Trachea hurts when swallowing: causes and treatment

Trachea hurts when swallowing: causes and treatment
Trachea hurts when swallowing: causes and treatment

A sore throat can be due to a huge number of reasons. However, most often people suffer from bacterial and viral infections, which lead to unpleasant symptoms. For example, if a person is sick with pharyngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillitis, then his tonsils become inflamed, his trachea and chest hurt, etc. To accurately determine the presence of a particular ailment, you need to see a doctor. After consulting with a specialist, you can start medical treatment or cope with unpleasant symptoms on your own with the help of traditional medicine.

Cough and pain
Cough and pain

Main reasons

If a person has pain in the trachea, then most likely he suffers from:

  • Pharyngitis. This pathology can be viral, bacterial, allergic or fungal.
  • Tonsillitis. In the patient's body, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply rapidly.
  • Scarlet fever. This infection belongs to the category of streptococci. Most common in children.
  • Foreign body in the throat. If the trachea hurts when pressed or when coughing, thenoften this indicates that a person could accidentally swallow a fish bone, bead, or any other small object that damaged the walls of the larynx.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology is characterized by the ingress of gastric juice into the esophagus, which leads to severe irritation of the latter. If the patient's sphincter does not work hard enough, then the fluid can reach the larynx, corroding its mucous membrane.
  • Neoplasms. Adenoma, lymphoma and other types of tumors can also cause pain in the trachea and chest.
  • Phlegmon. This is one of the complications after the flu.
  • Infectious mononucleosis. As a rule, pathology occurs in people suffering from low immunity.
  • Allergies. Very often, when pet hair, pollen, chemical fumes and much more get into the throat of a person, unpleasant sensations are observed in the larynx.
  • Injuries of the larynx. In some situations, when a patient needs to examine the bronchi or esophagus, specialists use medical instruments carelessly, which leads to pain. Also, this can happen as a result of a fight if the patient was hit in the trachea.
  • Aphthous stomatitis. In this case, we are talking about the formation of ulcers on the mucous membranes of the human oral cavity.

In addition, if a person has pain in the trachea and larynx, this may indicate diphtheria, laryngitis, mucosal burns, measles, chicken pox, nervous disorders and many other pathologies. To more accurately definecause of the disease, it is necessary to pay attention to additional symptoms.

Presence of temperature

If a person has a pain in the trachea when coughing or at rest, then you need to pay attention to whether the patient has a fever. In the presence of a low temperature (up to 37.5 degrees), there is every reason to believe that the patient has pharyngitis. In addition, this disease is accompanied by headaches, soreness in the muscles and joints, and general weakness of the body.

Pain in the trachea
Pain in the trachea

If the patient has a rather high temperature and there are symptoms of intoxication, then it is worth making sure that the person does not have pharyngomycosis. To do this, you must pass the appropriate examination.

Pain below the Adam's apple

If a patient complains of unpleasant sensations of this nature, then it is likely that he suffers from neuralgia, osteochondrosis, mechanical injuries, thyroid disease, or pus formation processes occur in his body.

It is not uncommon for patients with these symptoms to be diagnosed with acute or chronic laryngitis. This is a cold that is common in both adults and children.

Trachea hurts when swallowing

If discomfort occurs during the swallowing process or when pressing on the chest, then it is possible that a foreign body has got into the throat or the person is suffering from an injury. Often, surgical interventions lead to such consequences. If the patient underwent surgery in the larynx, then for some time after this procedure, he mayexperience severe pain.

Sore larynx
Sore larynx

The reasons for such symptoms may be simpler. For example, sometimes the trachea hurts due to too dry or cold air in the room. If we are talking about a child, then it is worth examining him for the presence of scarlet fever, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

Additional symptoms

As a rule, when a serious pathology occurs, the patient not only has a sore throat and trachea, but other manifestations of deterioration are also observed. For example, in infectious diseases, signs of intoxication are often observed. A person experiences severe weakness, aching joints and muscles. In some situations, vomiting and nausea are observed.

If the patient suffers from laryngitis, then in addition he will have problems with his voice. Some patients even temporarily lose the ability to speak. Also, many note a dry “barking” cough, some have a trachea pain when inhaling.

If a person starts bouts of severe coughing, which are accompanied by severe pain, this indicates the development of pathology. During this period, you need to take care of the vocal cords, do not overstrain them and do not overcool. You should definitely see a doctor.

Dangerous pathologies

If we are talking about infectious factors causing sore throat, then in this case you need to be very attentive to your he alth. If an inflammatory process occurs in the human body, he suffers from respiratory tuberculosis, scarlet fever or diphtheria, then most often the patient requires urgent hospitalization. Oself-treatment is out of the question.

If the disease is caused by the appearance of bacteria in the human body, then such a pathology is called specific. Such diseases are also commonly referred to as infectious mononucleosis. As a rule, this disease is diagnosed at a young age.

Medical examination
Medical examination

Rarely, the cause of the trachea pain is a venereal disease. For example, a patient may suffer from herpetic sore throat, gonococcal pharyngitis, syphilis, and other dangerous ailments that require immediate treatment. Most often, antibiotics are used for therapy.


If a person has a pain in the trachea, it is difficult for him to speak, he coughs and feels weak, then you should not make a diagnosis yourself. Even an experienced specialist cannot accurately determine the causes of pain without the use of special equipment.

Since there is a huge list of ailments that can cause pain, a comprehensive examination is performed. To make a correct diagnosis, you must perform:

  • Pharingoscopy and laryngoscopy.
  • X-ray of respiratory organs.
  • Ultrasound.
  • FEGDS.

Additionally, a swab is taken from the pharynx, thanks to which harmful bacteria can be detected. You will also need to take a complete blood count.

The doctor also examines the patient's larynx. Often, even without equipment and research, he can identify a foreign body that is stuck in the throat or injures it. The specialist also pays attention to the condition of the tonsils. If athey are inflamed, the patient is most likely to be diagnosed with pharyngitis or tonsillitis.

Throat examination
Throat examination

Thanks to the general blood test, it becomes possible to clarify the nature of inflammatory processes. If a person has an increased content of neutrophils or leukocytes, then this indicates that the throat is affected by bacteria. If there are too many lymphocytes in the blood, then there is a high probability that the patient has parainfluenza or infectious mononucleosis.

Differential Diagnosis

If the specialist failed to identify the presence of an infection or a foreign body in the larynx, then a number of additional measures are taken to help find out why the patient has a trachea pain. To do this, you need to pass on the analysis of sputum. This test will help rule out TB.

To make sure that the patient is not suffering from cancer, the doctor conducts a detailed examination of the cervical region. If a person suffers from neoplasms, then asymmetry can be detected with the naked eye.

Medicated treatment

If a patient has a trachea pain due to a cold, then it is necessary to remove the inflammation with the help of drugs. Most often, special antiseptic sprays and lozenges are used for these purposes. Due to their mild action, inflammation is removed quite quickly.

Taking pills
Taking pills

In some situations, antibiotics may be required. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used and inhalations are carried out. The latter help to quickly recovervoice and get rid of hoarseness. Additionally, mucolytic group agents, saline and the use of essential oils can be prescribed. If the patient suffers from severe pain, then rinsing with antiseptics will help. Such products quickly relieve puffiness and stop the process of rapid proliferation of bacteria.


In some cases, you can not do without prompt measures. Usually, operations are performed if a foreign body is stuck in the patient's larynx. To remove an object, you must use specialized equipment. Usually specialists perform laryngoscopy or bronchoscopy. However, it is not always possible to extract a foreign body by such methods. In this case, the standard operation is performed.

Also, surgery will be required if it is a neoplasm. In this case, the tumor is cut out from the larynx. If the mass is benign, then bronchoscopy alone is usually sufficient.

If a patient is diagnosed with cancer of the larynx, then open abdominal surgery is indispensable. An otolaryngologist can accurately determine the type of treatment. The operation can be performed using different techniques. It all depends on the degree of pathology and the size of the tumor.

Trachea hurts: how to treat folk remedies?

To get rid of pain in the larynx, you can use medicinal herbs and fees. For example, you can quickly remove inflammation with the help of sage, mint, chamomile, calendula. However, the use of theserecommended only in the initial stages of the development of pathology, when the throat is just starting to tickle.

Linden flowers have an excellent effect. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to pour them with boiling water and drink 50 grams three times a day. If the throat is very swollen, then it is worth diluting a little butter in hot milk. Liquid should be drunk daily and always at night.

Helpful tips

If the patient suffers from laryngitis, then before taking any medication, you should consult a doctor. Due to improper self-treatment, there is a risk that the disease will become chronic.

If you are in severe pain, you should not talk, so as not to strain your ligaments once again. You can communicate in a whisper or speak briefly. Do not eat spicy foods, which can only increase irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Sore throat
Sore throat

It is also recommended to refrain from sweets. The fact is that desserts contain carbohydrates, which only speed up the process of bacteria reproduction. The same goes for drinking and smoking. This leads to more irritation of the larynx.


To prevent unpleasant symptoms, you need to maintain your immunity. To improve the protective functions of the body, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid. It will not be superfluous to monitor your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins must be present in the human diet.

Don't eat too cold or hotfood. This can damage the mucous membrane. If, due to your profession, a person is forced to speak loudly for a long time, then you need to periodically take breaks and monitor the condition of the vocal cords. In the cold season, the neck should always be warm. The air in the living room should not be too humid or dry. It is worth avoiding drafts, but do not forget to periodically ventilate the housing.
