Lipoma is a benign tumor, which is able to stay in a latent state for a long period, delivering only aesthetic inconvenience. But if a wen hurts and becomes inflamed, causing severe discomfort, it must be treated, otherwise complications may develop.
General information
Such a subcutaneous neoplasm is also called atheroma and lipoma, depending on the nature of their appearance. The first in the process of inflammation delivers discomfort, and the second is usually asymptomatic. This benign tumor can form anywhere where there is adipose tissue. In most cases, it occurs on the back, as the sebaceous glands on this part of the body are prone to blockage due to sweating.
Wen - a round elevation on the skin, which still appears on the neck, face, head, legs and arms. The size of the lipoma rarely exceeds 3 cm, but in some cases they reach 10 cm or more. With inflammation of the subcutaneous neoplasm, its size can increase greatly within a few weeks.
Leastchildren are susceptible to this disease. Basically, wen are formed in adults from 30-50 years old. When a subcutaneous formation appears on the baby’s body, you should not panic, you should consult a doctor.
A he alth hazard is an inflamed lipoma. Moreover, it can be located quite deeply, as a result of which its detection is much more complicated. Diagnosis is performed by computed tomography, ultrasound machine or X-ray.

Why does the wen hurt?
Reliable and exact reasons that provoke suppuration of lipoma are still unknown. The inflammatory process may occur due to the following factors:
- failure of metabolic processes in the body;
- disorders of the thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland and gallbladder;
- permanent damage to the wen due to friction with clothes.
But can a wen hurt, become inflamed as a result of insufficient hygiene or hormonal changes? Unfortunately, such problems often lead to suppuration of these subcutaneous formations, especially those located on the labia or face.

Signs of inflammation
Lipoma can grow rapidly to a certain size, and then stop its development. The patient can live with this cosmetic defect for a long time, not paying attention to it. But if the size of the subcutaneous bump has reached more than 2 cm, then you should immediately consult a doctor toexclude its degeneration into a malignant tumor. If the lipoma is inflamed, you should also make an appointment with a doctor. You should be especially wary of symptoms such as:
- The wen is red and sore.
- The neoplasm, the size of which remained unchanged for a long time, began to increase rapidly.
- Pain occurs on palpation of the lipoma.
- The subcutaneous lump felt hot to the touch.
In the event that pain is disturbing even without pressure, it is possible that the tumor has begun to degenerate into a malignant form. You need to know that liposarcoma is a dangerous disease that threatens a person's life.
Many are interested in whether a wen can hurt on the face? Urgent measures should be taken if it becomes inflamed in this area in order to avoid such negative consequences as encephalitis or meningitis.

First aid for ruptured lipoma
If a wen hurts a lot, you don’t need to try to remove it yourself. In case of spontaneous opening of the cone, you first need to wipe the released putrefactive masses with a bandage, then treat the place with a disinfectant. The wound will remain covered with a sterile gauze bandage to prevent dirt from entering.
Then you should seek medical attention, as the damaged area may need to be cleaned or surgical removal of residual tissue. A festering lipoma, if left untreated, threatens the patient with complications.

What ifwen began to hurt?
After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment for the patient or sends the subcutaneous neoplasm to be removed. Conservative methods of therapy for an inflamed lipoma are ineffective, therefore, most often they resort to hardware and surgical techniques.
Expeditious deletion
If the wen hurts on the back, head, abdomen and other parts of the body, then the excision of the seal tissue is performed under local anesthesia. First of all, the surgeon makes anesthesia, then makes an incision. During the operation, the entire contents of the lipoma and the capsule are removed, then the wound is treated. After this procedure, a small scar may remain on the body, so the surgical method is rarely used to eliminate subcutaneous formations on the face.
A doctor after surgery may leave the patient in the clinic for a few days to monitor his condition. In the absence of complications, he is discharged. On the scar after excision of the wen, every day it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage treated with an antiseptic preparation. The stitches are removed after about a week, after which the wound gradually heals.
This method of treating a wen is already outdated, as it has a long postoperative period and leaves a small scar. Today, most people prefer to remove painful neoplasms with the help of hardware cosmetology.

Other ways to treat lipoma
If the wen hurts and causes discomfort, then you canresort to other more modern methods of treatment. Endoscopy is considered a less traumatic procedure. Through the incision made, the specialist introduces a special apparatus, as well as tools for extracting tissue inside the fat capsule. True, with this method of removal, there is a possibility that the wen will form again on the same part of the body.
In some cases, such tumors are eliminated with a needle through which purulent masses are pumped out, as during liposuction. But cryotherapy helps to get rid of small lipomas. Cauterization with liquid nitrogen has been successfully used to treat many skin pathologies. In the process of such treatment, the seal is frozen, which leads to the death of its tissues. At the site of damage, the process of recovery gradually occurs, but a small scar remains.
Among hardware techniques, radio wave knife and laser therapy are popular. These methods of removing wen have a minimal risk of reappearance of the lipoma, the appearance of gross scars and bleeding.
Medication treatment
In case of inflammation of a skin neoplasm on the head, back and other parts of the body, the use of drugs is indispensable. After the operation, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:
- Antiseptic substances. They are used to treat wounds. In medical institutions, Furacilin or hydrogen peroxide is mainly used.
- Antibacterial drugs. Immediately after surgery, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum medications: "Sumamed","Cefotaxime" and "Amoxiclav". Additionally take a course of probiotics.
- Remedies for inflammation. It is recommended to apply "Vishnevsky's liniment", "Levomekol", "Ichthyol" or "Salicylic" ointment to skin neoplasms.

When a wen on the head hurts and causes discomfort, a specialist may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They help reduce fever and relieve pain. For such purposes, use "Paracetamol", "Nurofen" or "Panadol".
But the listed medicines are allowed to be used only as directed by a specialist. With self-medication, there is a risk of developing serious complications.
Elimination of lipoma in folk ways
When a wen hurts, you should not resort to alternative medicine without consulting a specialist, since improper treatment can only aggravate the situation. However, many folk methods show high efficiency.
If the wen began to hurt, then you can try using garlic. This vegetable has an antibacterial effect on the body, so it is often used to treat boils, burns, abscesses and other skin inflammations. To relieve inflammation of the lipoma, garlic compresses should be done. It is necessary to grate a few slices, and attach the resulting mixture to the cone and fix it with a sterile bandage. These dressings should be applied at least once a day.
An ointment made from grated garlic and pork fat also helps to get rid of the wen. Componentsmixed in equal proportions until a homogeneous mass is obtained. She is treated with a painful place several times a day.
Folk healers advise using celandine when the wen is inflamed and hurts. A strong decoction is made from such a plant, with which a bandage is treated and applied to a lipoma. The procedure should be carried out until the bump bursts. After opening it, it is imperative to treat the surface of the wound with an antiseptic.
The dough is also used to remove this tumor. To prepare it, you will need flour, an egg yolk and a small spoonful of butter. The ingredients are mixed, resulting in a thick mass. A little test is applied to a painful wen and wrapped with a bandage. Such a compress should be changed in the morning and evening.
Remove the skin abscess will help baked onions. A small vegetable is taken and baked in the oven, after which it is grated along with laundry soap. The mixture is applied to the lipoma and fixed with cling film or a sterile bandage. This procedure should be carried out 3 times a day until the seal disappears.

Complications with wen
If such a neoplasm becomes inflamed and starts to hurt, and a greenish-yellow or white pus appears under the skin, then, most likely, an infection has penetrated. This happens due to bacteria entering the cavity of the lipoma from neighboring tissues and organs or attempts to remove the lipoma on their own.
Started inflammatory process can lead to an abscess, whichaccompanied by purulent fusion of neoplasm tissues. With such a complication, the body temperature rises, the wen begins to itch, hurt and grow. If the tumor is large, then general weakness and a state of intoxication of the body may appear. Purulent masses are in the capsule of the lipoma, although neighboring tissues become inflamed.
If nothing is done, perhaps the development of phlegmon. Without proper therapy, purulent inflammation spreads to neighboring organs, leading to sepsis and acute intoxication. When the tissues of the abscess burst, the contents penetrate into the internal cavities of the body.
How to avoid the formation of a wen?
To prevent the appearance of lipomas on the head, back, stomach and face, you must follow simple preventive rules. First of all, you need to balance the diet:
- Reduce fatty, spicy and fried foods.
- Completely refuse products with carcinogens and preservatives.
- Reduce flour products in your diet.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Moreover, you need to monitor your he alth. You should undergo regular examinations and treat diseases of the digestive tract, as well as the endocrine system.
When a lipoma is inflamed, you should not try to remove it yourself, it is better to consult a specialist. Only a doctor is able to diagnose a wen and exclude malignant degeneration. Of course, such situations are extremely rare, but they do happen. Only timely excision of the skin growth in the clinic will help insure against negativeconsequences.