Fungus on the hands is a very common problem today. And people of all ages face it. Men most often suffer from dermatophytes, and women - from lesions of the skin integument with yeast-like candida fungi. The so-called mycoses are more susceptible to those people who often come into contact with liquids during the day, which can be intended for construction and repair work, cleaning, etc.

During such contacts, the protective cover of the skin is destroyed. Crusts and microcracks form on it, which become a direct way of infecting a person with a variety of skin infections. A photo of the fungus on the hands will be presented below.
Causes of mycosis of the hands
The causative agents of mycoses of various etiologies can be a variety of bacteria and fungi, which can be latent for a long time and not cause people any inconvenience, without manifesting themselves in the form of damage to the skin of the hands. The fungus spreads in the following ways:
- handshakes;
- using other people's hygiene products;
- wearing other people's things:
- visiting swimming pools, baths, saunas, etc.;
- caring for feet affected by fungal infections;
- touching door handles, as well as handrails in public transport.

If a person has strong immunity, the fungus on the hands is destroyed by immune defense cells. However, in cases of excessive sweating of the hands, as well as in the presence of some hormonal disruptions in the endocrine system, the likelihood of infection increases significantly. Risk factors are also increased nervousness and vegetative-vascular dystonia, pregnancy, prolonged contact with household chemicals and insufficient adherence to simple hygiene rules.
At risk are the elderly, who often suffer from concomitant diseases, and also have a weak immune system. Children are also more prone to fungal infections than adults, and their disease is much more severe, due to the fact that their immunity is not yet sufficiently developed to suppress the invasion of fungi into the body.
If the disease is not treated, it will worsen further. At the initial stage, pathology causes inconvenience with an external unaesthetic appearance. As the disease develops, it leads to general intoxication of the body. The person begins to suffer from:
- headache;
- nausea in the morning;
- diarrhea;
- general weakness;
- loss of appetite;
- irritability.
Fungus on the hands is 1, 2 and 3 stages. The simplest step is the first one. Symptomsusually lubricated. The second and third stages force patients to consult a dermatologist.
The advanced stage of the fungus on the hands is very unpleasant. In addition to itching and spots, a pustular crust appears. This indicates that a bacterial infection has joined.
Topical treatment does not completely eradicate the fungus. Most often, antimycotic tablets and antibiotics are required.
Clinical picture of mycosis caused by dermatophytes
Symptoms of fingernail fungus can vary. It directly depends on what type of pathogen the disease is caused by. Common signs of fungal infections can manifest themselves in various parts of the hands: on the nails, palms, between the fingers. That is, such areas are those where the skin is least protected.

The fungus provoked by dermatophytes causes burning and itching on the palms, peeling of the skin in these areas, cracks in the area between the fingers, and changes in the appearance of the nails. They can become cloudy, dense. On their surface, as a rule, depressions and bulges begin to appear, and white spots and yellowish foci of infection are visible in the thickness of the nails. If the disease is not treated, a severe stage of the fungus on the hands will occur, in which the nails will gradually begin to exfoliate and crumble.
The skin becomes cracked when infected with dermatophytes. Areas of redness begin to appear on it. If such lesions are infected with various types of bacteria, ulcers and areas of weeping skin, blisters and erosions can form. Symptomsdiseases that are provoked by dermatophytes are similar to the manifestations of eczema and psoriasis.
Clinical picture of candidiasis of the skin of the hands
The fungus on the hands manifests itself with soreness of the skin and severe itching in some of its areas. Gradually, peeling begins, the formation of dense growths and cracks. The lesion affects mainly the skin between the fingers and palms, which is explained by excessive sweating of these areas. It can penetrate under the nails, destroying their structure and causing purulent inflammation.

Treatment of the fungus on the hands
Treatment of mycoses of the skin of the hands is a whole range of procedures, both therapeutic and preventive and hygienic. Therapy is based on the use of local agents, as well as drugs taken orally. However, therapeutic measures are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and are individual in nature, depending on the pathogen and the degree of neglect of the disease.
Initially, the necessary diagnostic measures are taken to establish the cause of mycosis. In this case, it is necessary to find out what spores or bacteria the disease was caused by. From here follows the scheme for the treatment of nail fungus on the hands.
Preventive and preparatory procedures
Therapeutic measures begin with a whole range of preventive and preparatory procedures, which include organizing the cleaning of damaged skin, as well as removing keratinization and flaking from its surface. For this, variouscompresses that are applied to fungus-affected areas of the skin of the hands. For example, a compress with petroleum jelly, as well as with salicylic and lactic acid. Such dressings are applied for two days, after which the dried and keratinized skin is easily removed.
After hygienic procedures, drug treatment of the fungus on the fingers follows. For this, as a rule, medical preparations containing corticosteroids, as well as sulfuric and tar ointments are used. These medicines help relieve inflammation at the skin lesions.

The Ureaplast drug is used in cases where it is required to completely exfoliate a nail affected by a fungal infection.
The range of antifungal creams and ointments today is very wide, however, when choosing the right remedy, it is necessary to take into account the type of fungus and the degree of the disease. Among these ointments are used:
- Nizoral;
- "Lamisil cream";
- "Nitrofungin";
- "Exoderil";
- Clotrimazole;
- "Ketoconazole";
- zinc ointment, etc.
Additional funds
After the basic treatment of fungal infections of the hands, various additional products are used to help protect the skin from further infection. For example, it is recommended to cover nails with a special varnish, and skin treatment is carried out with the help of medicines such as iodine, Lugol's Solution, Vokadin. Well help in the fight against fungal diseases of the skin baths with the addition of ammonia andChloramine.

Oral drugs
Medicines taken orally are also used for systemic treatment of mycosis of the hands. These drugs are:
- "Orungal";
- Terbinafine;
- "Fluconazole".
Treatment of fungal diseases is a very long process. Therapy can last from a month to a whole year, and recovery can be considered the complete disappearance of pathogens from the body, which in this case are fungal cells.
Disinfection of objects and prevention
Followed by preventive methods of fungus control and disinfection of objects used by a sick person. Items such as clothes and shoes, furniture should be subjected to such events.
If a person once had a similar type of disease, he needs to be attentive to measures to prevent the development of infection again in the future. For this you need:
- In case of damage to the skin of the hands (cuts, abrasions), it is necessary to treat the injury site with special disinfectant solutions.
- Protective gloves must be worn when using household detergents.
- You can't use someone else's manicure kits and carefully monitor your own.
- Keeping simple hand hygiene practices, such as washing after coming from public places and after going to the toilet.

Undesirable consequences of mycosis of the skin of the hands
These consequences include the addition of a bacterial infection of the skin due to the lack of timely treatment of the fungus on the hands. In this case, the patient needs more serious treatment, which will include the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials, which will affect the functioning of the immune system and the functions of the digestive organs.