A pathological change in the veins, namely their expansion, is not such a rare phenomenon. It is caused by reversed blood flow, which is generally not typical of peripheral vessels.

Reflux - that's what this phenomenon is called - gradually leads to a difficult outflow of venous blood, the manifestation of congestion, and a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the extremities. These factors negatively affect the vessels, the veins in the legs gradually lose the elasticity of their walls, stretch and deform.
The disease caused by these changes is called varicose veins. The problem of how to remove veins in the legs with varicose veins is of particular concern to women, since dilated veins are very noticeable, they create aesthetic discomfort. In addition, often worried about pain, numbness, cramps, heaviness in the legs. By the nature of the course, varicose veins can be primary or secondary, untreatedthe disease can progress and lead to inflammatory processes or the formation of trophic ulcers.
Dilated veins in the legs, as a rule, bring the patient to the clinic, while patients experience fear, being convinced that the doctor will insist on surgical intervention. In fact, just 10-12 years ago, there was no question that the veins on the legs, which were treated through physiotherapy, would disappear and cease to bother. The achievements of modern science have allowed phlebologists to heal patients with varicose veins with the help of special technologies, and in a very short period of time. Of course, the decision on the optimal methods of influencing the disease is made by the doctor after conducting appropriate studies.

The veins in the legs are treated mainly with minimally invasive methods that involve radical treatment without surgery. It is very important for patients that the treatment is carried out without general anesthesia and has an amazing result - not the slightest trace remains of diseased veins.
Modern methods of treating leg veins

First of all, it is carbon dioxide sclerotherapy. The foam formed by the sclerosant and carbon dioxide is injected into the vein, stops the blood flow in it and turns it into a fibrous cord, which resolves over time. You can use this method regardless of which leg veins are affected by varicose veins.
The second way is to remove veins with a laser. He is also capableremove diseased veins without surgical intervention. This method is based on the impact of a powerful laser pulse on the blood in the vessel. This leads to coagulation of the vein and its complete closure.
A current option that allows you to treat veins in the legs is radiofrequency ablation, which is a thermal method of influencing the inner walls of blood vessels. Perform the procedure by inserting the electrode into the lumen of the main vein. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation leads to the creation of a high temperature in the vein (about 85 degrees), which causes it to close. Veins of any diameter can be treated with laser ablation. From the feedback of patients, you can learn about the effectiveness and painlessness of this procedure.