The grave bone is a benign cystic formation of a rounded shape up to 3 cm in diameter. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is localized near the joints and is usually inactive. It is a small bump filled with viscous contents that look like transparent jelly. It can appear on any part of the body: arm, leg and even on the forehead. Scientifically called hygroma.
Causes of occurrence
People believe that a grave bone on a leg or another place allegedly appears after a person looks through a window at a funeral procession or crosses her path on the street. Doctors say that hygroma is a consequence of frequent chronic or acute tendovaginitis. Other possible causes, according to doctors, are immense physical exertion, repeated repetition of the same type of movements, and injuries. However, no one can say exactly why a tumor forms. Sometimes she appears for no reason.

Is it necessary to treat?
Depends on the situation. Mogilnayabone can periodically disappear from the hand due to the flow of fluid into the joint cavity. But she will definitely come back. If the tumor does not bother you, you can not treat. Some people live with it all their lives and nothing. However, if the hygroma causes anxiety and pain, looks ugly, actively increases in size, then you should think about eliminating it. This can be done with the help of surgery, folk remedies and even magic.
Traditional treatment
As time has shown, conservative treatment of hygroma is not very effective. In addition, it gives relapses. Crushing a bone is a painful and wrong process. Yes, she disappears for a while, but then reappears. Moreover, in the "accompaniment" of inflammation, and sometimes suppuration. Therefore, doctors refused such a procedure and do not recommend it to patients.

Some doctors try to puncture the hygroma. They do it this way: they insert a needle from a syringe into the middle of the cone and suck out the contents. Then various substances are injected. In this case, the tumor subsides for a while, but the shell remains in the same place and once filled with fluid again. There are two ways out: either carry out the procedure permanently, or abandon it. The second option is preferable.
The most effective method of traditional treatment at the moment is a radical operation, in which the hygroma is completely excised. The procedure lasts approximately 30 minutes, takes place under local or general anesthesia if indicated. Doctors remove the stitches 7-10 days after itcompletion. But even here there is no guarantee that the hygroma will not return again. Therefore, doctors advise everyone who constantly works with their hands to wear compensatory bandages to avoid relapses.
Folk remedies
How to get rid of a grave bone on an arm or leg? Healers recommend applying gauze soaked in special formulations to the sore spot. To create a compress, you can use:

- juice of various plants (particularly aloe);
- seventy-degree alcohol tincture;
- cabbage leaf smeared with honey;
- children's freshly collected urine;
- wormwood juice;
- infusion of hay dust and so on.
Compress using these tools is done "as usual". That is, first, wet gauze is applied to the place where the hygroma is located, and cellophane is placed on top of it. So that the compress does not fall off the hand, it is tied up with a warm scarf or scarf. Wearing time - until the morning, if you do it at night. Well, or at least 1-2 hours.
Folk recipes for the treatment of hygroma
To get rid of the grave bone completely with folk remedies, most likely, it will not work. But with their help, you can make the tumor less noticeable. To do this, healers recommend the following procedures:

- Take 6 leaves of ficus, chop, pour half a liter of purified kerosene. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. Strain, better - 2-3 times. Moisten gauze in vegetable oil, put on hand,on top - a linen napkin dipped in tincture. Cover with cellophane, bandage. Wear 10-15 minutes. If it starts to burn strongly, the compress should be removed immediately. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
- Young aloe try not to water for a week. Then take 1-2 leaves, chop, mix with honey and Cahors at the rate of 1:1:1. Leave for 2-3 hours. In the evening, lubricate the sore spot with a remedy, put cellophane on top. Wrap it up well, bandage it so that the compress does not fall off. Leave until morning.
- Knead uncooked dough from rye flour. Immediately, without waiting for it to come up, bake bread. Cut the finished pastry into 2 cakes. Sprinkle the halves with any s alt (1 tablespoon). Attach cakes on both sides of the sore spot, wrap with cellophane. Tie with a warm scarf. Repeat the procedure daily for a month, preferably at night.
You can also get rid of a grave bone on your hand in this way: boil and cool water slightly, add a little aloe juice to it. Dip the limb into the liquid, steam for half an hour, constantly adding boiling water. Next, grease the area with honey, put parchment paper on top of it. Wrap everything with cellophane and bandage it with a bandage. Leave until the morning. Repeat daily.
Getting rid of hygroma with the help of magic
There are many different rituals for removing hygroma from the hand or foot. This is considered the most effective: take a piece of meat, rub it on a sore spot, after reading a special conspiracy. It sounds like this:
Gravebone, you leave me! Where did you come from - go there!Dead to the dead, alive to the living!”.
Then the product is either given to the dog: male or female - depending on the gender of the person for whom the ritual is performed. Or just bury it in the ground. Or else you can take it to the cemetery along with the ransom.

Healed reviews
Many people who have learned how to treat a grave bone and have tried it write that they were only able to get rid of the tumor thanks to magical rituals. Folk remedies also turned out to be very effective, if the hygroma returned after their use, then rarely. Operations helped only a few.
If you have a pineal tumor on your body, try to first contact the surgeon for professional advice and determine the method of treatment. And only after you know for sure that you really have a hygroma, and not anything else, resort to the folk methods described above. Well, or read the conspiracy on the grave bone. Stay he althy!