The wasp is a fairly harmless insect until it wants to sting you. Bees have been known to shed their stinger after being attacked and die. A wasp can do this repeatedly, especially if it gets angry or considers you an object threatening its life. Experienced beekeepers know what to do with a wasp sting. And ordinary people sometimes panic for no reason instead of taking measures to avoid the consequences of an insect bite.

The wasp is especially dangerous for people of any age suffering from bronchial asthma. They are most likely allergic to insect sting venom. Such individuals immediately develop bad symptoms: swelling, redness, pain, itching. The poison that has entered the body can cause a strong reaction, even vomiting, diarrhea. In the worst cases, anaphylactic shock occurs. This condition is already life threatening. The bite site also plays a big role. If it is the tongue, then it is unpleasant and very dangerous. A person can die from suffocation when the tongue swells. Most often, deaths occur when not one wasp attacks, but several. At the same time, they defend themselves, but a person can die from the amount of poison. When attacked by angry insects, it is necessary to hide from them as soon as possible in vegetation or in a pond. As a last resort, you will have to flee.

Well, if trouble happened, then you need to know what to do with a wasp sting. First of all, calm down. Inspection of the affected area of the skin will not be superfluous. It will help determine if an allergic reaction has begun. If so, then help with a wasp sting should be provided by an ambulance team, and as soon as possible. Call an ambulance urgently. If help is delayed, then you need to buy an anti-allergic drug at the nearest pharmacy and take it as soon as possible.
What to do with a wasp sting if there is redness of the affected area and slight itching? Steps to eliminate these symptoms can be taken independently. It is necessary to wash this place with water. Finely chopped parsley helps a lot. Its juice neutralizes poisons. It also makes sense to attach a bow. He disinfects. An iodine mesh can be made at the site of the bite. To eliminate swelling, you need to apply something cold. You can even use what is at hand. The wound should be periodically treated with an alcohol solution. You need to calm down, go home and lie down. You can also drink warm tea with sugar. First aid for a wasp sting basically consists of these simple, but very correct actions. In no case should adults drink alcohol in such a situation.

During pregnancy, all the protective properties of the bodyweaken a little. Therefore, wasp stings are dangerous for pregnant women.
In order not to have to think about what to do with a wasp sting, you need to avoid common mistakes. You should not dress up in bright dresses with a floral pattern, sprinkle sweet perfume on yourself. Do not leave any food, especially melon, watermelon, other fruits and vegetables in the open air. Better to eat them at home. Bypass the wasp nests on the tenth road, do not look into them and, even more so, do not try to destroy them. These rules will help you save your he alth and life.