Cheekbones hurt: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Cheekbones hurt: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention
Cheekbones hurt: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

The condition in which the cheekbones hurt is usually considered rare. Most often, discomfort in this area is caused by injuries or direct blows. But sometimes the reasons lie in the appearance of inflammatory processes or neurological diseases. If the pain does not go away for some time, you should consult a doctor. There are quite a lot of pathologies in which a person suffers from painful sensations, so self-medication will only hurt. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should be examined by a narrow specialist.


Before talking about why cheekbones can hurt, you need to define the concept. Cheekbones are paired bones of the human body. Their main function is to maintain the eyes. In addition, stabilization of the pressure force of the upper jaw and, of course, direct participation in chewing food are important.

severe pain in the jaw area
severe pain in the jaw area

Unpleasant sensations in the bone can be localized near the ear or nose. Pain can be of different types: sharp, aching, stabbing, etc. Pain in this area of \u200b\u200bthe face is often caused by injuries or physical lesionsfabrics. Less commonly, the causes are serious diseases of the internal organs.

Main causes of pain

Many diseases can serve as a reason for the appearance of discomfort. It depends on the location, time of occurrence and the reasons that caused such a reaction.

Consider the grounds for most suffering:

  1. Cheekbones on the face and jaw hurt. Here, the most common diseases are joint pathologies, such as arthritis or arthrosis. Sometimes pain occurs as a result of circulatory problems or trauma.
  2. If discomfort appears during yawning, the reason lies, most likely, in inflammatory processes or dental problems. There is also neuralgia of the facial nerve.
  3. When the cheekbones hurt and everything goes to the head, doctors diagnose a migraine. Of the causes, neuralgia of the ear and facial nerves can be distinguished.
  4. In the process of chewing, pain appears due to eating solid food. If it continues to hurt, there is a possibility of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  5. When the pain radiates to the ear, one of the diseases of the ENT organs is often observed.
unpleasant feeling
unpleasant feeling

It should be noted that a common cause of unpleasant sensations in the cheekbones that give to the head is a long stay at the computer and being in enclosed spaces.


If it hurts under the cheekbone, and then goes to the head, the patient is more likely to have a migraine. Diseasecharacterized by prolonged suffering. Pain points are absent, but sometimes nausea and vomiting can be observed. Usually the focus of discomfort is in the eye sockets, a little less often - in the bridge of the nose, arm or leg.

cheek pain symptoms
cheek pain symptoms

Periodically there is a pathology called Charlene's syndrome. This is a neuralgic disease of the nasociliary junction. In addition to the fact that the left cheekbone or the right one hurts, an unpleasant sensation is transmitted to the eyeball and further to the nose. The syndrome is especially disturbing at night. The focus is often the inner corner of the eye. Checking this theory is very simple: you need to press on the inflamed point of the face. The reason often lies in herpes, frontal sinusitis or viral infection. To relieve the pain syndrome, adrenaline with dikain is used, which is used to treat the nasal mucosa. The effect will be even stronger if you perform an action with instillation of the eyes. Specific signs depend on the disease detected, therefore, with the slightest deviation, it is better to immediately make an appointment with a doctor.

What actions should be taken during an attack?

In this article, we examined why the cheekbones hurt, it's time to talk about specific actions. Before the attending physician takes over the patient, the following must be done:

  • take local antispasmodics, this will at least temporarily relieve the pain;
  • to ensure the jaw is in a state of rest, that is, do not eat, do not chew, it is advisable to talk as little as possible;
  • the above paragraph does not mean that you can not eat inin principle, it is better to use soft food or in the form of puree;
  • when dental problems are the cause of pain, rinses like chamomile decoction are great;
  • if pain occurs due to a dislocation of the jaw, you can try to set it, but it will be more reliable to entrust this matter to doctors.
pain goes to the head
pain goes to the head

You need to understand that self-medication can lead to the development of complications, so after first aid, you should show the patient to specialists, they will take further action.

Which doctor should I go to?

The first thing to do when your cheekbone hurts is to see a general practitioner. He will conduct his research and try to identify the cause. If he succeeds, the specialist can make a diagnosis. Often, during research, the therapist needs the help of doctors of a narrower profile: a dentist, neurologist, traumatologist or ophthalmologist.

If the GP is unable to assign a diagnosis, he sends the patient to another doctor. The latter, in turn, conducts his research, with the help of which he reveals the disease.


When the cheekbone hurts on the right, on the left or elsewhere, it is important to get the advice of a qualified doctor in a timely manner. Every pathology found in a patient requires treatment. You can not start the problem, because, as you know, diseases at the initial stage are much easier to deal with.

To determine the source of deviations as accurately as possible, the doctor needsconduct a comprehensive diagnosis. It all starts with an anamnesis - the collection of information from the mouth of the patient. The doctor carefully listens to the patient and prescribes additional studies. Depending on the complaints, the following diagnostic methods are used: complete blood count, X-ray, computed tomography and a swab from the nose or ear cavity. The result depends on which doctor you should visit next.

disease diagnosis
disease diagnosis

Leukocytosis directly indicates an inflammatory process, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, etc. Radiography will help detect damage or sinusitis. Particular attention should be paid to the eyes, because the most dangerous diseases are associated with this area. It can be a tumor, thrombosis, multiple sclerosis and other pathologies that are very life-threatening.


From the above it is clear that if a tooth, cheekbone, eyeball area hurts, then we are dealing with dangerous diseases. This can be ascertained if, after three days, unpleasant sensations torment the patient. This is exactly the case when it is better to play it safe and visit a doctor than to get serious he alth problems later. After all, the consequences can be the most terrible: from the destruction of the cartilage of the jaw to problems with speech. If the patient was playing for time and did not seek help until the last, only surgical intervention would save.

sore cheekbones
sore cheekbones

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause. If an inflammatory process is detected, specialists prescribe an antibacterialmedicines like Nurofen. An antibiotic is also required, but it is chosen individually. When a person suffers from joint disorders, such as arthrosis or arthritis, doctors prescribe special chondroprotectors.

Effective treatment

In addition to taking medications, physiotherapy should be carried out. The greatest effect is obtained from electrophoresis, acupuncture and therapeutic massage. Before proceeding with the use of these methods, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications. In case of dislocation, the correction is performed by professionals under local anesthesia. It is not recommended to do this on your own, as the consequences can be terrible. If an open fracture is observed, the patient must be put on a splint and undergo complex therapy.

When the cheekbones hurt due to dental abnormalities, caries, periodontal disease or other dental pathologies are treated. At the end, it is necessary to fill the teeth and prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Henceforth, the patient's oral cavity must be carefully monitored, including the selection of good toothpastes.

drug treatment
drug treatment

If the cause lies in a neoplasm, you first need to take a biopsy to study the nature of the tumor. If a malignant tumor is detected, surgery is performed followed by chemotherapy.


It is possible to avoid discomfort in the cheekbones, but for this it is necessary to carefully monitor not only the oral cavity, but also in a timely mannertreat inflammatory processes. If possible, avoid various injuries and stress. If the cause of the pain is a migraine, a course of appropriate medication should be taken.

As already noted, cheekbone pain can be caused by a huge number of diseases. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to seek help in time. Then the chance for a full recovery will increase significantly and the patient will feel more confident and calm.
