Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews

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Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews
Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews

Video: Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews

Video: Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews
Video: CHEST Foundation - Learn About Lung Biopsies 2024, July

Halus valgus - deformity of the fingers, in which small growths form on the inside of the foot, causing discomfort, and in some cases simply unbearable pain in the joints. This is an age-related disease. It progresses gradually, over several years, and therefore it affects mainly the elderly.

It is worth noting that the curvature of the foot is much more common in women than in men. It is believed that this is due to wearing shoes with heels.

Causes of occurrence

There are several reasons why hallux valgus is formed. According to recent studies, genetic predisposition is important. Among other reasons, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • longitudinally transverse flatfoot;
  • uncomfortable and poor quality shoes;
  • load due to excessive weight;
  • congenital curvature of the foot.

Except in special cases, the disease begins to manifest itself most actively in people over 50 years of age. In the presence of defects, the leg joint located nearthumb, begins to constantly shift to the sides, forming a bump on the leg.

Hallus valgus
Hallus valgus

This happens as a result of the fact that the articular membrane with fluid is injured during displacement. This causes quite a lot of friction between the joints, resulting in the formation of bone growths. As a result, there is severe pain when wearing shoes. If you do not pay attention to the presence of a problem in a timely manner, this can lead to disability. That is why, if hallux valgus occurs, surgery is the most effective method of getting rid of the problem.

Indications for surgery

The main essence of such an outgrowth is the gradual progression of joint deformity, which provokes deviation of the finger. Due to the presence of defects and the likelihood of complications, surgery for hallux valgus is often recommended, after which rehabilitation lasts up to 6 months.

Indication for surgical intervention is an advanced stage of the disease, when other methods do not bring the desired result.

Types of intervention

There are several types of surgery for hallux valgus. Photos of the results indicate that all types of intervention are quite effective. Such treatment may be:

  • minimally invasive;
  • reconstruction;
  • arthrodesis.

Minimally invasive intervention is characterized by the fact that the operation is performed through a small puncture after the application of special fixatives, which are effective with a slight deformity.

Surgery-reconstruction is used in the severe stage of deformation. To fix the required position, special devices are used. Arthrodesis is indicated for significant lesions and severe deformity that prevents joint mobility. This makes it possible to effectively eliminate deformity and pain when walking.

During the operation for hallux valgus, the surgeon restores the normal position of the joints, and also eliminates the existing deformity. Another type of intervention is a scarf. During the operation, the deformed area is removed from the bone tissue, and then the edges are compared.

Diagnosis before surgery

Before going to surgery for hallux valgus, you need to undergo a complete examination. Clarification of the diagnosis requires a specialist to fully study the history of the disease and conduct an examination. In addition, additional research methods are used. An x-ray examination is required, which involves the creation of images in several projections. This helps to determine the magnitude of the angle of deformation and indicates exactly how the position of the foot has changed.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

In addition, a computer study is required, including plantography and podometry. This allows you to determine even the earliest changes and prevent the subsequent progression of the pathology.

Gentle intervention

Sparing surgery for hallux valgus in Moscow and other cities is carried out in the orthopedic department of many clinics,because it is a minimally invasive procedure. Surgical treatment is divided into several types, which are combined into several areas, namely:

  • impact on bone structures;
  • on soft tissues;
  • complex interventions on the feet.

Minimally invasive surgery for hallux valgus is indicated at the initial stage of pathology development. In this case, the effect is on muscle tissue and tendons. As a result of the intervention, the existing discomfort during walking, as well as an extra defect, is effectively removed.

Minimally invasive surgery is performed in stages. Initially, small punctures are made, into which microinstruments are then introduced and the articular bag is opened. Then the bones are filed with micro-cuts, which allows you to get rid of the curvature. All manipulations are monitored on the monitor.

Surgical reconstruction

Reconstructive operations to eliminate hallux valgus are prescribed mainly for moderate and mild defects. Initially, a small longitudinal incision (2-4 cm) is made in the lateral plane of the foot. Then the growth is removed, the joint is set in the correct position. Then the links are restored.

Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention

The bone fragments are fixed with titanium compression screws. These designs basically do not cause any discomfort, therefore, they are not subsequently removed. If, after surgery for hallux valgus with screws, there is a certain discomfort, then they are removed after threemonth.

Radical intervention

With this method, the deformation is eliminated with the help of fixed joints. However, this does not affect the physical activity and gait of a person. The operation helps to eliminate the existing defect very quickly, as well as effectively and quickly get rid of intense pain.

Arthrodesis is resorted to if other methods have not brought the desired result. Initially, a small open incision is made, superficial areas of deformity are excised, and then the fragments of the joints are firmly connected with screws. This helps to restore the natural structure of the joint, which allows you to completely eliminate the existing symptoms. Screws are not removed after the restoration process.

Rehabilitation period

It is imperative to carry out comprehensive rehabilitation after surgery for hallux valgus, as this will allow you to recover much faster. Recovery is fairly quick, but there are certain precautions to take.

Recovery after surgery
Recovery after surgery

It is imperative to ensure complete rest for the legs, as the lack of load will help to eliminate postoperative swelling much faster. Be sure to use the means recommended by the doctor for faster healing of the incision area.

During the first 3 weeks after the operation, it is not recommended to step on the foot completely and it is permissible to wear only orthopedic shoes. Do not have surgery on both legs at once.

Chalus surgery reviewshallux valgus and rehabilitation are generally good, however, it is worth remembering that full recovery may take several months. All this time, you need to be very careful about your legs and correctly distribute the load.

Recovery after surgery

The rehabilitation program after surgery for hallux valgus is compiled separately for each patient. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the patient's well-being, the type of intervention, the risk of complications, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.

On the first day, it is advisable to start developing the operated area, namely, to move your toes little by little. Walking is allowed approximately on the third day, using special orthopedic orthoses. This will relieve the operated area somewhat.

Devices for rehabilitation
Devices for rehabilitation

Stay in a hospital generally does not exceed 10-14 days, but after surgery for hallux valgus with screws, rehabilitation takes a longer time. The subsequent recovery program is carried out at home under the strict supervision of an orthopedist. It is imperative to perform a set of physiotherapy procedures selected by the doctor, thanks to which healing will occur much faster. The complex of physiotherapy includes such as:

  • shock wave therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • massage;
  • exercise.

Such procedures should not be neglected, because without the required rehabilitation, surgery for hallux valgus can only give a short-term effect. If notfollow all the recommendations of the doctor, then a relapse may occur.

Approximately 2 months after the operation, the patient can start exercising on a stationary bike or go to the pool, but it is not recommended to heavily load the foot. In order for the recovery to be more effective, it is recommended to periodically keep the legs above the level of the head, as well as massage. At night, it is advisable to use a corrective splint.

In general, a full recovery period takes at least 6 months. Throughout this period, it is important to use orthopedic devices that allow you to fix the joints. If there is a need for an intervention on both legs, then it is recommended to do this at an interval of 3-6 months.

Therapeutic gymnastics

It is recommended to carry out special rehabilitation exercises that will help you forget about the pathology forever. For a complete postoperative recovery, as well as the return of mobility to the operated finger and the healing of injured leg tissues, it is recommended to perform gymnastics in three sets, strictly in a certain sequence.

In addition to the complex of therapeutic exercises, it is very useful to resort to special massage procedures. In addition, you can use not only medical professional massage. Any warm-up of the toes at home will have a good effect on the return of the natural mobility of the joints. In addition, it is recommended to wear only orthopedic shoes during the recovery period.


In case of severe pain during therecovery after surgery is allowed to take anti-inflammatory drugs. Painful manifestations occur due to increased activity of the patient, as well as stress on the leg.

The foot can also swell very much, which is accompanied by severe pain. Tissues near the wound surface can be lubricated with an ointment or gel, which has analgesic and decongestant effects.

Orthopedic shoes

After the operation you need to wear orthopedic shoes. It is necessary that the front part is flexible and movable. It should not compress the metatarsal bones or fingers. Also, shoes should not have very high heels.

It is important to choose shoes made exclusively from natural materials, as they allow the foot to breathe, eliminate chafing and heavy sweating. An anatomical arch support must be present to evenly distribute the load on the foot. This will avoid recurrence, as well as pain and discomfort.

Contraindications for surgery

The operation can not always be performed, and even in the presence of absolute indications, there are a number of patient conditions in which it is impossible to carry out such manipulations. Contraindications include:

  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • insufficient functions of internal organs;
  • purulent infections;
  • pathology of the hematopoietic system;
  • formation of blood clots in the veins;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • chronic bone diseases.

It is very important to pre-diagnose to determine the presence of contraindications. This will avoid the development of complications.

Possible Complications

It is important to carry out diagnostics before the intervention, as complications can develop after surgery for hallux valgus. Therefore, the identification of concomitant diseases will help reduce postoperative risks. Possible violations include the following:

  • blood clots may form inside blood vessels;
  • bone undergoing necrotic destruction;
  • possible wound infection;
  • nerve endings are damaged;
  • tissue swelling occurs;
  • violated range of motion;
  • feet numbness may be present.
Recovery after surgery
Recovery after surgery

Given all the possible complications, the operation is performed only after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Patient testimonials

According to the reviews, surgery for hallux valgus with a minimally invasive intervention does not require too long a recovery. However, it is worth noting that in the future the joint may deform again, so you need to wear comfortable shoes, use orthopedic insoles that help reduce the load on the foot.

Reviews after surgery for hallux valgus with the use of screws allow us to judge that such a reconstruction has a high performance with a slight lesion. However, if the pathology was detected at a late stage, minimally invasive and reconstructive techniques are useless.


After surgery for hallux valgus, the reviews are quite good, as they say that the screws inserted into the bones do not manifest themselves in any way and the result is assessed as positive. They testify that the operation is quite effective and quickly helps to cope with the existing pathology.

Reviews regarding the operation are quite good, especially if it is carried out at the initial stages of pathology detection. They say that after removing the bumps, you must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, as well as eliminate excessive stress on the feet. If everything was carried out correctly, then the deformation will no longer bother.
