feces tests to detect blood impurities. Be sure to make the patient an ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as radiography with contrast or monitoring the PH of gastric juice, checking it for aggressiveness of the environment.

How is an ulcer screened?
How is an ulcer screened?

What a stomach ulcer looks like, the patient will not be able to see, but he will understand its presence in the body by the symptoms. These are painful sensations in the stomach, heartburn after eating, burning, nausea, profuse gas formation with belching, a feeling of fullness even after a small portion of food. With the disease, appetite decreases, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, there is a violation of the stool (there may be both constipation and disorders).

How to cure a stomach ulcer

Look carefully at the photo of what a stomach ulcer looks like. The mucosa can be damaged in one or more places. If the ulcer bleeds or has penetrated the entire wall of the stomach, then surgery is prescribed. If the ulcer is not perforated, then the treatment consists of several stages.

what does a stomach ulcer look like
what does a stomach ulcer look like
  1. Antibacterial therapy. The doctor prescribes at least two antibiotics from the tetracycline or penicillin group.
  2. Drugs thatdesigned to increase the protective properties of the mucous membrane, for example, "De-Nol", which forms a film on the walls of the stomach.
  3. Antisecretory agents not only envelop the mucosa, but also neutralize the effect of the aggressiveness of hydrochloric acid. This significantly reduces heartburn, gas formation and pain. It could be "Maalox" or "Almagel".
  4. Proton pump blockers block the increased production of hydrochloric acid that corrodes the stomach wall. It's Omez or Omeprazole.
  5. In addition, the doctor may prescribe probiotics ("Linex" or "Bifiform"), Valerian gives a sedative effect after eating, improves the motor functions of the digestive organs "Motilium", and relieves tension and spasms "No-shpa".

Treatment is carried out for quite a long period. At the same time, a strict diet is observed, excluding alcohol, coffee, broths, flour products, canned food, seasonings, smoked meats and fatty meat and fish, fried and gas-causing vegetables (beans, legumes, radishes and cabbage) are not allowed. Fruits and vegetables should be cooked. And citrus fruits should be excluded altogether because of the acid, which will negatively affect the mucous membrane.

Ulcers in the duodenum

What does a duodenal ulcer look like? Just like the stomach. The symptoms of the disease are also similar, as are the causes of the disease. Treatment is carried out according to the recommendations of a gastroenterologist. It is necessary to follow a strict diet, as the following are possiblecomplications:

  • bleeding from ulcer site;
  • perforation, that is, the ulcer passes through the entire wall of the intestine;
  • penetration, when the ulcer spreads to nearby organs;
  • pyloric stenosis, in which the opening between the stomach and intestines becomes narrow, preventing food from passing from one organ to another.

To prevent ulcers of both the stomach and duodenum, preventive measures must be observed. Lead a he althy lifestyle, eat right, avoid stressful situations, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke. Observe the daily routine, give up tedious work, do not go to the night shift. Be sure to follow a strict diet so that the ulcer does not develop into a chronic form.

Ulcer with white coating in the mouth

If ulcers appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth or gums, this may indicate not only the appearance of a dental disease, but also many other infectious diseases, including syphilis and HIV. Many have seen what mouth ulcers look like. You can take a closer look at the photo below.

mouth ulcer
mouth ulcer

Such ulcers have rounded outlines, inflamed borders and a white coating on the wound itself. Its presence in the mouth brings discomfort while eating, drinking, talking. A person experiences pain, increased salivation, general weakness, loss of appetite and even an increase in body temperature, the causes of which are:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periadenitis in necrotic form;
  • tuberculosismucous membrane of the mouth or lungs;
  • infections;
  • oncological diseases;
  • herpes or enterovirus infection;
  • injury during dental operations, from biting the cheek or blow to the jaw, chemical burns or reaction to too acidic food, from coarse bristles on the toothbrush;
  • due to drug exposure.

What an ulcer looks like, you can see in the mirror. If at home it is not possible to cure such an ulcer, then you need to contact a specialist and identify the root cause of the disease. For treatment, drugs are used based on the results of the examination. These can be antifungal or anti-inflammatory, antihistamine or antiviral drugs. If a herpes virus is found, then anti-herpes substances are prescribed. A complex of vitamins and minerals will also help. A good help in complex treatment will be folk methods - decoctions of herbs: chamomile, sage or eucalyptus. Local anesthetics in the form of ointments and sprays will reduce pain. After treatment, the doctor needs to check how the ulcer looks, whether there are positive improvements.

Prevention measures

To minimize cases of stomatitis and other oral ulcers, you need to follow the rules of hygiene - use a quality toothbrush, monitor oral he alth. It will help to strengthen the immunity of the body as a whole, eating fruits and vegetables. Nutrition should be balanced, containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

irrigatorfor cleaning teeth
irrigatorfor cleaning teeth

Irrigators are considered an effective method of cleansing the oral cavity from food debris. Under the strong pressure of water, all the gaps between the teeth can be freed, preventing both stomatitis and periodontal disease of the gums.

Skin ulcers

The human epidermis tends to quickly recover from damage. But there are cases when the rehabilitation processes slow down significantly or stop altogether. Places in which necrotic tissue falls off, and new ones do not grow, turn into non-healing ulcers on the skin. How such a lesion looks and develops in stages can be seen in the figure below.

gradual manifestation of an ulcer
gradual manifestation of an ulcer

Tissues in such places do not recover for a long time, skin ulcers cause a lot of inconvenience. Slow skin regeneration depends on the weakening of the human immune system, the presence of inflammatory processes. And the ulcers themselves become the entrance "gates" for many bacteria. Infections quickly enter the circulatory system and spread throughout the body.

Causes of occurrence

  1. Various injuries associated with both mechanical damage to the integrity of the skin, and with electrical, thermal or radiation effects.
  2. Ulcers on the skin can occur from tumors, such as sarcoma or Hodgkin's disease.
  3. With blood flow disorders, anemia, blood diseases, as well as scurvy or diabetes, side effects in the form of skin ulcers are possible. What leg ulcers look like can be seen in a patient with varicose veins.
  4. Infectiousskin lesions.
  5. Progressive paralysis.
  6. Diseases associated with changes in the structure of the walls of blood vessels, such as Raynaud's disease or syphilitic aortitis.

Treatment of external ulcers

After examining how the ulcers look in the photo, the patient can see a doctor in time and begin treatment. First of all, a series of hygiene measures are carried out. The surface of the skin is cleaned of purulent secretions, compositions or ointments that draw out purulent contents are applied to the wound. Dressings should be changed several times a day.

how to clear an ulcer on the skin
how to clear an ulcer on the skin

Folk methods have a good effect on the skin condition:

  • You can wash an ulcer using freshly squeezed juice from cabbage leaves or potatoes.
  • Bitter wormwood, pounded into a pulp fresh, applied to a bandage folded several times, and applied to difficult-to-heal ulcers, changing bandages 2-3 times a day.
  • Juice of room geranium or extract of comfrey also heals the affected areas of the skin.

In combination with hygiene and cleansing procedures, you need to increase immunity. For this, vitamin preparations are prescribed.

If external treatments fail to get rid of the ulcer, then surgery is recommended. During the operation, dead skin is cut off, a deep defect is filled with a graft.

What do ulcers look like with varicose veins

Varicose veins are accompanied by destruction of the structure of blood vessels. From this, an insufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen enters the epidermis. You can determine what leg ulcers look like by visually examining the limbs. When a constantly weeping wound appears, you should definitely consult a doctor, because varicose ulcers often develop into trophic ones. They can occur not only from varicose veins, but also from diabetes.

The skin in the affected area acquires a burgundy hue, becomes inflamed, begins to itch. You can see strongly pigmented spots, bruises, palpation feels seals on the skin. These are all harbingers of varicose ulcers.


If you have these signs and look at what the ulcer looks like on the leg in the photo, immediately rush to the doctor to start treatment on time, because these ulcers have a number of complications, such as damage not only to all layers of the skin, but also to muscle tissue, tendons and even bones.

Treatment of varicose ulcers

First of all, the treatment begins with the treatment of the site of the ulcer with antiseptics. This will slow down the suppuration and growth of bacteria. The wounds are treated several times a day with Furacilin or Miromistin.

In order for the skin to regenerate faster, you need to use Lemicol. It will not only soothe the inflammatory process on the skin, but also relieve irritation on the surface. This ointment effectively heals wounds.

Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal drugs, general purpose vitamin complexes will help speed up recovery. It is important to strengthen the body's immunity so that it is actively involved in the fight against the harmful effects of microbes.

Venotonics is simpleindispensable in the treatment of varicose veins. They contribute to the regeneration of blood vessels, exclude the formation of blood clots.

What does a trophic ulcer look like? Usually it is festering. Here the influence of "Argosulfan" is already necessary. This is a strong antibacterial drug that is used externally to fight abscesses.

Often, ulcers with varicose veins constantly itch, causing an irresistible desire to comb the diseased limb. This can lead to detrimental consequences. To reduce itching, you will need antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Fenistil, etc.

ulcer laser irradiation
ulcer laser irradiation

In the treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures are also used - laser or ultraviolet radiation. During the session, the wound dries up and microorganisms die.

How to identify a trophic ulcer

Most trophic ulcers are associated with impaired blood flow. Most often, they outgrow from venous ulcers and are localized either on the foot or on the lower parts of the lower leg. If a trophic ulcer appears on the leg (what the clinical picture looks like, we will describe below), you should immediately consult a doctor for help, without bringing the matter to irreparable consequences or surgical intervention.

The process of formation of a trophic ulcer is gradual. The skin on the leg becomes purple and darkens, you can feel the seals and swelling. At the site of the future wound, the epithelium stretches and becomes shiny. Experts gave the process the name "patent leather". Drops of lymphatic fluid appear on it. Evenminor damage to the skin can lead to the formation of a wound.

Gradually, its size increases both in width and in depth. The process is accompanied by unbearable itching, painful sensations, often there is an increase in body temperature. An infection enters the wound and suppuration begins. Sometimes the whole body suffers from a trophic ulcer, resulting in a general infection, which can cause fatal consequences for a person.


You already know what a trophic ulcer looks like in the photo. Consider the methods of treatment of such pathology of the skin. First of all, the cause of venous insufficiency is eliminated in the patient. It is necessary to stop the increased pressure and swelling at the site of the ulcer, as well as the pathological return of blood flow through the veins in the first place.

Laser and radiofrequency thermoagulation are considered modern and quite effective ways to establish the correct venous outflow, remove sclerotation of damaged vessels.

After this, the doctor examines what a trophic ulcer on the leg looks like (photo at the beginning of the article) and prescribes venotonics and drugs that enhance skin regeneration in this place. If the ulcer has a diameter of more than 6 cm, then transplantation of material from the thigh or from the anterior wall of the abdomen is practiced on the skin. In some cases, a fasciotomy is performed. Dissection of muscle tissue allows you to relieve pressure inside the tissues, while facilitating blood supply.

Anti-inflammatories and physiotherapy will help. Treatment with polarized light will help relieve pain, reduce itching, and speed up recovery. After acute conditionthe patient will be recommended elastic bandaging of the limb or wearing compression underwear. This will relieve stress and improve the overall condition of the legs. In order for the blood flow to better disperse the blood through the vessels, the doctor will advise you to take walks daily and increase physical activity. If you are tired, you need to put your legs on an elevation, for example, while lying on a sofa, raise them on a pillow.


This is a very dangerous infectious disease that is transmitted to humans from animals, both agricultural and wild. It is characterized by a lightning-fast course and hemorrhagic inflammations on the skin or internal organs, a carbuncle appears with purulent contents. Anthrax can be contracted after contact with a sick animal, through stable flies or horsefly bites, and less often through soil or food. What anthrax looks like should be known to farm workers, slaughterhouse workers, and hiders at enterprises.

The clinical picture is characterized by acute manifestations - high fever, severe chills, swollen lymph nodes. At the site of entry of the infection, a spot is first formed, similar to an insect bite. It hurts a lot, acquires a red-blue color, constantly itches. A day later, the spot turns into a papule, then into a vesicle with a diameter of several millimeters, which is filled first with serous, and then with bloody fluid. When the inflated bubble bursts, an ulcer remains on the skin. Small vesicles appear on its outer outlines, which expand the ulcer. This process continues for 2-3 weeks. In the center of the ulcer is formedblack eschar (necrosis). Edema and granulating ulcer appear. Fatty tissue is captured under the skin and the process ends with the rejection of the scab and the formation of a dense scar on the skin.

For treatment, in addition to antibiotics of the penicillin group, anti-anthrax immunoglobulin is prescribed. Treatment should take place only in a hospital and under the strict supervision of a physician. In order to prevent such a terrible infection, special measures are used on farms and large farms - animals are sanitized and vaccinated on time, hygiene standards are observed. If, nevertheless, there was contact with a sick animal, you need to undergo prophylactic antibiotic therapy for 5 days.

The article examined in detail all types of ulcers, the photo shows how they look on the skin and on the mucous membrane of the stomach and oral cavity. Take care of yourself and don't delay going to the doctor. After all, it is much easier to recover in the first days of the disease than from its advanced form.