Poisoning is a disease that is accompanied by many unpleasant manifestations. Symptoms of this pathology in adults and in minors are approximately the same. Avoiding this condition is almost impossible. However, following some recommendations contributes to a quick recovery and normalization of the body.
Causes of disease development
The type of intoxication discussed in the sections of the article is associated with a disorder of the digestive system as a result of eating spoiled food or drinks. In products of low quality, microorganisms spread, which, getting inside the human body, cause serious damage to well-being. What causes this pathology? Possible factors include:
- Using expired food (especially meat or fish dishes).
- Mistakes in food preparation (if not processed within the proper timeframe).
- Using meat or milk products that have been in the refrigerator for too long.
- Raw eggs.
- Use pre-washed vegetables, berries, fruits, herbs.
- Bacteria entering the mouth through dirty hands (children).
- One of the most common causes of food poisoning is fast food.

Therefore, you should not buy food cooked on the street and in questionable conditions.
Signs of disease
The symptoms of this pathology almost always develop in the same way. A person feels a slight discomfort in the abdomen, which intensifies after a while. Frequent and loose stools join this manifestation. Vomiting begins, the person is dizzy. In some cases, there is an increase in temperature. If this symptom occurs, it is possible that intoxication was caused by dangerous microorganisms.
It should be added that such signs are characteristic not only for food poisoning. They may indicate the development of many serious pathologies, for example, inflammation of the appendix, pancreas, organs of the female genital area.
First aid
If symptoms of intoxication with spoiled food are found in someone from the family, urgent measures must be taken to alleviate the patient's well-being. In the event that a person's condition deteriorates rapidly, it is necessary to call a doctor forhouse.
Recommended gastric lavage.

To do this, you can use water, mineral water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
It should be remembered that intoxication and its manifestations (vomiting, frequent loose stools) provoke serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The balance of essential substances and water in the human body is disturbed, he feels a pronounced weakness. Many are wondering what you can eat in case of poisoning in order to restore strength.
The role of the right diet in the recovery process
A balanced therapeutic diet in case of intoxication involves the use of products that are easily perceived by the digestive organs, but at the same time contain substances useful for the patient. The regimen for this pathology should be based on the following principles:
- Restoring the balance of water in the cells of the body, replenishing the lost fluid.
- Fight against inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines.
- Providing the body with proteins, various vitamins.
- Reduce soreness of mucous membranes.
When answering the question of what you can eat in case of poisoning, you need to be guided by these criteria.
Main nutrition rules to remember
On the first day after the onset of symptoms of intoxication, it is forbidden to eat any products. However, you need to drink enough. After all, a person must restore the volume of fluid. Body cells lose it during the acute phase of the disease. Whatdrink water in case of poisoning? It can be a mineral water, but it is better to choose a non-carbonated one so as not to provoke cramps in the abdomen. It should be consumed in small portions. The amount of liquid should be at least two liters per day. It can be ordinary boiled water. It helps remove harmful compounds from the cells of the body.
Many patients on the second day after the end of signs of intoxication try to eat more in order to recover sooner. However, this approach is erroneous. Overloading the digestive organs after an indisposition can cause its re-development.

It is necessary to adhere to the correct diet in case of poisoning. If two days after the onset of symptoms, a person does not experience hunger, you can limit yourself to low-fat yogurt, weak chicken broth, or jelly. It is important to listen to your own body and not harm it.
Other drinks recommended in case of intoxication
In case of poisoning, experts advise using decoctions made from rose hips, strained rice, pear compote without sugar. You can make an infusion of mint leaves or pomegranate peel. These foods are great for dealing with vomiting and intestinal upset. A small amount of water with the addition of table s alt will also help stop nausea. Milk in case of poisoning is allowed in small quantities (no more than one glass per day). It should be warm, boiled in advance. If the symptomsGastrointestinal disorders are caused by the activity of microbes, the use of this product is highly undesirable.
In addition, in case of poisoning, carbonated drinks and coffee are excluded. Strong meat broths are also prohibited. It is known that intoxication is the result of bacterial activity. Tea in case of poisoning helps to reduce their negative impact.

This drink also gives strength to the sick. In the case of this condition, various types of this product are allowed (black, green), preferably with the addition of a small amount of sugar.
What should not be eaten?
Examples of prohibited foods for poisoning include the following:
- First courses with beans, pasta, milk.
- Decoctions based on meat with a high fat content.
- Bread, cookies, fresh buns.
- Hard boiled eggs.
- Raw fruits, vegetables, berries.
- Smoked meats and foods with a lot of s alt added.
- Fried dishes.
- Meat and fish products with high fat content.
- Peas.
- Sweet food.
- Juices from packages.

What can you eat if you are poisoned?
There are quite a few products that are allowed under this condition. Their list includes the following:
- Fat-free beef meat, rabbit meat.
- Steam cutlets.
- Skinny varieties of fish.
- Chicken without skin.
- First courses with grainsrice.
- Buckwheat or oatmeal boiled in water.
- Reduced fat dairy.
- Steamed omelets with only the whites of the eggs.
- Jelly and jelly.
- Dried bread, biscuits.
- A little cow butter (add to meals).
The diet for food poisoning in adults is no different from the diet recommended for minors. Steamed, boiled foods are allowed. Fried foods should be avoided.
One Day Diet Sample
The first meal in case of intoxication may consist of buckwheat; crushed potatoes without additives; jelly from berries or tea with several biscuits. For the next two weeks, it is recommended to adhere to something like this:
- For breakfast, eat a cracker or a dried piece of bread with a decoction of herbs.
- After a while, a small snack is possible (for example, berry compote or oatmeal).
- For lunch, the first course with the addition of cereals and vegetables is suitable.
- For afternoon snack, biscuits or croutons are recommended.
- Eat lean beef cutlets with rice in the evening.
- After a while, you can drink a decoction made from vegetables.

This list allows you to answer the question of what to eat with food poisoning. However, it is allowed to eat other dishes. The choice of diet is determined by the condition and personal preferences of a person. The main thing is that they matchgeneral dietary rules.
Diet for lactation
No one can protect themselves from such a disease as poisoning. Including a breastfeeding woman. When lactating, remember that sufficient fluid intake can improve physical well-being and restore strength. Recommended non-carbonated mineral water, a decoction of rice grains. What can be done in case of poisoning for a nursing mother? First of all, food should be easily perceived by the stomach. These can be liquid cereal dishes, lean chicken broth or skinless poultry meat (in the form of meatballs). Vegetables should not be consumed raw, but boiled, so as not to cause irritation of the digestive tract. It is undesirable to include dairy products in the diet until five to seven days have passed since the onset of symptoms. Another important principle that every woman should remember during lactation is to stop breastfeeding while being treated with antibiotics. After all, drugs that fight harmful microorganisms can harm the he alth of the child. The best solution would be to switch the baby to special formulas for a while.
Diet by week (features)
Knowing what you can eat in case of poisoning, it should be noted that you need to follow the sequence of introducing foods into the diet. During the first seven days after illness, the diet should consist mainly of products containing sour milk. Water should be drunk in small portions. In the second week, you can enter the first dishes with the addition of vegetables (with the exception of cabbage, peas or beans), as well as boiled cereals with honey. Fourteen days laterafter the disease, a gradual resumption of the usual regimen is allowed. Fried foods, confectionery, spices are allowed. However, those patients who have been treated in the hospital for severe tainted food intoxication should follow the diet for about a month.

Food poisoning is accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms that cause a lot of pain. A well-chosen diet allows you to quickly restore the functions of the digestive organs. If you stick to a clear routine and do not break it, you can quickly improve your well-being and forget about weakness and signs of illness.