It would seem, how can a baby, surrounded by almost sterile cleanliness and feeding on mother's milk, show signs of a rotovirus infection? This disease has another name - the disease of dirty hands. But how can it come from a newborn who lies in a crib or is in the arms of loving parents who care about his he alth?

Causes of rotavirus infection
The peculiarity of this disease is that the signs of rotovirus infection in older children and adults can hardly appear and cause only mild stomach upset. However, you should be aware that the contagiousness (contagiousness) of this infection is very high. It is worth a sister or brother to touch the crib with unwashed hands - and now the baby has a rotavirus infection. It can enter the body through contaminated food, water, contact with vomit or feces. Therefore, if there is a sick person in the house, cleaning should be done very carefully. Signs of rotovirus infection are very common in newborns. Therefore, you should not blame yourself for negligence. However, treatment should be startedas soon as possible.
Rotovirus infection: signs, treatment
This disease combines catarrhal and intestinal symptoms. First, the baby's temperature rises, almost immediately to 38-39 ºС, after which there are sore throats, runny nose, diarrhea and vomiting. Like the common flu, this disease is violent, but fast. On the 3-4th day, the child's condition should return to normal: the temperature will drop, and vomiting will stop. But frequent loose stools will persist for at least another week.

Principles of disease treatment
It is very important to observe the drinking regime, because any intestinal infections first of all provoke dehydration, since with vomiting the child's body loses a significant amount of fluid and mineral s alts. If the baby is breastfed and does not consume anything other than milk, then during the period of illness it is necessary to offer him additional liquid in between feedings. It can be water, compote, herbal tea. The volume of fluid entering the body should be equal to its loss. After each episode of diarrhea or vomiting, the baby should drink at least 50 ml of liquid. It is recommended to suggest drinking little by little (3-5 ml) every 5-10 minutes because large volumes will not be absorbed. If the child refuses any drink, and vomiting does not stop, then infusion therapy is required - a dropper.
Drug therapy

Naturally, the first signs of a rotovirus infection arecause for immediate medical attention. The most optimal treatment for the disease is a plentiful, if possible fortified, drink. But the pediatrician can also prescribe medication. First of all, sorbents. With their help, toxins in the intestines are absorbed, and diarrhea gradually stops. If the baby is difficult to suck due to a runny nose, then vasoconstrictor drops for babies will be required. The disease will pass by itself, as soon as protective antibodies are developed in the body of the crumbs. Therefore, antibiotics will not help here. They are only given if a bacterial infection is suspected.
During the period of illness, the child especially needs his mother's attention and love. It is necessary to take the baby in your arms as often as possible, communicate affectionately and distract from unpleasant sensations. Care, combined with properly organized treatment, will do their job, and the baby will recover very soon.