Chickenpox in the mouth in children is a fairly common disease, which often does not worry parents much. This is because, as a rule, babies tolerate this disease well. However, if you do not pay due attention to the disease, then you may get complications that will remind you of yourself all your life.

The appearance of smallpox in the mouth
When examining the oral cavity, first of all, you need to pay attention to the child's palate, gums, tongue, hard pharynx, cheeks and lips. These are the main places where chickenpox manifests itself in the mouth. Outwardly, small pockmarks can be observed, which resemble bubbles filled with liquid in their shape. As they heal, they decrease. And crusts do not appear on damaged areas.
It is important to remember that when the first signs of this disease appear in the baby's oral cavity, you should immediately seek medical help. Pimples in the mouth interfere with normal conversation and eating. In addition, the appearance of sores suggests that such a simple disease as chickenpox,became more complicated. Smallpox in the mouth most often appears in babies with weak immunity or beriberi.

Drug treatment of the disease
Chickenpox in the mouth of a child requires urgent medical attention. It is forbidden to start therapy on your own without the permission of a doctor. To help the baby before the arrival of the doctor, you can strengthen his drinking regimen. If he does not drink plain water well, then you can give unsweetened fruit drinks, natural compotes from dried fruits or rose hips. It is also desirable to serve only semi-liquid dishes to the table. Room temperature soup is ideal. Such products do not injure the mucous membrane.
There are no special remedies for diseases such as chickenpox in a child's mouth. How to treat smallpox, only a doctor can say. If there are no pathologies, then, as a rule, the following medicines are prescribed: Miramistin, Furacilin, boric acid, sodium sulfacyl. If ulcers have formed on the gums, then various gels are used to relieve pain. For example, "Kalgel". Solcoseryl paste helps a lot.

Folk remedies against smallpox in the mouth
Before you wonder how to treat chickenpox in your mouth and what folk recipes help in the treatment of the disease, it is important to remember that all such methods are suitable in addition to the main therapy. Excellent help various decoctions and infusions for rinsing, which are made on the basis of alder, clover, chamomile, calendula, yarrow,sage.
And how to smear chickenpox in your mouth if rinsing does not help? For these purposes, it is recommended to use various alcohol tinctures. True, you need to work with them very carefully. Indeed, with careless handling, you can burn a he althy mucous membrane of a baby. It is advisable to dilute them with water and smear the sores up to four times a day. Also, rinsing with regular green tea brewing brings relief from itching and pain. You can also add some table s alt there.

Danger of chickenpox on mucous membranes
It should be immediately noted that the appearance of sores on the mucous membrane of the child indicates that secondary infection occurs in the body. Therefore, chickenpox in the mouth is considered a very complex disease. How to treat her was described above, but parents may not realize how dangerous this ailment is.
Pockmarks on the mucosa can appear at the moment when the child suffers from chronic tonsillitis, there is caries in the mouth or he has bad adenoids. The disease can go into a complicated form. And then the inflammation will spread higher or go down into the larynx. If you completely abandon the treatment, then the baby may experience difficulty breathing. If pockmarks are large, they can begin to rupture on their own and carry bacteria throughout the body. Of course, this ailment is not fatal, but it can cause a lot of trouble and trouble for the child and parents.

Immunity boost
It would seem to avoida disease like smallpox is impossible. However, chickenpox in the mouth is a secondary symptom. Therefore, in order not to encounter it, it is recommended to increase and constantly maintain immunity. Vitamin C helps a lot in this matter. There is a lot of it in citrus fruits. Honey along with lemon juice is also recognized as an excellent cocktail for maintaining immunity. It is enough to give the child one teaspoon in the morning and in the evening. And with prolonged use, the effect will be felt.
Also, instead of regular tea, you can drink various herbal preparations. Of course, urban residents do not have the opportunity to collect herbs and brew them. To do this, pharmacies sell special fees and herbal teas to maintain immunity. To improve the taste, you can safely add honey. The main thing is that it should not be boiling water. By the way, brewed herbs not only improve immunity. They also disinfect and have a slight anti-inflammatory effect. They can cure a cold that just started.

Chickenpox prevention on mucous membranes
Doctors strongly recommend that parents engage in prevention, without waiting until the child starts chickenpox in the mouth. Smallpox is a highly contagious disease. And the best way to protect yourself from infection is to get vaccinated. It is done only once in childhood (after a year of life) and protects anyone from a severe form of the disease. When refusing to vaccinate, every parent must understand that his child will sooner or later get chickenpox. And maybe the rash will spread andon the mucous membrane, which is extremely difficult to tolerate.
If someone in the family has chickenpox, then it is necessary to protect him from contact with young children, especially those who have not yet been vaccinated. If, nevertheless, this cannot be avoided, it is necessary to carefully treat the sores. The patient should use an individual set of dishes, which must be washed with separate products. If chickenpox is accompanied by fever, it is important to change bedding and underwear more often. It should be washed separately from other things. If a child has smallpox, it is necessary to ventilate the room more often.