The modern lifestyle of most people leads to serious problems with the spine. Most often, the case ends with a curvature that provokes the appearance of a hump. In medicine, the deformation of the posture is called kyphosis of the spine. It is both congenital and acquired. The disease occurs in people of different ages and gender, but the largest number of such cases was recorded in boys from eleven to sixteen years old. It should be noted that the treatment is quite long and laborious. But if you follow all the recommendations of doctors, you will significantly reduce the recovery time and be able to solve this complex problem in a short time.
A bit of anatomy
Before considering the phenomenon of kyphosis of the spine in more detail, it is necessary to first understand its structure. The human spine consists of five sections and more than thirty vertebrae. The first seven are considered the thinnest and most fragile, they form the cervical region. Then there are twelve vertebrae, which are part of the thoracic spine - they are already more massive and strong.

The next five form the loin - even larger pieces. The next five vertebraebelong to the sacral region, they often grow together, forming one monolithic bone. At the end of the spine are coccygeal parts, from two to five, they also merge and form the coccyx.
All vertebrae make up a column in which the spinal cord is located. Its importance in the human body is difficult to overestimate. It is the spinal cord that is the "road" from the brain to the organs. All nerve impulses and reflexes are transmitted in this way. In everyday life, this looks, for example, like pulling back a hand when burned.
There are natural curves of the spine in the post. If their number exceeds the maximum allowable, kyphosis is formed. The disease is characteristic of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.
What causes pathology?
Kyphosis of the spine in the ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases) has the code M40. The disease belongs to the category of additional dorsopathies, that is, problems associated with pain in the back and the development of pathologies. The basis for the appearance of the disease in question is a huge number of factors. The curvature of the spine can be caused by both physiological causes and the result of serious diseases. Only a qualified doctor can determine the specific cause of the disease after a comprehensive examination.
Medical experts identify several main reasons:
- constant stoop;
- fetal development problems;
- muscle weakness due to lack ofsufficient physical activity (however, the main thing here is not to overdo it - you can’t also overstrain the spine);
- trauma, osteochondrosis, tumors.
Stages of kyphosis
In modern medicine, there are three degrees of kyphosis of the spine. Each of them has its own characteristics, as a result of which doctors use certain methods of treatment. But there is one common feature that unites all these stages - stoop, which eventually develops into a pronounced hump.

So, let's look at each of them in more detail:
- The first degree is characterized mainly by stoop. In fact, there are practically no internal changes, in such a situation, a regular therapeutic massage will help correct the situation.
- In the presence of pathology of the second degree, the patient begins to form a hump. The deformation is already noticeable even to the naked eye, because the neoplasm can be seen under clothing. Due to the appearance of a hump, a person feels discomfort, the inability to stay in one position for a long time. The chest undergoes the most severe changes, resulting in problems with the lungs and heart.
- The third degree is characterized by the risk of disability in spinal kyphosis. All the internal organs of a person suffer, the membranes of the spinal cord become thinner when moving, the general condition of the patient leaves much to be desired. In such a situation, it is impossible to unbend, the curved shape of the spine will remain unchanged.
As already noted,There are two main forms of spinal deformity: pathological and physiological. In the first case, there is a division into congenital and acquired kyphosis, depending on the severity. If we talk about numbers, then with a pathological disease, the angle of inclination is equal to more than thirty degrees. The maximum value in this case is eighty degrees. Physiological kyphosis is determined by the angle of inclination in the range from fifteen to thirty degrees.

In addition, there is also a division according to the types of manifestation of the disease. The first option is characterized by the fact of abnormal development of the vertebrae. In the presence of the second type of kyphosis, the vertebral bodies undergo abnormal segmentation. As for the third type, it is mixed and manifests itself as a combination of the above anomalies.
Types of pathology
It can be seen that this disease is divided into a huge number of different types, depending on the criterion of consideration. So, there are several main types of kyphosis:
- Innate. The reason for its appearance are anomalies of intrauterine development. Quite often, cases of incomplete formation of the spinal column or abnormal development of the vertebrae are recorded. In such a situation, paralysis of the lower body is sometimes diagnosed, especially if there has been a traumatic injury.
- Genotypic. In other words, a hereditary form of kyphosis. The disease is observed in several generations, the transmission of pathology occurs according to the dominant type.
- Compression. When several vertebrae break, it makes sense to talk about this form of the disease. This type of spinal kyphosis is characterized by a reduction in the height of sections of the spine from the anterior section.
- Mobile. This type is caused by the presence of myasthenia gravis. However, this is not the only reason; kyphosis also develops when a person is in the wrong position for a long time. If we talk about treatment, then the use of passive techniques will be an excellent solution here.
- senile. Everyone knows that over the years there is a deformation of the internal organs, and the spine is no exception. Age-related changes, coupled with muscle weakening, give just such a result.
- Tuberculosis. It would seem, where is the connection? However, the presence of tuberculosis leads to the fact that the compression of the vertebral bodies is combined with their destruction, and this will certainly affect the curves of the spine.
- Posture. It is not difficult to guess that the main reason in this case is the presence of poor posture. Often such a diagnosis is made to adolescents, as well as adults under the age of thirty. If the patient has a weak posture, then a noticeable forward tilt catches the eye. This is due to the constant curvature of the spine, stoop, and, no matter what position a person is in, a weak posture is hard to miss.
- Scheyermann-Mau kyphosis. When the vertebrae change shape, we are talking about a pathological deformity, and a complication in the form of kyphosis is also possible. Unequivocal reasons in modern medicine have not yet been identified, however, many tend to geneticpredispositions. As a result of the changes, the vertebrae become wedge-shaped, and at the same time their front part narrows.
Signs of disease
The key symptom of spinal kyphosis is slouching. How to determine the disease yourself? If the angle of inclination exceeds forty-five degrees, there is no doubt: we are talking about the pathology in question. The disease can be localized in different parts of the body, but according to statistics, most often violations occur in the chest area.
To accurately identify kyphosis, you should pay attention to the following signs:
- severe constant pain in the back and neck;
- weakness in legs and arms, numbness of limbs;
- continuous headaches and dizziness;
- stool disorders (mainly constipation), urinary problems, muscle cramps.
An attentive person can recognize the disease visually. Patients almost always have lowered shoulders, and shoulder blades are spread apart. The thorax falls and noticeably narrows, and the upper body, in turn, leans forward. In addition, in people suffering from kyphosis, flat buttocks and a protruding abdomen are visually noticeable. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, complications associated with internal organs may develop.
Cervical kyphosis
It is worth noting that in this part of the body in most cases there is lordosis, that is, forward concavity. Kyphosis, meaning backward concavity, is extremely rare. Therefore, for doctors, this concepta little unusual, because there are very few such cases. However, kyphosis of the cervical spine is accompanied by serious clinical signs. If children have this problem, it makes sense to consider having a congenital type of the disease.
In most cases, backward concavity in the cervical region directly indicates a violation of blood circulation due to spinal deformity. In this case, the compression of its various elements also occurs. Symptoms include oxygen deficiency and insufficient blood supply. In addition, a person's blood pressure changes, a hump forms and the upper limbs go numb.
Thoracic kyphosis
Unlike the previous type of kyphosis, curvature of the chest is much more common. In general, a slight bulge is natural, but if it is too pronounced, there is reason to assume the presence of a pathological disease. It is worth noting that, in addition to external changes, the disease will lead to a general deformation of the spine.
Speaking about the reasons, it is impossible not to mention osteochondrosis, poor posture, injuries, congenital pathologies. Also, a violation can occur as a result of poor-quality surgical intervention. In some particularly severe cases, there is a combination of kyphosis and lordosis of the spine. External symptoms of pathology: the angle of the pelvis over sixty degrees, protruding abdomen and flat chest.
The problem also occurs in children who are on bed rest. These babies have weakened abdominal muscles and a narrow chest. One of the most effectivemethods of therapy is therapeutic massage for kyphosis of the thoracic spine. This procedure is best left to a professional.
This type of pathology is slightly less common than chest. The main reason is poor-quality surgical intervention. Usually one or two lumbar vertebrae are affected, and this is enough for the development of kyphosis. An example of an unsuccessful operation is a laminectomy, when they try to relieve pressure on the spinal cord. During the intervention, bone plates are removed, which has a negative effect on the vertebrae. The result is a forward lean.

Among the most dangerous types of curvature, stable kyphosis of the lumbar spine stands apart. The fact is that with this pathology, the lower back is rounded, which leads to the complete absence of the natural deflection of the column. The patient suffers greatly, the back loses its elasticity, and the curvature of the spine disappears altogether. In the presence of such a disease, it is strictly forbidden to run and jump. Therefore, it is impossible to bring the situation to such a neglected degree, it is better to start treatment in a timely manner.

How to fix kyphosis of the spine? To answer this question, it is first necessary to talk about diagnostic measures. As already noted, it is better to eliminate the disease as soon as possible, and for this you need to make an appointment with a specialist. Many people do not even know which doctor deals with such problems. The best thingsee one of the following doctors: neurologist, chiropractor and orthopedist.
In most cases, specialists of this kind quickly identify the pathology and the cause of its occurrence. The first appointment with a doctor begins with an examination of the patient and anamnesis. After that, the doctor gropes for the painful area and presses on this area to test the sensitivity. Then the specialist already has the first assumptions. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe several additional studies to confirm the diagnosis. X-rays of the spine, computed tomography and magnetic resonance therapy are often used.
Drug therapy
Treatment of kyphosis of the spine with drugs is also a common occurrence. You just need to understand that taking funds is aimed at relieving symptoms, improving blood circulation and conducting impulses. In most cases, the general condition of the patient becomes noticeably better, the back muscles strengthen, pain attacks disappear. But the question remains: how to fix the kyphosis of the spine? This is the next step, when the position of the spine is corrected by strengthening the muscles of the back
Doctors like to prescribe glucocorticoids, which relieve pain, but they have a negative effect on the immune system. The method of setting blockades has proven itself well. It is an injection of an anesthetic into the affected area. The most commonly used are lidocaine and novocaine.
Muscle Building
Proper development of the back muscles leads to alignment, which significantlyimproves the prognosis for recovery. The use of corsets for kyphosis of the spine helps a lot. You need to wear them correctly with a certain break - this is the only way to achieve good results. Forming elements are designed to maintain posture, regardless of the circumstances. Corsets come in varying degrees of firmness. Here you can see a pattern: the more difficult it is to wear, the higher the therapeutic effect.

Remedial gymnastics, physiotherapy and massage also do not hurt. A good way to correct your posture is the method of self-control while sitting and sleeping. Exercises for kyphosis of the spine are mainly aimed at increasing muscle mass. Therapeutic exercise, coupled with antispasmodics, gives an almost one hundred percent result. If possible, massage can be added to complex therapy. The purpose of this procedure is to treat certain areas, with which you can stretch the vertebrae in the right direction.
The effect of the corset affects several factors at once: maintaining posture, deformation of the spinal column and muscle tension. The more intense this effect, the faster you will see the result. Adults who suffer from kyphosis can be advised to be treated with the help of the above methods, because the muscles are already quite weak to change the shape of the spine on their own.

Surgery and column traction
The main goal of the operation is to correct the shape of damaged vertebrae. However, for surgeryrarely resorted to when other methods are ineffective. Also, if the vertebra is already severely deformed, surgery is indispensable.
Extension of the spinal column is carried out with the help of special devices that slowly stretch the human spine. If everything is done correctly, you can count on a positive result in a short time. But there is also a downside - the consequences are quite painful, because sprains are not the most pleasant procedure.
In any case, only a qualified specialist can correct the curvature of the spine. It is contraindicated to self-medicate and use folk remedies. These methods in most cases only exacerbate the situation. Better follow the doctor's recommendations, and then the chance of a full recovery will increase significantly.