Modern "office sickness" - myositis, the symptoms of which are familiar to most. This collective term refers to pathological conditions that are accompanied by sharp pain in the skeletal muscles. Not every muscle pain indicates myositis, but each such backache makes you think. In the article we will understand the causes and symptoms of myositis. And also in the types of this disease, the consequences and methods of treatment. No matter how insidious myositis is, you will know which doctor to see and how to get rid of it.
Disease clinic
Myositis (from Greek Μύος - muscle + Latin suffix -itis - inflammation) is a common name for a group of pathologies characterized by inflammation of the skeletal muscles. The origin of inflammation may be different, and, accordingly, myositis will have different symptoms and clinical course. According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), myositis is assigned the code M60.

The main symptom of this inflammatory process is a sharp pain at the site of the lesion, increasing over time. Increased pain is felt when the affected areas of muscle tissue move, which causes a protective tension of opposing muscles. Without treatment, the muscles become skeletal, which leads to limited joint movements, muscle weakness, and even atrophy of the affected area.
Classification of myositis
According to the type of source of inflammation, the following types of disease are distinguished: infectious myositis (ICD - M60.0), parasitic, toxic, traumatic. Different schools may have different classifications. In accordance with various pathogenesis, myositis is distinguished (ICD - M60.1-M60.9): polymyositis, dermatomyositis, neuromyositis, fibromyositis and myositis ossificans. According to the localization of inflammation, myositis of the neck, back, limbs, thoracic region, and so on is isolated. The most common is cervical myositis (60%), followed by lumbar myositis in frequency of occurrence.

Myositis of the muscles can be acute or chronic, can be short-term and disturbing throughout life, occur in adults and children. Dermatomyositis is more common in children, while women mostly suffer from polymyositis. And in people of the older age group, fibromyositis is more often diagnosed. This disease can be independent and manifest as a consequence of other diseases.
Myositis: inflammation in the muscles
The causes of myositis can be exogenous andendogenous factors, namely:
- Infections of a viral and bacterial nature. In this case, inflammation usually spreads from other organs (for example, tonsils) with the bloodstream. Purulent muscle myositis is provoked by generalized purulent infections (staphylococcal, streptococcal, osteomyelitis or fungal infections). They have a severe course, are accompanied by abscesses and require surgical intervention. The non-purulent course of infectious myositis can be triggered by influenza, SARS, syphilis, and tuberculosis. Direct muscle damage develops when exposed to toxins released by pathogenic microorganisms.
- Autoimmune diseases (arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, collagenosis) can cause myositis, the symptoms of which are acute and subacute, or provoke the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
- Invasions of parasites (toxoplasmosis, cysticercosis, echinococcosis, trichinosis) can lead to the introduction of the microorganism into the muscles and the development of toxic-allergic reactions. The disease proceeds in waves that correlate with the life cycle of the parasite. Pain syndrome, subfebrile temperature are observed in the clinic, eosinophilic leukocytosis is observed in blood tests.
- Exposure to toxins. Alcohol, drugs, insect venom, cocaine, corticosteroids may increase the risk of myositis.
- Traumatic factors. Edema always develops at the sites of muscle fiber ruptures. The normal muscle tissue is then replaced by scar tissue, resulting in shortening of the muscle. Minor damage to muscle fibers usually heals quickly, but withserious disorders (for example, with polymyositis), tissue necrosis may develop.
- Professional myositis. This form of inflammation occurs as a result of a long stay in one position, which is typical for drivers, computer scientists, musicians.

Symptoms: how it hurts
Myositis is manifested by the main symptom - muscle weakness and pain. Myositis is characterized by bilateral symmetry of the inflammatory process. The pain may be constant or it may appear with certain movements. Muscle weakness develops gradually, involving more and more areas of skeletal muscle. The most severe and painful myositis is of the shoulder girdle and pelvic muscles, in which there is a violation of gait and coordination of movements. Other symptoms of myositis may include:
- Skin rashes in places of inflammation.
- Increasing general fatigue.
- Aching pains that increase with probing and movement.
- Sometimes subfebrile temperature, fever, headaches.
- Symptoms of myositis may be the appearance of pain in the joints during exacerbations of the disease. But at the same time, there is no swelling of the joint, which distinguishes myositis from arthritis and arthrosis.
Brief description of disease types
Different types of myositis have different symptoms. Pain in myositis of the cervical region is aggravated by turning the head and is given to the head, shoulders, back and shoulder blades. The pains do not stop during the rest period, and the cold aggravates the situation. Pain in myositis of the spinal muscles increases in the morning. Myositis of the extremities is more common in diseases of other skeletal muscles (back or chest). Myositis of the thoracic region is very painful, since there is no way to limit the movement of the ribs during inspiration. In severe cases, the muscles of the larynx and pharynx become inflamed, causing difficulty swallowing.
Polymyositis captures large muscle groups in the process of inflammation, accompanied by joint pain, arthritis and dermatitis (dermatomyositis), in which rashes of purple and purple color appear on the neck, trunk, face. This is a systemic connective tissue disease.

Neuromyositis is characterized by the involvement of not only muscles, but also nerve endings in inflammation. It is accompanied by paresthesia (decrease in sensitivity), hyperesthesia (increase in sensitivity), severe pain, decreased muscle tone.
Polyfibromyositis is characterized by the replacement of muscle tissue with connective tissue. Inflammatory processes lead to the formation of nodules of scar tissue (contractures) in the muscle tissues, which are well palpable. They can appear and disappear, as the process is neglected, the muscles are deformed, which is accompanied by severe pain.
The most common is lumbar myositis. Its symptoms are easily confused with lumbago, but the pain is less acute. They are aching in nature, do not stop at rest and increase with pressure and movement.
A very rare form of myositis
Myositis ossificans has three forms of manifestation: traumatic (consequences of trauma), progressive(hereditary disease) and trophoneurological (physiology disorders). All forms have a different course and symptoms. But most often it develops as a consequence of polyfibromyositis. Scar tissues become heterogeneous and are impregnated with minerals and s alts of phosphate acid, calcium and potassium. As they accumulate, the process of ossification begins. The clinical picture consists of deformation of the limbs, the appearance of compacted muscles, impaired mobility and severe pain. The traumatic form of such myositis has a predominantly favorable prognosis. Hereditary forms of the disease begin spontaneously, the course is unpredictable and often leads to the death of the patient due to ossification of the respiratory and swallowing muscles.

Children's myositis
Inflammation of muscle fibers in children has the same causes and symptoms as in adults. The most common form of the disease in children is cervical myositis. Moreover, the younger the child, the more dangerous this disease, because it can affect not only the neck, but also the muscles of the larynx, esophagus. In addition, children are more likely to develop dermatomyositis with severe rash. At the same time, children often complain of pain in the legs when walking. Particularly strong pain in the lower leg. The development of an acute form of myositis in children is often preceded by tonsillitis and colds. It is children who are susceptible to this disease due to a long stay in one position during study. Especially if the posture in this position is incorrect. Fixation of the muscular frame can lead not only tomuscle inflammation, but also to osteochondrosis, kyphosis and lordosis of the spine, vegetovascular dystonia and insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.
The basis for the prevention of childhood myositis is adequate dressing of the child, avoiding drafts. It is very important to properly organize a place to sleep so that the position of the neck and head is physiologically correct. Correct posture at the table during work, playing sports and walking in the fresh air will be the key to the he alth of the child.
Danger of complications
Even mild forms of myositis not only violate the quality of life of a person and limit his freedom, in the absence of timely measures taken, they threaten to cause quite serious consequences. Myositis can cause the following complications:
- Spread to neighboring muscles and involve vital organs in the inflammatory process.
- If myositis is not treated, it progresses and can lead to muscle atrophy, up to disability and disability.
- The ossification of muscle fibers can be the cause of patient death.
- Purulent myositis leads to the formation of abscesses and cellulitis, which can cause sepsis and death.
- Complications of cervical myositis can lead to pathologies of the ENT organs, followed by shortness of breath and increased stress on the heart muscle and vascular system.

First Aid
It is worth sitting in the winter at a poorly closed window or in the summer under a stream of air from the air conditioner - and now we have a catarrhal myositis. Its mild forms usually pass withoutconsequences within 10-14 days. However, this painful disease requires care, and the following measures will be the first emergency help to our body:
- Warming up a sore muscle will only aggravate the situation. In the first days of illness, give the muscles maximum rest.
- Don't let your muscle get any more colds. A natural wool scarf is very suitable.
- For rubbing, you can use alcohol solutions and any ointments for athletes with a warming effect.
- Along with local anesthesia, help the muscle to relax from the inside - herbal infusions and drugs of a general relaxing nature will relieve tension and tightness in the muscles.
- If the pain does not subside within a few days - a direct road to the hospital with myositis. Which doctor should I contact? See a rheumatologist or therapist. It is better to immediately establish the cause of muscle pain. With myositis, the sooner treatment is started, the more favorable the prognosis will be. But sometimes these pains can be a completely different disease. For example, with myocardial infarction, severe pain under the shoulder blade and in the muscles of the left arm is very often observed.
Diagnosis and treatment strategy
Acute myositis is characterized by a typical clinic, which is the basis of diagnosis. In other forms of myositis, the whole complex of symptoms is taken into account, if necessary, a blood test is performed. A special study is electromyography, which shows the destruction of muscle fibers in various forms of myositis. Which doctor should I contact if I have symptoms? To a rheumatologist, surgeon or therapist. The doctor prescribes the treatmentand it will depend on the severity of the pathology.

The scheme of therapy is individual. To relieve inflammation, immunosuppressants are prescribed ("Prednisolone", "Methotriksat"). To eliminate the bacterial nature of myositis, drugs are selected in accordance with pathogens (antibiotics). With the viral nature of the infection, complex immunostimulants are prescribed. To relieve pain, it is effective to use external ointments for myositis ("Traumeel S", "Diclofenac", Deep Relief gel, Dolaren gel).
Physiotherapy for myositis
Physiotherapeutic techniques are quite diverse, and without them one should not count on successful treatment. They improve muscle tone and patient well-being, prevent muscle tissue atrophy. First of all, it is dry heat (warming up, body wraps) and massage, as well as physiotherapy exercises. Often used manual therapy, ultrasound, magnetotherapy.
Massage for myositis is aimed at normalizing blood circulation in damaged tissues, removing swelling and reducing pain. The massage technique provides for muscle relaxation. Massage begins above the lesion and ends below it. Techniques of vibration, stroking and gentle rubbing are used. The duration of the session is 15 minutes, the course is up to eight procedures.
Therapeutic exercise should take place under the supervision of specialists. It is useful to visit the pool, water aerobics is recommended. Physical exercise in water relaxes muscles, reducesload and increase overall tone. The uniform rules in physiotherapy exercises will be the following:
- To normalize blood flow, muscles must be warmed up before exercise.
- Overexertion does not contribute to recovery, so the pace of exercise should be optimal, and increase smoothly.
- Periods of stress should alternate with periods of rest.
- Exercise concentrates on the inflamed muscle, but stops when tired.
- During exacerbations, it is better to simplify the program.

In addition, diet therapy is recommended for patients with myositis, which excludes alcohol, fatty, s alty and spicy foods.
What traditional medicine advises
With myositis, folk remedies help relieve pain, increase blood flow in the affected muscle and warm it. At home, muscles are massaged, dry compresses are applied, and wrapped. Rubbing oils are used - lavender, pink, cinnamon. Removal of spasm can be provided by a compress of potatoes boiled with peel and mashed, which is wrapped in a cloth, applied to a sore spot and wrapped. The pain will subside if you apply a cabbage leaf, lathered with laundry soap and sprinkled with soda, to the sore spot, and then wrap this compress.
A compress from a decoction of pine needles is considered a folk remedy for relieving inflammation. Spruce or pine branches are crushed and poured with boiling water. The broth is insisted for 10 hours. Then it is mixed with oatmeal and in this form is applied to the focus of inflammation.
When cervicalmyositis pain will help relieve a compress with bay oil. To do this, the fabric is soaked in warm water with 10-15 drops of oil dissolved in it and applied for half an hour to the area below the back of the head.
Infusion of Adonis (10 g of grass pour 1 cup of boiling water, wrap, leave for 1 hour) is recommended to be taken orally 1 tablespoon three times a day. An analogue of this folk remedy is the drug "Adonizide". However, it is recommended to coordinate its intake with a doctor.
Decoction of physalis (15-20 fruits per half liter of water, boil over low heat or evaporate in a water bath for 15 minutes) relieves pain when taken orally in a quarter cup three times a day for a month.

General Prevention
In everyday life, it is enough to follow some rules, and you will not encounter unpleasant symptoms of myositis, namely:
- Temper the body and load with feasible physical activity. Swimming, aerobics, gymnastics, yoga, cycling - all activities are good when in moderation.
- Be mindful of your posture, don't always carry your bag on one shoulder, and try not to hold a static posture for long periods of time.
- When performing sedentary work, do periodic minutes of unloading exercises for the muscles of the back, neck and limbs.
- It is very good to take preventive massage courses at least once a year.
- Do not start diseases, the consequences of which may be myositis.
- Dress for the weather, avoid hypothermia, and stay out of the draft.
- Hiking in the fresh air in any weather will fill your body with strength in the fight against infections that constantly attack us.