Treatment of sinusitis with a laser: description of the method, indications and contraindications

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser: description of the method, indications and contraindications
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser: description of the method, indications and contraindications

Sinusitis is a pathology of a purulent-inflammatory type, which can be acute and chronic. Many methods are used to treat the disease. Treatment of sinusitis with a laser is an effective method that does not require a radical action - a puncture. With such therapy, it will be possible to quickly eliminate the manifestations of the inflammatory process. This treatment method is described in the article.

Laser action

To understand the essence of the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the action of the laser. Laser radiation is called a low-intensity beam of light. With its help, biochemical processes are activated, cell membranes are restored and renewed.

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser

The laser beam creates a high temperature on the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. In the area of interaction between the laser and the mucosa, microburns are formed. The patient does not feel pain. When burns heal, scarring does not appear. The lumen of the nasal passages is normalized,patients breathe freely. Another result of using the laser is the elimination of swelling in the inflammatory sinuses, which improves breathing.

Thanks to the treatment of sinusitis with a laser, it will be possible to get rid of the symptoms of sinusitis with the help of:

  • activation of protective forces;
  • expansion of blood vessels and improvement of blood flow through them;
  • improving the nutrition of cellular structures, accelerating their regeneration;
  • restoration of the mucosa and its normal functioning.

Laser therapy has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulatory effects. With it, lymphatic drainage improves and it turns out to eliminate the pathogens of viral infections. All of the above will be noticeable almost immediately after treatment.

Manifestation of sinusitis

Sinusitis has vivid symptoms that should not be ignored. The occurrence of mucopurulent discharge from the nose is felt, in which pain appears. Another ailment manifests itself in the form:

  • nasal congestion;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • high temperature;
  • fullness in forehead and nose;
  • failure.

An incessant headache is also manifested, which cannot be eliminated even with painkillers. With conservative therapy, antibiotics and antiviral agents are used, as well as nasal lavage. Physiotherapy is also used. In case of complications, a puncture of the sinuses is required to eliminate the accumulated pus. However, a specialist can prescribe laser treatment.

When is the method applied?

What are the indications for treatmentsinusitis laser? This method is used for acute and chronic sinusitis, but the best result is provided in the early stages of the disease. The technique is used for congenital deformation of the nasal septum, for polyps and cysts in the nasal cavities. Usually, laser treatment is used if there is no positive dynamics after drug therapy.

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, reviews
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, reviews

Pros and cons

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser has the following advantages:

  • no pain or injury;
  • blood does not appear, as the mucosa quickly regenerates;
  • the patient does not need much time to recover;
  • high efficiency;
  • the possibility of using a laser as an inflammation prevention;
  • low price;
  • sterility.

Laser therapy is considered a modern way to eliminate inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. But the treatment method also has disadvantages:

  • preparation required;
  • there are contraindications;
  • need to have several sessions;
  • laser treatment cannot be monotherapy, antibacterial agents are still needed.

According to reviews, laser treatment of sinusitis is effective and safe. Many patients have already evaluated the results of this therapy. Recovery after such treatment is quick and painless.


Before the treatment of sinusitis with a laser, preparatory procedures are required. They consist in rinsing the nose with an antiseptic solutioncuckoo method. The session is performed as follows: a catheter is placed in one nostril, saline is poured into it, flowing out through the second nostril. Then, mechanical cleansing of the nasal passages is carried out in order to eliminate purulent and mucous accumulations. This preparation reduces the activity of pathological microflora.

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser in St. Petersburg
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser in St. Petersburg

Fluoroscopy is performed as preparation. It must be carried out before cleansing the sinuses to identify pathological foci, their composition and parameters. After this event, the doctor evaluates whether laser therapy is required or another treatment method should be used.

Performing procedure

Description of laser treatment of sinusitis allows you to understand the principle of achieving results. To perform the procedure, a gas-helium-neon installation with a wavelength of 630 nm is used, which emits red light. Painful nasal mucosa absorbs this beam of light, which does not affect other tissues. In this way, the spread of pathology is blocked, the resistance of cells to viral and bacterial influences increases, and the nutrition of tissues and breathing through the nose improves.

The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. The patient during the procedure does not feel pain and discomfort. There may be a sensation of a foreign body at the site of the laser. After a few hours, the patient can go home. To fully recover from the disease, you need several sessions (7-10). Their number is determined by the doctor based on the neglect of the disease. It usually takes 14-21 days for complete relieffrom sinusitis. In severe cases, it takes several months.


In the clinics where this treatment is performed, gas helium-neon laser systems are used. They carry out red radiation, which affects the cells of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser in Moscow
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser in Moscow

Still use semiconductor lasers that generate infrared radiation. This method is less effective, but deeper.


Endoscopic techniques are gentle treatments that do not require incisions. Admission to the maxillary cavity is performed through a natural fistula with an endoscope. This device is presented in the form of a thin probe, in which a miniature video camera is mounted.

The surgeon observes the operating field on the display. All actions are carried out under his video control. With a laser beam and a microknife, an ENT surgeon performs treatment of the mucous membrane, eliminates polyps, cysts of the maxillary cavity.

For kids

When sinusitis in children, you need to carefully choose treatment procedures. The advantage of the laser is the possibility of conducting a session at almost any stage of the disease without the risk of side effects. According to reviews, relapses after laser therapy appear quite rarely.

When children have sinusitis, several courses are needed, usually at least 10. Equal intervals of time must be observed between sessions. It usually takes 3 weeks of therapy to completely eliminate the focus of inflammation so that there is no riskexacerbation of the disease.

Laser therapy is a gentle method of treating sinusitis in children. At a low intensity of the beam, discomfort and pain do not appear, and negative effects do not appear.


The rehabilitation period is short, but you need to visit a doctor, especially with severe sinusitis. This is required to protect against relapse of the disease. After the procedure, you can not go outside for an hour to prevent hypothermia. For this purpose, it is required to wear a hat in cold weather. To prevent the recurrence of the disease, physiotherapy is prescribed.

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, description
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, description


Complications are unlikely after this method of treatment. They appear only in severe sinusitis, when sinus puncture is used instead of laser treatment.

When not used?

There are also contraindications to the treatment of sinusitis with a laser. This method of therapy is not used for:

  • oncology;
  • blood diseases;
  • anemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • temperature of 38 degrees.
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, contraindications
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, contraindications


Laser treatment of sinusitis is performed in Moscow and other cities. At the same time, the cost of work may differ in all clinics. It depends on several factors. The price of sinusitis laser treatment in St. Petersburg and other large cities consists of the following items:

  • doctor's appointment - about 1000 rubles;
  • endoscopic examinationoropharynx – 1500;
  • nose wash – 700;
  • laser exposure - 5-6 thousand;
  • funds for physical therapy and medicines.
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, indications
Treatment of sinusitis with a laser, indications

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser is an effective method of eliminating the disease. This procedure is painless and lasts no more than 10 minutes. With it, a long recovery is not required, complications are unlikely. But it is important to consider the presence of contraindications.
