Orchiepididymitis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, features of the diagnosis and medical supervision

Orchiepididymitis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, features of the diagnosis and medical supervision
Orchiepididymitis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, features of the diagnosis and medical supervision

Orchiepididymitis is a severe male urological disease of infectious etiology, in which the acute inflammatory process affects the testicle and is transmitted to its epididymis. In most situations, the disease is formed in sexually mature men aged 16 to 40 years (during an intense sexual life). However, orchiepididymitis is sometimes formed in elderly patients. It is important to know which antibiotic for the treatment of orchiepididymitis is better than others.

orchiepididymitis antibiotic treatment
orchiepididymitis antibiotic treatment


Epididymo-orchitis most often develops as a result of inflammation of one testicle (epididymitis) or due to inflammation of the epididymis (orchitis). The causes of the disease are very diverse, but more often the disease develops due to factors such as:

  • physical damage to testicles or scrotum;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hypothermia;
  • hypercooling of the body;
  • increased or decreased sexual activity;
  • stress, strong emotional disorders;
  • chronic diseases, infection with infectious and non-infectiousnature.

For men under 35, the usual reasons are:

  • infection with trichomoniasis, mumps, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia;
  • circulatory disorders in the groin, stagnation of blood in the pelvis, unprotected intercourse;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system in history - balanoposthitis, cystitis, urethritis - bacteria penetrate through the vessels or vas deferens and infect the testicles or epididymis;
  • due to complications of ailments such as angina pectoris, pneumonia, syphilis, tuberculosis, cryptococcosis;
  • Incorrectly performed bladder catheterization;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • after prostate surgery.
acute orchiepididymitis treatment
acute orchiepididymitis treatment

Acute symptoms

Signs of acute form:

  • in the area of the affected testicle and epidermis, there is severe pain, prone to intensification;
  • pain on palpation or touching the scrotum;
  • swelling and inflammation of the scrotum, followed by reddening of the tissues;
  • tightening of the scrotum;
  • increasing the size of the scrotum;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees.

Chronic symptoms

Signs of the chronic form:

  • pain in the inflamed testicle, which periodically appear, intensifying during physical activity of a person;
  • change in body temperature periodically for no apparent reason (can rise up to 40 degrees);
  • if the cause of the disease is tuberculosisstick, the skin of the scrotum may form fistulas (fistulas);
  • scrotum size increase and tissue thickening;
  • compromised immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance - impaired testosterone production;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • formation of phlegmon on the scrotum;
  • infertility due to disruption of the reproductive system during sperm production;
  • disruption of the circulatory system, which can lead to a heart attack;
  • development of tumor formation;
  • disruption of the urinary system.
treatment of orchiepididymitis in men
treatment of orchiepididymitis in men


Diagnostic methods include the following:

  • Conversation with the doctor. The doctor, using a survey, collects data on the development of the disease, based on the patient's complaints. Particular attention is drawn to the nature and characteristics of a man's sexual life, which is important for identifying the relationship between orchiepididymitis and venereal infections. Evidence of recent scrotal trauma or surgery also plays an important role in the diagnosis.
  • Inspection. The urologist examines the area of the alleged lesion. With unilateral orchiepididymitis, the appearance of the scrotum will be skewed to the diseased side due to edema. The color of the testicle becomes purple-red, and the skin is hot to the touch.
  • Analyses. Clinical and biochemical blood and urine tests will be required to detect an inflammatory process in the body. To identify pathogenic flora, you will need to pass a bacteriological examination of a smear from the urethra.
  • A mandatory item in the diagnosis of orchiepididymitis is blood donation for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (PCR, ELISA), which most often causes the disease.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum - is an auxiliary research method, is prescribed to detect a hernia, dropsy of the testicles or a tumor.
  • Ureteroscopy - is prescribed to clarify the cause of the development of the disease.
orchiepididymitis treatment which antibiotic is better to take
orchiepididymitis treatment which antibiotic is better to take

Treatment of orchiepididymitis in men

Since orchiepididymitis proceeds as an inflammatory process provoked by various infections and bacteria, it is often complicated by typical symptoms (fever, chills, increased pain). Therefore, most often the attending physician offers therapeutic measures in a hospital.

As mentioned above, the cause of orchiepididymitis is any infection of the male genital organs, and treatment is carried out according to the standard, generally accepted scheme:

In case it is not clear exactly which infection caused the inflammation, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed to treat the symptoms of orchiepididymitis:

  • antibiotics of the penicillin group ("Amoxiclav", "Ospamox");
  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins.

If, with the help of diagnostic studies, it was possible to accurately determine the type of pathogen-infection, then narrow-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed, for example, which antibiotic is better to take in the treatment of orchiepididymitis:

  • "Rifampicin", "Chloramphenicol", "Myokamicin", "Clindamycin";
  • ampicillins ("Ampik", "Docillin", "Dedompil");
  • group of aminoglycosides ("Geramycin", "Gentostep");
  • group of macrolide antibiotics ("Clabax");
  • antibiotics of the azalide and fluoroquinol group ("Sumamed", "Oflocid", "Ofloksin").
  • orchiepididymitis symptoms treatment
    orchiepididymitis symptoms treatment

Therapy rules

When treating orchiepididymitis with antibiotics, there are a number of mandatory rules and precautions that are not observed if a man self-medicates, namely:

  1. The attending physician decides on the choice of any antibiotic for the treatment of acute orchiepididymitis (its dosage), taking into account the concomitant diseases identified during the collection of anamnesis. Otherwise, uncontrolled intake of antibiotics can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, there are limitations, as well as all sorts of side effects.
  2. Since orchiepididymitis very often occurs against the background of a sexually transmitted infection, the specialized attending physician offers the partner of a sick man to undergo diagnostic tests and, if necessary, receive special treatment.
  3. As a rule, in the course of drug therapy, you need to know which antibiotic for the treatment of orchiepididymitis is best suited. The doctor in most cases changes the group and type of antibiotics. It dependshow effective the previously prescribed drug was, how the recovery process is going. With self-treatment, it is almost impossible to do it qualifiedly.
  4. When undergoing treatment for orchiepididymitis, sexual life is excluded.
orchiepididymitis treatment with folk remedies
orchiepididymitis treatment with folk remedies

Using local funds

It should be noted that the use of pharmacological preparations of local local action (ointments, creams, gels or sprays) for orchiepididymitis is not recommended by experts. This is due to the fact that the skin of the scrotum is quite sensitive and the use of anti-inflammatory ointments can cause irritation. In addition, the skin of the scrotum, the body of the testis and its appendages are not soldered together, which greatly complicates the entry of medicinal components to the site of inflammation. In addition to anti-inflammatory therapy with antibiotics, for the full treatment of orchiepididymitis, drugs are used to enhance the function of a person's own immunity (the so-called immunomodulators) - this allows the body to fight the disease more intensively. For this purpose, various vitamin complexes are also prescribed.

Remove puffiness, symptoms of inflammation, pain will help non-steroidal drugs such as "Olfen", "Diclofenac" and their analogues. In the case of pronounced pain manifestations, the attending physician recommends a number of pain medications, such as Ketanol, for example.

Folk treatment

Before you start treating orchiepididymitis folk remedies, make sure you havethere is no allergy to the components that make up the products.

Herbal teas, herbs and infusions can also have a healing effect. Herbal teas are effective. Here are some of them:

  • Infusion based on lingonberry leaf, tansy flowers and horsetail. Take all the ingredients in equal proportions, chop, pour boiling water in a volume of 1 cup and insist for half an hour. For best results, take 1 cup 3 times daily before meals.
  • Herbal collection. Five teaspoons of anise, parsley, dandelion, brew 0.5 liters of hot water and leave for at least 30 minutes. Take in the same way as the previous infusion.
  • Tea with herbs. Mix 4 teaspoons of corn stigmas with a mixture of herbs (5 teaspoons each): rose hips, wheatgrass root, St. John's wort, mint, parsley and currant leaves. Pour all the components with a liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain and drink throughout the day in small equal portions.

Bee products

To relieve the symptoms of the disease, you can prepare a special ointment based on one chicken yolk, 30 ml of vegetable oil and 20 g of beeswax. To prepare the preparation, melt the wax in a water bath, add boiled yolk and oil to it. You need to store such an ointment in the refrigerator, and in between compresses apply to the scrotum area. Of course, do not forget to consult with your doctor before starting non-traditional therapy.

orchiepididymitis treatment whatantibiotic
orchiepididymitis treatment whatantibiotic


Any pathological process of the male genital area, whether it is an infectious disease or a focus of inflammation, requires timely and complete drug therapy, as well as other types of treatment. Orchiepididymitis, which is an inflammation of the male testicle and epididymis, is no exception. Delay in visiting a specialized specialist, ignoring medical recommendations, a frivolous attitude towards this disease can lead to sad and sometimes irreversible consequences.

The most frequent and predictable negative consequences in the absence of adequate therapy for orchiepididymitis are:

  • Acute orchiepididymitis can turn into a chronic form with all the symptoms and pains that cause a lot of discomfort to a man.
  • As a result, the quality of sexual life, the level of potency decreases.
  • An untreated inflammatory process localized in the vas deferens can provoke the development of scars and adhesions in these organs, which in the future will cause their obstruction.
  • When the testicle becomes inflamed, a scar or tight knot can form, which will interfere with the passage of sperm.
  • All these pathological processes, if the disease was transferred at a young age, can cause secondary infertility in men.
  • Severe complications requiring emergency medical care include pathologies such as fistulas and abscesses in the body of the scrotum, testicular infarction, complete obstruction of the vas deferens, and the development of a cancerous tumor.


Despite the danger of such a disease as orchiepididymitis, its prevention is quite simple. This is, first of all, the use of personal protective equipment (condom) during sexual intercourse with an unverified partner, the observance of reliable disinfectant measures during urological examinations. In addition, men should try to avoid hypothermia, injury to the genital organs, and seek medical help at the slightest suspicion of a disease.
