The situation in which a person's throat is blocked is considered quite common. Most often, this reaction occurs on the spread of an infectious disease. The abnormal process originates in the back of the throat, then smoothly flows to other parts of the body. This is an unpleasant symptom, which is manifested primarily by perspiration. Then new signs appear, consisting of difficulty in eating, talking, etc. If you have a stuffy throat, you should not put off a visit to a specialist. The longer the inactivity continues, the higher the likelihood of a serious deterioration in the general condition of the body.
Mechanism of origin and development of a symptom
Before talking about the causes and methods of treating the disease, you need to understand the anatomical aspect. Why does a situation arise when the throat is blocked? In the nasopharynx there are mucous membranes, which, in turn, consist of goblet cells. Their main function is to prevent the development of unfavorable flora in the respiratory system. The mucosa contains immunoglobulins that eliminate harmful microorganisms.

When the body for some reason reduces the level of resistance, tissue infection occurs, and the ENT organs are also affected. Viral reactions in the airways trigger goblet cells to act, resulting in too much phlegm flowing down the throat. If help is not provided in a timely manner, a situation arises in which it is customary to say that the throat is very blocked. An inflammatory process occurs in the back wall, depleting the ciliated epithelium.
To quickly and effectively cope with the disease, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence and throw all your strength into its elimination. It is worth noting that self-treatment will only hurt, it is better to give specialists the opportunity to do their job.
Infectious causes
Factors that provoke the disease can be very different. It depends on the person's predisposition to certain diseases. Parasitic microorganisms pass through the throat, and then penetrate into the body. The patient may then experience signs of fever, breathing problems, and neck pain.
Let's look at the most common causes of a symptom:
- Viral infections. If the patient has a strong immune system, then the disease goes away without the use of therapy. In the case when the throat is blocked and the temperature rises, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs, but only after agreement with the doctor.
- Bacterial infections. It is also observed herefever in most cases. The most effective treatment is antibiotics. It must be said that the pathology can develop into a chronic one if it is not promptly eliminated.
- Stomach problems. If the throat is stuffed up, but the temperature is not observed, there is a high probability of violations in the gastrointestinal tract. Often the symptom is due to heartburn. During sleep, the acid that is in the esophagus enters the mouth and then affects the throat.
- Nasal congestion. When a patient can only breathe through his mouth, then he has a stuffy nose. The throat in this case becomes the focus of the inflammatory process, but the situation is corrected from the moment nasal breathing is restored.
- Mucus in throat. Quite rarely, discomfort in the throat area occurs due to the flow of mucus from the nose.
Non-infectious bases
It must be said that not always viruses and bacteria become the causes of a symptom. Dysfunction of other internal organs and exogenous factors often contribute to an increase in the amount of sputum in the respiratory system.

Why did the patient's throat get stuffy if no infections were found? The reasons often lie in the presence of an allergic reaction, neurological disorders, inhalation of tobacco smoke, and an abnormal structure of the nasal septum. Sometimes patients who have discomfort after eating certain foods or very hot foods turn to doctors. According to statistics, about three percent of cases of throat congestion are found to be malignant orbenign tumor.
It is worth noting that the majority of smokers suffer from the problem, since resins contribute to the adhesion of the cilia of the epithelium. This situation interferes with the normal exit of mucus. Bad habits, plus everything, reduce the reactivity of the body, as a result, the likelihood of developing acute inflammation increases.
When should I seek medical attention?
Most people believe that if a situation arises periodically when the throat is blocked against the background of normal temperature, there is no cause for concern. However, this is misleading. As already noted, care not provided in a timely manner can lead to the development of serious complications.

A doctor's consultation is simply necessary in the following situations:
- despite the treatment used, the pain does not stop, but, on the contrary, they are more and more worried;
- discomfort in the throat is accompanied by rashes on the body of an incomprehensible nature;
- discomfort is pronounced, the patient becomes not only difficult to swallow, but also difficult to talk;
- the sore throat does not stop, the patient is constantly suffering.
The above signs directly indicate the presence of diseases. Sometimes they develop into chronic pathologies, to combat which complex therapy is used. It is better to contact a trusted doctor, a high-level specialist, so that he can quickly identify the causes and suggest a treatment.
First of all, the doctorconducts an oral interview with the patient, in medicine this is called the collection of an anamnesis. A kind of survey, collecting information about existing symptoms from the words of the patient. Then, depending on what he heard, the doctor begins to conduct laboratory tests. If the patient complains that he has a red throat and it hurts, specialists use instrumental methods. One of the most effective is laryngoscopy. Using a special device, the doctor examines the mucous membrane of the larynx and detects a violation.
Complex diagnostics will allow you to more accurately determine the cause and choose an effective course of treatment. Radiography and magnetic resonance therapy are often used to reveal the overall picture.
Throat stuffed up - what to do?
The main thing is not to panic. In adults, this condition is fairly easy to treat. First you need to contact a highly qualified specialist and pass all the necessary tests. Based on their results, the attending physician identifies the cause of the symptom and prescribes a course of therapy. In most cases, it contains the following steps:
- taking weak analgesics to restore general condition;
- necessarily gargle with various medicines or herbal decoctions, this method is effective in removing puffiness;
- doctors recommend taking as much liquid as possible, tea with lemon is a priority;
- don't let your throat dry, you need to maintain a certain level of humidity to avoid irritation in the throat;
- if the patient hasbad habits, you need to give them up.
If you follow these recommendations, with a high probability the pain syndrome will disappear, and it will become easier to breathe. If this does not happen, you should seek a second consultation with the doctor, and he will prescribe additional measures.

There are cases when the throat is stuffed with snot. In such situations, the doctor prescribes an expectorant. Their main purpose is to remove mucus from the respiratory tract.
If the patient has a sore throat and coughing, they prescribe medicines containing plant extracts. Of the most effective in this group, St. John's wort and thyme can be distinguished. Excellent drugs to combat this symptom are Muk altin, Gelomirtol, Thermopsol, Mucofar, etc. It is worth noting that taking medications without consulting a doctor is prohibited, because side effects may occur.
Throat problems in children
When a child has a stuffy throat, you need to take a slightly different approach. The symptom in children usually manifests itself in a different way and proceeds in a different form. Painful sensations appear at the slightest, even minor damage to the mucous membrane. Children are often diagnosed with laryngitis or pharyngitis. A distinctive feature of pathologies are the characteristic zones of the lesion. In the first version, the larynx is attacked by bacteria, and in the second, the throat.
Children often have a situation where the throat is blocked and itchy. Plus to everythingadded pronounced pain and tingling. Toddlers are more difficult to tolerate pathologies, since the body has not yet fully formed.

As for treatment, it can be noted that the main recommendation of doctors is to drink more fluids. Water washes away toxic substances that are formed during the parasitism of microorganisms. You need to adjust the diet, give up spicy and sour foods, drink more milk with honey or tea. The liquid must be consumed warm so as not to damage the oral cavity.
In a situation in which a child's throat is blocked, specific medications are prescribed by the attending physician. There is no need to experiment and buy antibiotics or other medicines on your own. The child's body reacts differently, so you need to be especially careful when solving this delicate issue.
Unconventional therapies
Together with drugs, you can use folk methods, which are also quite effective. The patient feels discomfort when his throat is blocked. How to treat an ailment without using medication?

Let's consider the most common folk methods that are often used in practice:
- Tea with lemon and honey. This drink has a lot of useful properties, including antiseptic, which are aimed at eliminating infectious diseases. This method is most effective when the pathology is at the initial stage of development. It is recommended to prepare weak tea, add a little lemon, two tablespoons of honey and leave for twenty minutes. Ready liquid to take during the day.
- Hot milk. The action of the drink extends to the removal of swelling of the mucous membranes. As a result, breathing becomes easier and the voice is restored. To prepare this liquid, you need to boil milk, add a little butter and a spoonful of honey. Then you need to remove from heat, mix thoroughly and take in small sips.
- Infusion of herbs. For the best effect, you need to take thyme, sage, calendula and mint in equal proportions - about one teaspoon each. All ingredients should be mixed, add a liter of water and boil. The remedy is infused for an hour, after which you can use it.
Rinses and inhalations
If the throat is blocked, what should I do? You can use the safest method of treating ENT diseases for adults and children, namely inhalation with a nebulizer. To prevent the accumulation and runoff of mucus, it is recommended to use herbal remedies, they have anti-inflammatory and thinning effects. Patients feel relief within twenty minutes after using the inhalation. The most effective solutions are Ambrobene, Rotokan, Malavit and Sinupret. Inhalation must be carried out strictly according to the algorithm so that there are no complications. First, bronchodilators are used, then mucolytics and antiseptics, and the session ends with anti-inflammatory drugs andimmunostimulants.

As for rinses, they are effective if used once an hour for ten minutes. For infectious pathologies, rinsing is best. Among the most effective recipes are:
- Chamomile decoction. It is very easy to prepare: take a glass of boiling water and one spoonful of chamomile. Cover the container and leave to brew for half an hour, then strain the solution, and you can take it.
- S alt mixture. To get a liquid, you need two hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water and one tablespoon of s alt. Gargle with this remedy every forty minutes, and the result will not be long in coming.
- "Furacilin" and soda. The drug is sold in any pharmacy in tablet form. The patient only needs to mix the product with water, and the solution is ready. Frequent rinsing will help get rid of infectious pathologies.
It is impossible to completely protect ourselves from the occurrence of any disease, but it is within the power of each of us to minimize the risk.
Doctors recommend:
- give up bad habits. Smoking makes the mucous membranes of the nose and throat weak and vulnerable, the infection easily enters the body;
- proper diet. You need to eat as many different foods as possible, then the risk of vitamin deficiency will be minimized;
- air humidification. The air is very dry during the heating season. It's no secret that the chance of injury increases at this time.mucosa, which opens the way for bacteria. A damp towel or a humidifier will improve the home microclimate;
- hand washing. Scientists have long known that most bacteria enter the body through dirty hands.
By adhering to the above rules, you can protect yourself as much as possible from the appearance of the pathologies in question.