Fraser's staple - painless treatment of ingrown toenail

Fraser's staple - painless treatment of ingrown toenail
Fraser's staple - painless treatment of ingrown toenail

Many people face the problem of ingrown nails. The big toes are the most affected. The first symptom is pain that occurs when walking and wearing tight shoes. In the absence of appropriate treatment, bleeding and thickening of the nail fold occurs. In the future, inflammation and suppuration of the finger is formed.

cutter bracket
cutter bracket

Why do nails grow in

There is an opinion that cutting an ingrown nail short enough to get rid of the problem. Unfortunately, this measure is short-lived and can lead to additional tissue infection, bone inflammation and the development of necrotic areas.

Ingrown toenails are caused by:

  • age-related changes;
  • presence of fungal diseases;
  • injuries;
  • tight shoes of the wrong size and hereditary predisposition.

In unopened cases, you can limit yourself to cosmetic manipulations. Installation of the Fraser bracket is recommendedin the absence of tissue inflammation and the need to align the nail. With further appropriate care, plate ingrowth can be forgotten.

Surgical treatment is indispensable for severe inflammation and pain that occurs when suppuration and compaction of surrounding tissues. Special equipment is used to remove granulations. Plates are installed only after complete healing and removal of the inflammatory process.

milling bracket installation
milling bracket installation


Fraser bracket in its functional purpose is similar to dental braces. It is a safe analogue of surgical treatment, which is highly traumatic and contributes to complications. An ingrown nail plate is corrected using plates and staples made of plastic and metal. They are fixed on the nail and prevent it from growing into the skin due to the alignment of the corners and their removal to the outside. This technique is completely painless and has not only a curative, but also a preventive effect, prevents the plate from growing in the future.


The nail cutter staples are similar in appearance to a flat spring. They are fixed across the ingrown plate and provide elevation of the edges above the skin ridges. It is worth noting that they do not require specific care and can help even in difficult cases. Installation is done within a few minutes. The main advantage is the absence of pain when walking due to the flat shape, which does not have corners andirregularities, as well as the possibility of using cosmetic varnishes.

Reliable fixation is provided by a special adhesive composition that does not cause allergic reactions. The nail is aligned due to the force of resistance and subsequently does not grow into the skin. After installation, it is possible to wear any shoes, including model and open ones, as the plate has a small size and a neutral shade.

router bracket correction
router bracket correction

How to fix an ingrown toenail

The Milling Clamp has the greatest corrective capability compared to other inserts. It is optimally suited even for twisted and rough nails. For its manufacture, a wire material consisting of stainless surgical steel is used. The thickness of the nail determines the thickness of the wire used for leveling. The bent edges of the wire are put on the sides of the plates in the form of fixing hooks, due to which the nail is leveled.

Over time, the pulling force decreases, and as the nail grows, its shape changes. Despite the many advantages of the procedure, it has some limitations. In particular, it is not suitable for patients under six years of age. Also, the installation and correction of the Fraser bracket is not possible in the presence of nail diseases such as fungus and psoriasis. Preliminary consultation with the attending physician is necessary for people suffering from diabetes.

Minor inflammation, redness and pain can be relieved with the help of cold, for this an ordinary ice cube will do. Ointments based on propolis and levomycetin eliminateinflammation and kill pathogenic bacteria. Also, birch tar and tincture of iodine are highly effective in combating the inflammatory process.

nail cutter staples
nail cutter staples

Product installation

Fraser's bracket can have a different degree of impact on the nail, which is selected in accordance with the curvature of the nail plate and its thickness. The wire is made from surgical material and has a different diameter. The installation of the device does not cause pain to the patient, while it absolutely does not interfere with everyday life, including sports. The painful sensations resulting from the ingrown nail disappear on the first day of wearing due to the maximum impact of the plate during this period. Over time, the degree of tension decreases. It is worth noting that after two months, the Fraser Brace will need to be adjusted.

ingrown nail staple cutter
ingrown nail staple cutter

What you need to know

In the absence of an inflammatory process, the first stage of the plate installation is the treatment of nails and adjacent tissues. Then, a silicone nail print is required. With the help of it, the specialist makes an accurate cast of the nail from acrylic or gypsum material. It is necessary for the formation of a bracket that will completely match the size of the nail. Then it remains only to try on the product and fix it with glue.

It is worth noting that there is no need to frequently make a staple. It is enough to make regular correction of the plate and visit a specialist to remove the periungualcalluses and treatment of the nails themselves.

After 3-4 corrections, a new Fraser bracket is made, this is due to the fact that the old plate changes its shape, just like the nail itself. All stages are performed in the same order as at the first appointment with a specialist.

Particular importance should be given to the choice of clinic and the doctor who installs the staples. The organization must have all the necessary permits, and the specialist must undergo appropriate training. Fraser staples in Moscow time can be installed not only in medical centers, but also in beauty salons. Today, there are many courses that allow manicure and pedicure masters to deal with the problem of ingrown nails.

training of the milling cutter bracket in Moscow time
training of the milling cutter bracket in Moscow time

Frozer's bracket: contraindications

While an ingrown toenail can be treated quickly, there are some cases that require immediate medical attention, including the following:

  • presence of diabetes mellitus of any type and disorders in the circulatory system;
  • blood or pus comes out of the periungual fold;
  • the surface of the affected finger swells and becomes hot;
  • increased soreness at rest.
