Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon is a malignant tumor that develops from the glandular cells of the large intestine. Fecal masses are formed in the sigmoid colon. That is why it is important to use daily foods that help stimulate peristalsis. If a person has constipation, then the feces press on the walls of the sigmoid colon, which leads to impaired blood circulation. In addition, the proliferation of epithelial cells is possible due to carcinogenic substances that are contained in the feces. It is these substances that play an important role in the origin of malignant neoplasm cells.

What is the sigmoid colon?
The human intestine is divided into two sections: thin and thick. The part of the large intestine got its name due to the large lumen. The intestines of this section envelop the small intestine.
Department of the large intestine is divided into several sections:
- blind;
- colonic;
- straight.
Blindpart of the intestine has a process called the appendix. The sigmoid colon is part of the colon. Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon is more common than malignant tumors of other intestines. The tumor is a malignant revival of cells that are entirely composed of glandular epithelium. That is why the disease is often called glandular cancer.
The sigmoid colon is the final stage of the intestine, where the absorption of water from the body ends, this is where the formation of feces occurs.
The intestine itself is a C-shaped area, if you eat improperly, with a lack of mineral and nutrients, it is in this area that stagnation of feces occurs. This contributes to impaired blood circulation.
Decrease in peristalsis can be caused by a number of various diseases of various etiologies. In addition, the development of stagnation of feces is possible with atony or the complete absence of peristalsis. As a rule, atony can be caused by the age of the patient. Reduced peristalsis is also possible after undergoing various types of operations, after childbirth, with physical inactivity. It is the period when the human body is experiencing a strong shake-up, as a rule, hormonal failure is noted.
Nuances of the course of the disease
Adenocarcinoma is one of the most severe diseases in terms of clinical manifestations and subsequent therapy. Since the outcome often leads to death. A lethal outcome is possible due to metastases that have spread throughout the body, began to actively grow and develop. The prognosis is explained by the fact that at an early stage the disease proceeds with similar symptoms, as with indigestion. A person tries to be treated by means of alternative medicine, however, the tumor is constantly growing and developing. And only after some time, when the disease is already running, the patient consults an oncologist.

And another nuance is the delicacy of the problem. Clinical symptoms involve an examination of the anus and rectum, the patient is simply shy and does not want to go for an examination to a specialist. That is why the diagnosis of a malignant tumor is delayed. But the patient must understand: the smaller the tumor, the earlier the diagnosis occurred, the sooner it is possible to start therapy. As a result: the outcome will be favorable, up to a full recovery.
Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon is divided into several types. Each of them has its own characteristics. Types of tumors:
- Low differentiated, it usually has a lightning-fast, instantaneous flow. This type is really difficult to treat, the prognosis in most cases is unfavorable.
- Moderate adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon. For this species, the forecasts are quite optimistic.
- Highly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon, this type of tumor responds well to drug manipulation.
Depending on how fast the cancer grows and developstumor, there are several stages of growth:
- Exophytic, with the growth of malignant cells only in the lumen of the sigmoid colon. This contributes to the narrowing of the lumen, as a result: frequent constipation and difficulty passing feces.
- Endophytic, at this stage of growth, pathogenic cells penetrate the intestinal wall.
Stages of disease
An important factor in diagnosing is the difference in tumor forms and stages. Types of tumors by stage:
- The first stage begins to affect the mucous membranes of the intestine. A big disadvantage in diagnosing is the asymptomatic development of pathology.
- At the second stage, malignant cells gradually begin to fill the muscle membrane. In this case, a person has an indigestion. And already at the second stage, experts note the growth of adenocarcinoma up to 5 cm.
- 3rd stage promotes the penetration of malignant cells into all layers of the large intestine. At the third stage, metastasis has not yet developed.
- 4th stage, or advanced adenocarcinoma. This is a manifestation of the disease in the absence of timely diagnosis, medical care from specialists. In this case, metastasis to other organs develops. The prognosis is usually poor.
The causes of cancer are many and varied. Most importantly, they are all unpredictable. Modern medicine is not able to specifically determine the causes of adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon. Candistribute the causes that cause the development of cancer into several groups. These factors are:
- Eating disorders. Many doctors believe that malnutrition is the main reason for the development of processes that contribute to cancerous tumors. Especially eating harmful foods containing a large amount of carcinogens, animal fats, fatty acids.
- Inflammatory processes of the large intestine. The most dangerous disease for the body is ulcerative colitis. Often this disease is a predisposing criterion for the subsequent development of cancer. The longer the disease is, ignoring timely therapy, the more the risk of developing malignant cells increases.
- Polyps. In oncological terms, intestinal polyps are a predisposing factor in the development of a malignant process.
- Genetic factor.
- Bad habits.
- Radiation is one of the leading causes of intestinal adenocarcinoma.

To detect and diagnose a disease, a specialist suggests referral to several research methods, as an addition to taking blood, feces and urine tests:
- Ultrasound diagnostics helps to visualize neoplasms, but does not reveal the cause of development.
- X-ray with contrast, while the specialist looks at the degree of overlap of the sigmoid colon.
- MRI or magnetic resonance imaging. Helps identifythe presence of a malignant tumor, marks its origin.
- Fibrocolonoscopy. Examination of the large intestine using a special apparatus - a probe. In this case, the specialist can accurately note the size of the tumor, assess the degree of narrowing of the intestinal lumen, and determine the cause.

At the initial stage of tumor development, the course of the disease is asymptomatic. That is why the timely diagnosis and detection of neoplasms is problematic.
The first manifestations may be digestive disorders: abdominal pain, constipation, bloating. The patient may confuse these signs with a common indigestion, which is why the patient postpones going to the doctor at this stage. The constraint during the examination is due to where the sigmoid colon is located. There are no symptoms in the early stages.
As a malignant tumor grows and develops, the clinical manifestations of the disease become more diverse. Patient notes:
- Pain in the left side. Gradually, the pain becomes permanent, this is a clear sign of going to the doctor.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Bloating.
- Diarrhea or constipation. At the advanced stage, constipation predominates, this is due to the overlap of the lumen of the sigmoid colon.
- Stool impurities: blood, purulent discharge and mucus.
Common clinical manifestations
Common characteristic clinical manifestations of adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon areweakness, rapid weight loss, some patients develop anemia due to tumor bleeding.
The big problem is that the inflammatory process that develops in the cavity really resembles sigmoid colon cancer. That is why, according to clinical manifestations, erroneous diagnosis is possible.
At the stage of metastasis, metastases go through the body through the vessels, spread over the surface. The first places of growth of malignant cells that a physician diagnoses are in the lymph nodes, only after that the infection of the parenchymal organs begins. The main lesion is in the liver.

Liver damage is manifested by jaundice, a bitter taste in the mouth. The specialist can feel the metastases by palpation. Metastases are also noted during MRI, ultrasound.
The most effective and positive therapeutic effect can be achieved during the treatment of the first and second stages of the disease. The effect is achieved through surgical intervention. Surgeons perform removal of adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon.
Surgical procedures go through several stages:
During the first stage, the neoplasm is completely removed with a small gap of the sigmoid colon. Doctors suggest that for an effective result of therapy, it is necessary to remove more than 15 cm of the intestine, which is located below the tumor and half a meter above. If there was no obstruction, then the ends can be sewn together. If there was obstructionintestines, then the lower end of the intestine is brought to the abdominal wall so that the feces can be excreted in a special collection bag

- In this state, patients spend several months. After that, a repeated intervention is performed, this is done to completely restore the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the patency of the intestines. Re-intervention is not possible in all cases.
- Chemotherapy is possible after the first intervention of surgeons. It is done to prevent the recurrence of the disease. After completing a course of chemotherapy, a second operation is possible.
- Radiation as a treatment for the sigmoid colon is possible instead of chemotherapy.
- To reduce pain, a person is prescribed narcotic drugs. If the stage of the disease is advanced, the prognosis is unfavorable, then it is possible to prescribe narcotic analgesics. Taking strong narcotic drugs cannot be permanent, there must be an exposure before taking a few hours. Pain is not relieved by conventional analgesics.
Treatment of the sigmoid colon requires timely medical intervention. If an operation is performed at the first and early stages of the development of the pathology, then the complete removal of the neoplasm contributes to the complete cure of the patient. If the stage of the disease is started, the patient ignored a visit to a medical institution to diagnose the disease, if the stage of metastasis has begun, then the prognosis of the disease is unfavorable. Metastases cannot be removed by surgery.intervention.
Sigmoid adenocarcinoma: predictions
It can be noted that the prognosis of tumor treatment is conditionally favorable. If the disease was diagnosed in a timely manner, the operation was performed on time, then one can fully count on a complete cure for adenocarcinoma. Survival in patients is observed in more than half of the cases. Considering that most surgeries are performed on elderly patients, these are the best results.

If there is the slightest suggestion of adenocarcinoma, indigestion is constantly noted, it is urgent to contact a specialist to diagnose the disease or completely exclude it. Timely treatment and prevention will help prolong the life of the patient and significantly improve its quality.
Delicate examination site cannot please patients, instead there is embarrassment. Each person should understand that a doctor is a specialist who is trying to help, and constraint is inappropriate here. One thought that timely diagnosis of the development of a neoplasm can prolong life should be the main criterion before going to a specialist.