Each of us knows the feeling when you go to the mirror in the morning and see small swellings on your face. A cold on the lips obviously does not paint us outwardly and, among other things, causes painful sensations. It would seem, nothing terrible. Most people do not treat this pathology in any way, believing that the disease will recede on its own. However, the virus is not so simple, and it is almost impossible to remove it completely from the body. The presence of infection is especially difficult for small children and pregnant women. In this article, we will look at the causes of the virus, and you will also learn how to treat a cold on the lips.
What is this?
First of all, it should be noted that the virus in question accompanies a person all his life. The disease has been known since before our era and has haunted us since ancient civilizations. Many people ask themselves: is a cold on the lips - is it herpes or not? Answer: yes. The prevalence of the virus today is approachingto the one hundred percent mark. In other words, every inhabitant of planet Earth is infected with herpes simplex.

A distinctive feature of the infection is the fact that once it enters the body, it remains there for life. Immunity in this case is powerless. A cold on the lips is a rather unpleasant ailment, and in order to get rid of its manifestations, you need to try hard.
Methods of infection
Outwardly, herpes manifests itself in the form of small bubbles, pimples on the mucous membrane. There is an opinion that neoplasms can only occur on the lips, but this is a delusion. In fact, a cold appears on any mucous membrane. It is impossible to predict this, so you have to look after the fact.
The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and through contact of mucous membranes. Herpes is built into our body at the gene level. It is not difficult to guess that the infection sits in the body of each of us. Therefore, if you had a cold on your lips and you successfully got rid of it, you should not rejoice ahead of time. At any moment, the sores can come out again, and then again you will have to deal with the solution of the problem. It turns out that the effect of therapy is reduced to the transfer of the status of the virus from active to passive.
What causes herpes?
One of the causes of colds on the lips is a decrease in the level of immunity. As already noted, the virus is hidden at the gene level and, after high-quality treatment, passes into the passive stage. At the moment when the body weakens, herpes becomes active and attacks. Do not be surprised,if, against the background of the flu or a cold, you find a few pimples-bubbles on your face.

Strong emotional stress or shock can also cause herpes. As you know, absolutely any disease can develop due to stress, a cold on the lips is no exception. If you do not want to constantly suffer from pathology, take care of your nerves. By restoring psychological balance, you can significantly reduce the burden on the body.
Improper nutrition can activate herpes. This category also includes the constant torture of oneself with various diets, as a result of which the body receives less vitamins and essential trace elements.
Another cause of colds on the lips is the presence of bad habits. By quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, you can strengthen your immune system and your body as a whole.
The cold is contagious
One must always remember that the virus is contagious. If you touch your sores on your lips with your hands, the infection can get on your hands, and then anywhere else. The virus is especially dangerous for the eyes. Always keep your hands clean during the onset of the disease, wash them with soap and water more often.
We will have to come to terms with the fact that in addition to treating the disease, you should constantly think about the safety of your loved ones. At the time of activation of the infection, give up kissing. Also be careful when interacting with other people.
The greatest danger of a cold on the lips is for pregnant women. This is not surprising, becauseit turns out that during the carrying of the fetus, the virus became more active in the body. It is not inherited, but there is a high chance of infecting the baby during childbirth. Infection in expectant mothers is quite difficult to cure. As a result, herpes encephalitis is now one of the most common causes of infant death.
Cold on the lip of a child
As you know, the body of children is more susceptible to viral infections than the body of adults. This is due to a weak immune system, as a result, it cannot provide proper resistance to herpes and other pathogens. After entering the body, no external changes occur until the virus is activated.

Then the baby will experience constant malaise, pain in the muscles. Then, after a few days, the main symptom appears - a rash of bubbles. A cold on the lip in a child is often accompanied by symptoms such as fever and itching. In addition, a burning sensation and slight tingling are found in the localization of the sores. In some cases, the bubbles merge and burst.
Other signs are observed in the course of the disease. For example, the baby may have swollen lymph nodes and a fever. Plus, muscle pain is added to everything, the spread of a rash on the face. Parents should immediately take the baby to the doctor so that he can deal with the situation.
Possible Complications
If a cold does not go away for a long time, namely for more than a weekon the lips, it's time to see a specialist. Herpes can be the starting point for the development of more complex and serious diseases. If chills, fainting, joint pain are observed simultaneously with the manifestation of a cold, an urgent need to make an appointment with a doctor.
As already noted, the herpes virus is especially dangerous if it gets into the eyes. You need to carefully monitor the child, because he can easily rub the sore first, and then touch his eyes. The pathology is very difficult, without the necessary treatment a person can go blind. The infection also spreads to the skin of the fingers.
Those with weak immunity are at risk, because their internal organs are immediately affected. Detecting the herpes virus is incredibly difficult. How to treat a cold on the lip? A drug that eliminates herpes has not yet been invented. But you can stop the virus from multiplying by quickly dealing with sores on the face.
How to quickly cure herpes on the lip?
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. It can be the flu, SARS, hypothermia and other pathologies. Quite often, a cold develops with sudden changes in air temperature.

When hypothermia became the basis for the appearance of sores, it is necessary to take a warm bath and warm up. By doing this, you give the immune system a chance to cope with the virus on its own, most often it works.
What helps with colds on the lips? An excellent remedy is zinc ointment. It dries the surface and disinfectswound. It is only necessary to apply the paste on the cleansed skin and leave. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.
Oxolinic ointment is used in the same way. Only this remedy is more effective for the treatment of external sores in the nose. Oxolinic ointment is universal, it can be used during pregnancy, because there are practically no contraindications.
Imagine the situation: you have a cold on your lip. What to do if there are no ointments and other means nearby? In this case, you can completely rely on ordinary toothpaste. Apply a layer of paste on the wound and leave until completely solidified. The method is more effective at night, as regenerative processes take place at this time.
Effective creams and ointments
The above drugs will help to cope with the external manifestation of the infection, but not with the virus itself. To combat herpes, you must use special tools.

What ointments help with colds on the lips? Let's take a look:
- "Gerpevir". The drug is a translucent cream that will cure a cold in a short time. How to use: Simply apply to the affected area. Has a neutral smell and translucent consistency.
- "Aciclovir". When they talk about a strong remedy for colds on the lips, it is this ointment that comes to mind. The effectiveness of the drug lies in the composition. It contains an antiviral component that suppresses the DNA of the infection, it must be applied every four hours.
- Streptocidointment. The drug quickly heals herpes. The tool is not a highly specialized ointment, it can be effectively used to treat many skin diseases. Doctors allow it to be used on mucous membranes, as the medication is relatively safe.
- "Gerpferon". Probably the second most popular remedy after Acyclovir. The drug is combined, contains acyclovir, lidocaine hydrochloride and interferon, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, analgesic and immunomodulatory effects. Not surprisingly, the effect becomes noticeable immediately after application. The ointment quickly eliminates the symptoms: relieves swelling and relieves itching and burning. If you apply the product before the formation of bubbles, herpes will stop multiplying and rashes will not appear.
Traditional medicine
Asking the question of what helps with a cold on the lips, I want to hear a clear answer. Many underestimate folk methods, so they tend only to treatment with medicines. However, the most effective option would be complex therapy. It will include two options at the same time, and each of them will complement the other.
Speaking of folk remedies for colds on the lips, fir oil can be distinguished. Its beauty is that even if the initial stage of the pathology has passed, you can get rid of herpes in a couple of days. The oil should be applied liberally to the entire lip area. The procedure is repeated after absorption.
A mixture of two cloves of garlic and a spoonful of honey is also considered an effective remedy. Need to mix the ingredientsand apply the resulting porridge to the affected areas. It is recommended to renew the compress every four hours.

Sea buckthorn is one of the most effective folk remedies for colds on the lips. If the herpes does not want to go away and periodically pops up on the face, you need to prepare a mixture. In addition to sea buckthorn, it includes an aloe leaf, a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, half a spoonful of s alt and baking soda, and half a white onion. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed. How to use: Apply to lips morning and evening daily.
It should be understood that in case of a severe course of the disease, traditional medicine will be powerless. If blisters and many blisters are found, use special creams and ointments immediately. In no case should you pierce the bubbles, because then ulcers form at this place, which are very painful. Chlorhexidine can be used as an additional treatment.
Preventive measures
There are situations when people struggle with herpes all the time, but it still appears. In such cases, you need to think about prevention. First of all, protect your lips from the sun, frost and wind. To achieve this, you need to apply special creams and ointments that will not allow you to overheat or overcool.
In addition, you should increase immunity. Engage in physical culture, try to harden, observe the daily routine. An excellent option for strengthening immunity would be the consumption of garlic or ginseng. When the period of epidemics of ARVI and influenza begins, do notvisit public places, generally avoid large crowds.

Self-medication can damage the body more than all viruses and infections. Taking drugs without consulting a doctor is a bad idea. Use only those medicines prescribed by your doctor.
Start adjusting your diet. It is necessary to add more fresh fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C to it. Try to give up fatty foods, chocolate and sugar. It will be beneficial for the body to drink plenty of fluids. Here, the preferred options would be a decoction or tea based on sage, lemon balm and other beneficial herbs.
As soon as the first symptoms appear, namely itching and burning around the lips, proceed to treatment. Here the question arises: what to choose - drug therapy or traditional medicine? An unmistakable option would be to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment if necessary.
In our material we answered the question: "A cold on the lips - is it herpes or not?" - and talked about the causes of infection and methods of treatment. Also, do not forget about preventive measures that will help prevent the disease.