Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear is a common phenomenon, the causes of which can be very different. Lymph nodes are an integral part of the immune system and play the role of a biofilter. They take part in metabolic processes and protect the human body from microbes, thereby forming immunity. In the event that the lymph nodes near the ears have changed their structure and density, pain is felt along with swelling, then this is a reason to seek medical help.

swollen lymph node what to do
swollen lymph node what to do

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

This phenomenon is very unpleasant. Inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear appears, as a rule, as a result of the following reasons:

  • In the presence of viral infectious diseases in the form of rubella, herpes, mumps or measles.
  • The presence of a bacterial infection in the mouth and nasopharynx, for example, with bacterial pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, otitis media, and so on.
  • Against the backdrop of a fungal disease,for example, with candidiasis, stomatitis.
  • For acoustic neuritis.
  • If you have cancer.
  • In case of infection of the body with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Against the background of parasitic infections.
  • For head or neck injuries.

Next, we will find out what symptoms accompany the pathology when the lymph nodes in the neck near the ear become inflamed.

The main symptoms of this unpleasant disease

The most common symptoms include:

  • Lymph nodes behind the ear change density and structure.
  • Presence of pain behind the ear.
  • A "bump" is felt behind the ear on palpation.
  • The appearance of cyanosis in the area of the auricle, while the points behind the ears are very sore.
  • The lymph nodes under the ears are hyperemic and inflamed.
  • Lymph nodes near the ears are purplish.
  • The development of several pustules or a single abscess, while behind the ear it swells and hurts a lot.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Significant deterioration in general well-being.
  • The presence of intoxication phenomena in the form of nausea, weakness, pallor of the skin and the like.

So, the lymph node near the ear is inflamed, what should I do?

swollen lymph nodes in the neck
swollen lymph nodes in the neck

What should I do?

Diagnosing the causes of poor he alth should be a narrow profile doctor. The appearance of a small "bun" behind the ear may be a common manifestation of active lymph node activity or a symptomdeveloping disease. It is possible to establish the true causes only as a result of a comprehensive examination.

Diagnosis for this pathology

In order to make a correct diagnosis, when the lymph node near the ear is inflamed, you will need to pass the following tests:

  • Complete blood count.
  • Performing a urinalysis.
  • Performing an ultrasound or tomography of the head and neck area.
  • Biopsy if cancer is suspected.

Next, we will find out what treatment should be carried out to get rid of the inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ears.

Treatment of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes

It is necessary to start therapy for inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear immediately from the moment the true causes are established. In cases of confirmation of the viral nature of inflammation, in the presence of acute respiratory diseases or epidemic infections, patients are prescribed antiviral, and at the same time, immunostimulating drugs in the form of Immunoflazid, Anaferon, Amiksin, Novirin and others. The therapy is supplemented with general strengthening medicines of plant and synthetic origin, as well as vitamin complexes and dietary supplements.

painful lymph node near ear
painful lymph node near ear

In the event that the lymph node near the ear hurts and tests show the presence of bacteria and specific pathogens (according to the results of bacteriological culture), antibiotic therapy begins. The preference is given mainly to antibiotics.cephalosporin or penicillin series, for example, Amoxiclav, Ofloxacin, Ospamox, Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime, Zacef, Suprax and others. If the lymph node near the child's ear becomes inflamed, then you can take the drug "Doccef". This antibacterial agent can be drunk orally (directly with food). Thanks to its intake, unpleasant injections can be avoided.

Against the background of an allergy to this type of antibiotics, the lymph nodes near the ear (pictured) are treated with fluoroquinols, for example, "Ciprofloxacin", "Ciprolet", "Norfloxacin" and so on. These drugs are very effective in treating inflammation. But therapy is started only after consulting a doctor.

When it comes to diseased lymph nodes near the ear in a child, it is important to be extra careful.

In the event that for some reason it is impossible to use fluoroquinols for a patient, then macrolides are prescribed. Natural macrolides include erythromycin, on the basis of which drugs are produced today in the form of Spiramycin, Josamycin and Midecamycin. Among the semi-synthetic agents, it is worth mentioning Azithromycin and Roxithromycin. Each macrolide acts on a specific type of bacteria. Which medication will be effective, the doctor decides. The advantage of this group is considered to be a short medication, due to the accumulation function in the body.

TB infection and inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear is treated with anti-TB drugs, which include Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol. Depending on the stage of the disease and the severity of the patient's conditionthe doctor may prescribe a combination of drugs with selective biochemical activity to the patient.

treat lymph nodes near the ear
treat lymph nodes near the ear

Homeopathy for inflammation in the lymph nodes

In uncomplicated cases, when there is pain and swelling behind the ear, homeopathic preparations that are made from plants with therapeutic characteristics can also come to the rescue. The advantage of these drugs is their mild effect. It is important to understand here that antibiotic therapy is considered the basis for the treatment of inflamed lymph nodes behind the ears, homeopathy is only an integral part of it.

When the lymph nodes behind the ears become inflamed, you can take a homeopathic remedy called Guna-Lympho. The detoxifying property of this drug eliminates inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ears, soothes, heals the epithelium, enhances the outflow of toxic components from the intercellular environment. Thanks to this medicine, muscle spasms are relieved.

No less popular homeopathic remedy for the treatment of lymph nodes near the ears is Lymphomyosot. This phytotherapeutic composition produces a detoxifying, decongestant and lymphatic drainage effect. Thanks to its intake, lymphatic outflow improves, metabolism is stimulated, and the barrier functions of the lymph nodes are enhanced.

The intake of homeopathic medicines helps to increase the degree of penetration of medicines of other groups into the affected areas, which makes it possible to adjust their dosage and thereby reduce the toxicity of treatment. To the choice of eitherany other medical drug should be approached with special responsibility, its advantages should be taken into account along with the disadvantages.

Another way to treat lymph nodes near the ear?

lymph nodes near the ear photo
lymph nodes near the ear photo

Treatment with topical anti-inflammatory drugs

Anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease include heparin ointment and Dimexide. Heparin ointment is used when the lymph node behind the ear becomes inflamed. It relieves any inflammation very well, eliminating puffiness, improving lymphatic outflow and accelerating the metabolic process in the affected tissues. Thanks to the use of this remedy, the formation of blood clots is prevented, and, in addition, superficial vessels expand. In the event that the lymph node behind the ear cannot be cured for a long period, then the use of this ointment will accelerate the regeneration processes. It should be borne in mind that heparin ointment is not used in case of reduced blood clotting, and, in addition, with tissue necrosis.

"Dimexide", which is used in complex therapy in the form of an aqueous solution, can accelerate regeneration, removing the swelling of the lymph node on the cheek near the ear. Its pronounced anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anesthetic properties allow it to be successfully used in this pathology.

How to use "Dimexide"? A napkin soaked in the solution is applied to the patientsite. This procedure must be performed at room temperature. The same applies to the temperature of the solution. Carrying out physiotherapy procedures related to warming up and wrapping the affected area is strictly prohibited.

swollen lymph node near ear
swollen lymph node near ear

Daily use of the Dimexide solution for one week will reliably eliminate inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ear. Therapy should be continued until the clinical manifestations of the disease disappear. It should be borne in mind that hyperemia, along with swelling, does not quickly disappear. Tissue regenerates slowly as it heals.

Treatment of this pathology by folk methods

Medicinal herbs help to speed up the regeneration of diseased lymph nodes near the ear. With such a pathology, pine shoots are very effective. From them, the people prepare a healing and very tasty medicine. To do this, take pine shoots with a light color and put them to the top in a liter jar, and then pour 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 tbsp. Sahara. Boil the remedy for two hours. After that, the broth is filtered. When the medicinal drug is ready, it should be taken daily twice a day after meals, one spoonful. Treatment should be prolonged, up to six to eight weeks. You can conduct therapy courses with a break of ten days.

Common hazel has a tonic and anti-inflammatory property. The leaves with the bark of the plant are usually brewed as a tea and consumed daily three times a day, 100 milliliters before meals.

Similar properties have perforatedSt. John's wort, yarrow, walnut leaves and mistletoe. In order to prepare a decoction, take one spoonful of dry grass (any of the above plants) and pour it with water, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and used for impregnation of medical compresses. The compress can be applied at night for two weeks, while avoiding overheating.

Decoction for onion and tar compresses is a powerful decongestant. This combination improves the process of epithelization, restoring metabolic processes in the lymph. To make it, you will need onions and pharmaceutical tar. The onion baked for twenty minutes is crushed until smooth, after which a tablespoon of tar is added. The resulting mass is applied to the area of the inflamed lymph node at night. For compresses, you should choose natural and breathable fabrics or use medical cotton, a bandage is also suitable. As a general tonic, an alcohol tincture of echinacea can also be included in the complex of therapy. It can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes always require special attention, the choice of an effective treatment option. A neglected disease threatens with the development of sepsis, lymphadenitis and other formidable manifestations. A person's careful attitude towards himself and his he alth will make it possible to avoid possible complications.

lymph node near ear
lymph node near ear


After successful treatment of the lymph nodes in the neck near the ear, it is necessary to pay attention to wounds and avoidtheir infection. In the event that an infection occurs, it must be treated immediately. Any abscesses that appear must be opened and disinfected. But you can not think that abscesses can be opened on their own. This should be done only in medical institutions. Even eels are forbidden to be squeezed out, as there is a danger of introducing an infection that can spread throughout the body and cause inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Personal hygiene as a means of preventing this pathology

Also, we must not forget that personal hygiene must also be observed, which largely protects the human body from infection. It is impossible to contact infectious patients, and if this happens, then measures should be taken to stop the disease, for example, take antiviral medications. In case of wounds or scratches on the skin, it is necessary to treat them in time with antiseptics. This will be the best prevention of lymphadenitis.

Among other things, do not overcool and walk in the cold season without a hat and scarf. It is hypothermia that can provoke the condition in which the lymph node near the ear becomes inflamed. What to do in this case, we have considered.
