According to statistics, almost 50% of the population suffers from chronic gastritis, and only 15% go to the doctor. A negligent attitude towards such a diagnosis leads to a violation of the absorption of essential nutrients by the body.

Most often cholecystitis, appendicitis and colitis accompany chronic gastritis. Treatment in such cases under the supervision of experienced professionals is required without fail.
The diagnosis implies inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Exacerbation occurs as a result of malnutrition, eating disorders, abuse of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, smoking, and stressful situations exacerbate chronic gastritis. Treatment involves the exclusion of all of the above factors.
A small cause for a big problem
At the moment, there is scientific confirmation of the fact that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is the main cause of chronic gastritis. Major

Researchers in this area are Robin Warren and Barry Marshall. They are in 1979proved that there is a bacterium in the stomach that can survive in an acidic environment. Its feature is the ability to lower the acidity of gastric juice and dissolve the protective mucus of the walls of the stomach. As a result, hydrochloric acid and enzymes cause burns, inflammation and ulceration. At the same time, Helicobacter pylori releases a toxin that can irrevocably destroy stomach cells.
Chronic gastritis: treatment and symptoms
Symptomatology of this disease manifests itself in the form of pressure and heaviness in the epigastric part of the stomach after eating. At the same time, nausea, heartburn, decreased appetite, dull pain, and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth are felt. When examined by palpation, pain in the epigastrium is felt. It proceeds on a different secretory background, but more often with a bias towards a decrease in secretory function. A more severe form of the course of the disease has chronic atrophic gastritis, treatment is based on timely diagnosis, the correct selection of medications and dietary nutrition. With this diagnosis, the immune system malfunctions, the production of immunoglobulin begins to malfunction, antibodies appear that destroy the secretory glands.

Chronic gastritis, treatment and prevention involves diet and medications and should be done after consultation with a gastroenterologist. The first days are recommended to be spent on light fasting, only drinking is allowed. Then mashed dishes are gradually introduced, which should be warm and low-fat. Medication is prescribed by a doctor, if necessary, getting rid of the infection requires taking an antibiotic. This regimen is observed for several weeks, possibly for several years to consolidate the result.
Not only chronic gastritis is treated with medication, treatment with folk remedies is also possible. Decoctions from stinging nettle, wild strawberry leaves, peppermint, chamomile, fennel fruits, valerian roots, sea buckthorn fruits have proven themselves perfectly. A positive moment in therapy will be the adoption of juices of white cabbage, potatoes, aloe, black currant.