Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment

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Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment
Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment

Video: Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment

Video: Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment
Video: 5 Amazing Uses of Aloe Vera 2025, January

Paronychia is an inflammation of the nail fold of the finger. The main cause of this disease is a manicure, which was performed with non-sterile instruments. Less commonly, paronychia can be caused by a scratch or a prick. It is worth noting that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity suffer from this defect five times more often than the stronger sex.

Description of the disease

paronychia is
paronychia is

Paronychia is a disease that can disturb a person as a result of an injury, or if an infection gets under the skin around the nail plate. As a rule, the main reason for the appearance of this ailment is constant contact with high temperatures or with chemicals.

It is worth noting that this disease can develop as a complication with the following diagnoses:

  • psoriasis;
  • chronic hand eczema;
  • dermatosis;
  • infectious syphilis;
  • diabetes.

But most often the disease manifests itself in those people who do not observe personal hygiene or wear tight shoes. It is worth noting that such a disease can manifest itself due to an ingrown nail.

Paronychia is a disease that affects women much more than men. Since their nail folds receive a large number of injuries during manicure and pedicure. And representatives of the beautiful half of humanity wear narrow shoes more often.

Types of paronychia

periungual panaritium
periungual panaritium

Currently, several types of paronychia have been identified, namely:

  • dry paronychia;
  • tourniole;
  • erosive and ulcerative paronychia;
  • chronic paronychia.

Dry paronychia is a form of the disease in which pus is absent. Instead, a person has severe peeling and keratinization of the nail fold. This type of ailment most often appears as a result of trauma, with psoriasis and eczema.

Turniol - this form of the disease is accompanied by severe suppuration. At the same time, the finger hurts a lot. This type indicates the onset of infectious paronychia caused by a fungus such as Candida or streptococcal infection.

With an erosive and ulcerative form, small blisters and sores may appear on the skin around the nail plate. It is this form of the disease that acquires a pathological process that passes to the nail. As a rule, it develops in those people who have syphilis. The thumb on the hand suffers most often.

Chronic paronychia. ATIn this case, a person does not have a cuticle, and the nail plate itself is strongly thickened or has a deformed shape. This type of disease mainly develops with constant contact with water. Thus, the most favorable environment for the growth and reproduction of bacteria and fungi is created.

First signs of paronychia

The first sign that a person is developing paronychia is when the periungual panaritium becomes inflamed and starts to hurt. Further, the pain will only intensify. Then there is a change in the color of the skin. And if the appeal for help was untimely, then the person has a deformation of the nail plate. Moreover, with this defect, local temperature will be observed in the affected area.

At the first symptom, a person should seek help from a specialist who can accurately determine the type of disease. It is important to understand that this ailment cannot be ignored, since such negligence can lead to more serious complications. After all, this is an inflammatory process of the periungual roller, and such an ailment can affect several fingers of a person at the same time, although it is the thumb on the hand that inflames more often.

Diagnosis of disease

periungual ridge
periungual ridge

The diagnosis of "paronychia" can only be identified and made by a surgeon. As a rule, no special examinations are required. Basically, a visual inspection of the affected area is sufficient. The periungual felon is very inflamed, there is swelling of the finger.

But in some cases, a specialist may prescribe tests, such as:

  • complete blood count;
  • blood sugar test;
  • analysis for the Wasserman reaction;
  • biopsy.

The above studies are prescribed if the specialist suspects a fungal infection or diabetes mellitus, syphilis.

Treatment of paronychia

sore finger
sore finger

First of all, the treatment of such a defect depends on the cause of its occurrence. If this ailment was provoked by a fungal infection, then the course of treatment will include tablets and antifungal ointments for external use.

If a person has been diagnosed with infectious paronychia, then treatment is carried out using alcohol compresses. It is worth noting that this method is possible only if the procedures are started on the first day of the onset of symptoms. Moreover, if this ailment has developed as a result of any disease, then first they get rid of the provocateur who caused the abscess on the finger.

If this ailment arose as a result of an injury or high temperatures, then the patient should limit contact with provocateurs before starting treatment. Then the specialist will prescribe medications that will improve blood microcirculation and normalize metabolism.

If your finger hurts, see a doctor as soon as possible.

If you do not seek help in time, this ailment can affect the entire nail fold and the fiber located under it. In this case, operationalinterference is unavoidable. As a rule, during this manipulation, the corner of the nail plate is opened and accumulated pus and all dead tissue are removed. It is worth noting that during this manipulation there is a risk of damage to the nail bed and roller, and if this happens, the nail plate will grow deformed.


thumb on hand
thumb on hand

In some cases, when inflammation has developed severely, a specialist may prescribe antibiotics. They can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously. As a rule, after taking them, an improvement in the patient's condition is observed already on the second day.

Soda baths do a good job with this problem. To do this, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water. If a person plans to get rid of this defect in this way, then he should remember that the baths are effective for use only on the first day.

Is an abscess on the finger dangerous?

Possible Complications

Paronychia only at first glance seems to be a frivolous disease. This is precisely the insidiousness of this disease. If a person decides to treat this inflammation at home, then such manipulation should be performed with extreme caution, since the following complications may develop:

  • acute purulent inflammation of the finger, which can lead to its amputation;
  • phlegmon brush;
  • blood poisoning that can lead to arm amputation and in some cases death.

It's only at first glanceParonychia is a relatively minor condition. Therefore, before you self-medicate, you should consult a specialist. You should not risk your own he alth, only a surgeon will be able to determine the degree of development of the disease and recommend adequate treatment.

Disease prevention

abscess on finger
abscess on finger

Preventing this disease is quite simple. If a woman does a manicure and pedicure, then the tools for this procedure must be disinfected, including her hands. But if the periungual roller is already damaged, then it should be sealed with a bactericidal patch until the affected area is completely restored.

It is worth noting that in case of any damage to the skin on the fingers, the injured area should be treated immediately. For these purposes, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or antiseptic is suitable.

Many experts recommend a few simple procedures to help avoid paronychia:

  • watch your nails and don't bite them;
  • wear rubber gloves when washing dishes and floors;
  • Wash hands thoroughly after excavation and joinery work.

This rule also applies to cutting meat and fish.

paronychia of the finger
paronychia of the finger

This will help to successfully avoid the appearance of this defect on the fingers.


Paronychia of the finger on the hand is a rather unpleasant and painful disease, but most importantly, if you do not seek help in a timely manner, you can get a number of complications. Atthe appearance of this ailment, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist: if you seek help in time, you can get rid of the defect at home without additional medicines. Take care of yourself and your own he alth, and don't let such an ailment as paronychia bother you.