A pain in the eyes can appear in every person, especially in the conditions of modern life. At present, an excessive load on the visual organs, overwork, and a constant connection with digital technology are being detected. However, the causes of such an ailment may be a special sensitivity to light or some serious disease of the internal organs. Pain in the eyes is not a full-fledged pathology, it is rather a symptom. This sign clearly indicates the presence of damage to the visual analyzer. Depending on the cause, the nature of the symptom and its effect on the human body differ. When such an unpleasant sensation appears, it is best to consult a doctor who will deal with the situation. In this article, we look at the causes, signs, symptoms, and treatment of stinging eyes.
Because of what the disease appears
Most often in patients who have problems with the visual apparatus, there are two signs: pain and pain in the eyes. The pathology of the visual analyzer can lead to serious consequences, up to blindness. Therefore, first you need to talk about the causes of pain in the eyes. Treatment will depend entirely on this fact.

So, the main reasons for the occurrence of the disease:
- Burn or injury. Physical damage to the eyelids or cornea of the eye results in a similar discomfort, so the visual organs must be protected.
- Infection. If the virus has penetrated into the region of the orbit of the eye, then redness of the mucous membrane appears, the patient in this case will complain of profuse lacrimation.
- Glaucoma. Represents an increase in intraocular pressure.
- Astigmatism. Causes deformation of the cornea and lens, causing the patient to see much worse.
- Overvoltage of the visual apparatus. The most common reason among office workers is that they work with a computer all day long.
- Trigeminal neuralgia. This pathology is accompanied by additional symptoms of a specific nature.
The source of visual impairment must be identified quickly, then the therapy will be prescribed better. The primary task of the doctor is to find the cause, as well as come up with a way to deal with the disease.
Dry eye syndrome
Among all diseases of the visual apparatus, dry eye syndrome is the most common. The disease is a condition when the process of normal mucosal hydration is disrupted. Why does it occur? The reasons in most cases lie in the tense and immobile position of the eyeball. In this case, there is a rare blinking, there is a feeling of pain in the eyes.
In addition, pathology may be the result of being in a room withworking fan. Also, the disease is detected when exposed to dust and tobacco smoke, as the tear film is broken. In some situations, there are other causes of dry eye syndrome that are not associated with external factors. Here we are talking about diseases of internal organs - pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland, herpes, etc.
Recently, such a cosmetic procedure as Botox injections is very popular. Not many people know that the injection leads to pain and burning in the eyes. Incorrect wearing of contact lenses will also sooner or later lead to violations of the visual apparatus.
Tear tears
This is a fairly common situation, but not everyone knows the reasons for such discomfort. Pain in the eye and tearing at the same time can occur due to the presence of viral and bacterial infections in the body. As a result, the feeling of discomfort becomes more vivid and annoys the victim even more.

Sometimes it hurts in the eyes due to temperature changes. This is a completely physiological reaction, which cannot be influenced. In the body, this happens as follows: the brain sends nerve impulses that narrow the ducts of the glands. As a result, the eyes water and the cornea is cleansed.
The causes of pain in the eyes and tearing are:
- Foreign objects on the cornea.
- Allergic reactions.
- Wearing contact lenses, if the device is not properly cared for, the eye may hurt andswell.
- Respiratory ailments such as colds, flu, etc.;
- Deformations due to age-related changes and the progression of various diseases.
As a separate symptom, experts single out the patient's complaint of feeling as if sand had got into the eyes. This situation often occurs in the presence of adenovirus infection. To understand this problem, it is necessary to carry out high-quality diagnostics and offer effective therapy.
Pain in the eyes in the morning
Quite often, patients complain that the problem occurs in the morning and then disappears. Why is this happening? There is no definite answer to this question, most likely, such a symptom is associated with any of the reasons indicated above. In any case, you need to consider the situation individually.

Specialists additionally pay attention to redness, pain in the eyes, inflammation, glaucoma and prolonged eye strain. If you ignore the signs and do not seek help from a doctor, this condition will become chronic. As you know, in this case, there is little that can be done to correct the situation. If you have a symptom of cramps, you should immediately consult a doctor, otherwise serious complications may develop. Only good treatment will help the patient to fully recover.
What to do if you have discomfort
Sometimes even the simplest actions help to get rid of the pain in the eyes. For therapy to be most effective,causes of illness. For example, if a patient has electrophthalmia, a raw or grated potato compress will help relieve the burning sensation.
Dryness and stinging in the eyes, redness caused by any substance, significantly reduce their impact with abundant washing with ordinary running water. If you find severe unbearable pain and inflammation, you need to use a compress from tea bags. For best results, keep them moist and cool.
If the cause of lacrimation and cramps was the ingress of a foreign body into the eye, it must be carefully removed. A clean cloth is a good remedy, you can also blink the affected eye in water drawn into the palm of your hand. Constant work at the computer has a detrimental effect on the visual apparatus. Therefore, it is recommended to take a break at least once an hour to allow the eyes to relax. It is difficult to overestimate the drops from pain in the eyes, which are good at helping to cope with the problem. We will talk more about them below.
Which doctor to contact
As already noted, the best solution when a symptom appears is to see a doctor. Often there are situations when patients self-medicate using folk remedies: they applied tea leaves, massaged their eyelids, etc.

To determine the cause of cutting pain in the eyes, you need to go to the doctor. These questions are de alt with by an ophthalmologist or ophthalmologist. The specialist will be able to understand the problem, and prescribe the optimal treatment for pain in the eyes. There are times when you get toit is almost impossible for a narrow profile doctor, and consultation is urgently needed. Then you can contact your family doctor or local therapist. They will provide first aid if necessary, as well as provide the patient with basic medicines with which to eliminate the symptom. If the actions of the therapist did not have the desired effect, you need to go to the ophthalmologist.
The first appointment begins with an anamnesis and an external examination of the patient. Violation of the visual apparatus is easily guessed, because redness of the eyeball is detected, and sometimes the eyelids, squinting, etc. The optometrist most often uses the following diagnostic measures:
- Very careful examination of the affected eye and questioning of the patient.
- Study of scrapings from the skin of the eyelids and a smear from the surface of the organ of vision.
- Verification of the tearing process by diagnostic tests.
After that, you can determine what caused discomfort in the patient. In some situations, the ophthalmologist sends the patient for a consultation with a neurologist or therapist. Based on additional information, it is possible to more accurately establish the disease, the symptom of which is pain in the eyes.

As already noted, if the symptom in question is observed, it should not be ignored. The first step is to determine the cause of the problem with the eyes. Only then can effective treatment be offered.
If we talk about the most common grounds for the appearance of a violation, then the firstplace will be taken by an infectious lesion of the organs of vision. How to treat pain in the eyes? Here, an excellent option would be the use of antibacterial ointments, for example, tetracycline. I must say that drugs should be taken only on the advice of the attending physician, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe drugs yourself.
If the problem is glaucoma, then the main emphasis is on lowering intraocular pressure. To achieve a result, it is necessary to take antihypertensive drugs and diuretics (drugs to increase urine output). Severe pain in the eyes may occur due to the ingress of a foreign body. It is better not to try to remove the object yourself, because there is a high risk of damage to the cornea. An excellent solution would be to contact a doctor who will do this work without problems.

Drops in the eyes from dryness and pain are used in violation of the visual apparatus due to overstrain and prolonged work at the computer. Drops should be moisturizing for maximum effect. Often good medicines contain vasoconstrictor and antiallergic substances, designed to reduce the level of discomfort. If we talk about what means can be advised, then Vizin, Taufon, Optiv and Vial are clearly distinguished here. The specific drug is selected by the ophthalmologist, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.
Dry eye syndrome is accompanied by dysfunction of the lacrimal glands. Irritation of the mucous membranes reaches its climax bydue to insufficient moisture. It is this sensation that patients refer to as "as if sand were in their eyes." To improve the condition of the patient, doctors often prescribe special drops aimed at simulating tears.
Traditional medicine
Pain in the eyes can be treated with the help of folk remedies. However, it is difficult to talk about their effectiveness. Most doctors do not believe that such methods can help in the slightest. However, the use of various compresses and lotions can eliminate some symptoms.
Let's give the most effective folk recipes for disorders of the visual apparatus:
- A spoonful of chamomile, mint or plantain leaves should be brewed in a glass of hot water. Let this decoction brew for ten minutes, soak a cotton pad in it and apply to the damaged eye. Remove the compress after twenty minutes.
- Grate raw potatoes, wrap in cheesecloth, and put on eyes. Such a compress should be kept for about half an hour.
- Squeeze the juice from the dill, moisten a cotton cloth with it and apply to the eyes for fifteen minutes.

All these methods are aimed at temporary relief of the patient's condition. The patient does not need to count on a complete recovery, using only folk methods. It is best to listen to your doctor and follow his recommendations.
When pain in the eyes progresses, urgent action must be taken. However, it is much easier to prevent a symptom than to deal with it later. To minimize the risk ofproblems of this kind, you need to follow the rules of prevention:
- Normalize the regime of rest and work, you can not overstrain the body.
- Spend as little time as possible at the computer, in extreme cases, take a break every hour and rest your eyes.
- Consume at least two liters of water a day.
- If lenses are used, care for them properly.
- Avoid smoky places.
In order to avoid infectious and bacterial viruses, personal hygiene must be observed. As for getting a foreign body, only special glasses will help protect against it.
Stinging eyes is a symptom that causes many problems for the patient. If you have such a sign, this indicates a lesion of the visual analyzer. To receive effective treatment, you need to contact a qualified ophthalmologist. It is not recommended to independently prescribe therapy and buy drops for dryness and pain in the eyes. After all, some drugs can only worsen the patient's condition, which will lead to complications.