As you know, almost any injury can be received after a fall. In most cases, damage to the upper and lower extremities is observed. A fracture of the coccyx is less common, since the segmental bone is perfectly protected from external influences. Injury of this nature occurs not only as a result of an unsuccessful fall, damage is received in a traffic accident or a strong blow to this area.
Pelvic injuries are common in older people and women. This is due to the structural features of the body. Children and athletes are also at risk.
Fracture of the coccyx is a traumatic condition in which the integrity of the coccygeal vertebrae is broken. It is worth noting that this damage can lead to serious complications. Therefore, care must be taken to reduce the risk of injury to a minimum. In our material, we will consider the symptoms and treatment of a tailbone fracture, as well as pay attention to the causes and consequences.
Causes of injury
First, a little anatomy. The coccyx is an important element of the human musculoskeletal system. One of his tasks is to participate incorrect distribution of loads on the pelvis. Fractures of this kind are quite rare in humans.

Consider the main causes of injury:
- falling from a high or medium height onto the coccyx, it is worth noting that in most such cases the upper part of the coccyx suffers;
- birth. Women who carry a large fetus are at risk, because when the child passes through the birth canal, the cross-coccygeal movable joint may shift;
- strong blow to the pelvic area, a mechanical impact that affects the external structure of the vertebrae;
- absolutely any kind of injury is possible during a traffic accident;
- prolonged force on the pelvis. Fracture of the coccyx in women and men can occur as a result of constant driving with jolts, work circumstances, etc.
Bruise or fracture?
In fact, these injuries are easily confused when it comes to the coccyx. The lower part of the spine has good protection against injury, so in most cases this segment does not give in to a fracture, instead a bruise forms. People should understand that in case of a serious injury, one should not hesitate and take immediate action. If the tailbone is fractured, you should immediately go to the hospital. If a bruise is found, you can wait a bit. But you still need to see a traumatologist to gain confidence.

So, consider the main criteria for distinguishing thesedamage:
- Bruising. In the absence of this sign, we are talking about a bruise. When a serious fracture is diagnosed, blood comes out very quickly.
- Painful sensations. It is worth noting that in both cases this symptom will be observed. You can distinguish injuries by the nature of the pain. The fracture is characterized by sharp and acute unpleasant sensations, which for a long period do not give rest. When a bruise is diagnosed, a stepwise intensity of pain is diagnosed, it subsides for a while and then annoys again.
- Defecation. One of the symptoms of a tailbone fracture is a quick urge to defecate, and the process is difficult and painful. The same cannot be said for bruises.
According to statistics, most of these injuries occur during the winter season, when everyone rides down the slides using sleds and other means. The irregularities of the ice slide hit the lower part of the spine, which leads to a bruise or fracture. Therefore, parents need to be especially careful and, if possible, monitor the child.
Traumatologists distinguish three types of damage:
- fracture without displacement. This is a classic injury, usually there are no complications if treatment is started in time;
- fracture of the coccyx with displacement. A rather rare situation, but the most dangerous, there is a risk of negative effects on the spinal cord;
- fracture-dislocation. Here are subluxations and dislocations, the most common case.
Older people with osteoporosis or other musculoskeletal disorders usuallythere is a fracture with a fracture of the bones of the processes. As you know, with age, bones deform, they become brittle. Therefore, even with a slight impact, a fracture is detected. According to statistics, fracture-dislocations occur mainly in the fairer sex, and dislocations - in children.
Coccyx fracture symptoms
The key sign by which damage of this nature can be determined is pain. The pain is quite sharp and sharp, aggravated by walking and making sudden movements. A patient who has been diagnosed with a fracture cannot sit in his usual position, the discomfort becomes stronger. In addition, a slight swelling occurs at the site of injury. When defecation, the patient experiences particular difficulties.

Symptoms of a tailbone fracture in women and men include difficulty in moving. If there is a trauma with a displacement, the victim will practically not be able to walk due to unbearable pain. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by sneezing and any other action performed by the patient.
After receiving an injury, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. The specialist, in turn, conducts an initial examination of the patient. First you need to palpate the fracture zone to check reflexes and the presence of pain. Then you can start collecting information from the victim, the doctor needs more details and the circumstances under which the patient was injured. As a result of the initial examinationtraumatologist makes a preliminary diagnosis. To finally determine the type of injury, it is necessary to carry out instrumental procedures.
As you know, the most effective diagnostic method is radiography. It is performed in profile and full face, which allows you to clearly see all the changes that have occurred in the picture. In rare situations, the doctor prescribes additional measures. Although if the damage is serious and there is a suspicion of damage to the spinal cord, the doctor sends the patient for computed tomography and magnetic resonance therapy.

In addition, the attending physician should pay attention to signs and symptoms. The consequences of a tailbone fracture are not rosy, because the injury grows together for a very long time, there is a possibility of relapse.
First Aid
As soon as you have discovered damage, you must immediately see a traumatologist. Before the arrival of the brigade, you need to provide first aid to the victim. This will greatly ease his condition.
So what should you do when these situations arise:
- first put the patient sideways on a horizontal surface. This is necessary in order to avoid choking with vomit in case of loss of consciousness;
- next, you should fix the position from the sides, you can put more rollers from the bottom of the clothes to ensure a natural position without stress on the coccyx;
- provided that the patient is conscious and the swallowing reflex is not disturbed, an anesthetic can be given;
- to reducepuffiness, apply dry ice to the fracture site;
- you need to constantly monitor the respiratory organs, keep in mind that sometimes the tongue sinks;
- if the patient is unconscious and not breathing, start chest compressions and artificial respiration;
- if you need to transport the patient, you need to do it face down, after putting splints on the damaged areas of the spine.
If all actions are performed according to the algorithm before the arrival of the team of doctors, there is a good chance for a favorable outcome. How to treat a fracture of the coccyx? Let's talk below.
Treatment methods
Traumatologists often choose a conservative method of therapy, surgical intervention is used much less frequently. Consider the main methods of traditional treatment:
- Injections of painkillers. Analgesics like Ketorolac and Lornoxicam are usually prescribed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Analgin, Ibuprofen) are also considered effective. If the situation is very difficult, the doctor prescribes narcotic painkillers.
- Bed rest. The victim of the first week is located on a hard couch in a face down position. After seven days, it is possible to turn over on your back, but only if the roller is placed under the coccyx. Only after a month, at least, the patient will be allowed to get up for a while, wearing a corset.
- Droppers with saline and glucose.

Coccyx fracture treatment by surgery is used in complicated situations,for example, in the presence of a trauma with displacement or damage to the spinal cord. A qualified surgeon is able to correct vertebral deformities, remove a fragment of the coccyx, and eliminate splinters. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Excision of the coccyx can be prescribed only if the patient complains of local pain. Surgery is a rather risky step, because it can cause disability.
The rehabilitation period lasts approximately one and a half to two months and is carried out simultaneously with the treatment. In other words, as soon as the doctor allows you to move, you must begin to perform certain activities. Consider the main ones:
- Therapeutic exercise. There is a set of special exercises designed for patients with spinal fractures. With its help, you can prevent the occurrence of bedsores, tone muscles, normalize metabolism and restore blood circulation. You need to start from a prone position, as you recover, the number of repetitions in the exercises increases. It is worth noting that in case of a fracture of the coccyx, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed by the attending physician.
- Massage. An excellent option as an additional therapy. Massage is aimed at relaxing and treating areas of the body adjacent to the damaged area. It is better to entrust this procedure to a professional, then the result will not be long in coming.
- Physiotherapy. Almost always, the doctor first prescribes electrophoresis and paraffin baths. Further, the number of events is increased, addednecessarily myostimulation and magnetotherapy. And finally, to fix the effect is usually entrusted with hirudotherapy and balneological procedures.
- Stimulation defecation. In order to avoid displacement of the elements of the coccyx, it is recommended to call the defecation process with an enema for the first week. This method will not cause negative consequences, but will only benefit.
- Diet. The diet is very important during the course of recovery. It is recommended to eat foods rich in calcium. These include cottage cheese, hazelnuts, persimmons. For better absorption of calcium, do not forget about products with the presence of silicon in the composition: olives, radishes, currants, cabbage.

Fracture Lifestyle
The patient must first prepare psychologically for a long and exhausting treatment. At the time of recovery, it is prescribed to strictly adhere to bed rest. In addition, you must follow all the recommendations of your doctor, physiotherapist, adjust your diet.
After a month, the victim will gradually merge into his usual life. However, there will still be a restriction on too active sports. In addition, with such an injury, it is impossible to perform heavy physical work throughout the year. To slightly reduce the level of pain, you can purchase an orthopedic pillow and put it under the coccyx. If you have had such an injury once, you should visit a doctor periodically for prevention purposes.
The consequences of a fracture of the coccyx can beprevent if the injury was not serious and the necessary medical attention was provided. In other cases, you can only hope for luck. In any case, if you act according to the recommendations of doctors, the risk of additional diseases is significantly reduced.

The most common effects include migraines, delivery problems, spinal cord injuries, neurological disorders, and callus formation with pain when sitting.
As for prevention, you need to be very careful and careful. Fall prevention will reduce the chance of injury. Do not forget about proper nutrition, so you can increase bone strength. If you add here also a set of special exercises, the effect will be simply amazing. In this article, we looked at the symptoms and consequences of a tailbone fracture in women and men. Now you know what to do when you get injured and how to treat it.