Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2: what does it mean?

Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2: what does it mean?
Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2: what does it mean?

Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2 - what is this type of hypertension? What consequences is it fraught with, what contributes to its appearance, is it possible to cure this disease? These questions are asked by people who already have such a diagnosis, and for those who are not yet familiar with high blood pressure, it will be interesting to read the information presented in order to be fully armed and prevent hypertension in their lives.

arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 what is it
arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 what is it

Arterial hypertension 2, degree risk 2 - what is it?

Hypertension levels and severity are diagnosed based on blood pressure measurements. At grade 2, it stays on the numbers 160 (180) / 90 (110) mm Hg for a long time. Art. This is considered moderate hypertension, but the condition is already critical, since normal pressure is practically absent, and if the disease is not treated, it very quickly develops into a more severe degree. This happens because irreversible changes in the organs begin with this pressure, they are forced to rebuild under the influence of highindicators. First of all, it is the heart, kidneys, brain, and in the earliest stages, changes appear in the retina. They are also called target organs, as they are the first to be hit and suffer the most, even if symptoms are not yet present.

In addition to severity, hypertension is also divided into degrees of risk to which target organs are exposed. When establishing the degree of risk, the doctor is guided by many factors: he takes into account the patient's gender, his weight, blood cholesterol levels, hereditary predisposition, the presence of endocrine disorders, bad habits, lifestyle, the state of organs that are primarily attacked by high blood pressure. At Grade 2, these risk factors may be absent, or only one or two of these features may be present.

arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 what is it
arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 what is it

At risk 2, the probability of irreversible changes in organs in 10 years, fraught with heart attacks and strokes, is 20%.

Consequently, the diagnosis of "grade 2 arterial hypertension, risk 2" is made when the indicated pressure is maintained for a long time, there are no endocrine disorders, but one or two internal target organs have already begun to undergo changes, atherosclerotic plaques have appeared.


In the case when the pressure is constantly elevated and arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree has already developed, a person is accompanied by symptoms that prevent him from fully living and working. They appear dimly, blurry and not necessarily all at once, but deliverinconvenience and reduce quality of life:

- occasional dizziness;

- eyelids, face, upper limbs swell;

- the skin of the face turns red, the capillary network protrudes;

- a person feels constant weakness and weakness;

- pressure makes itself felt with throbbing pain in the temporal region or in the back of the head;

- sometimes it gets dark in the eyes, flashing black dots appear;

- tinnitus;

- the sclera of the eyes expand and turn red, vision deteriorates;

- the walls of the left ventricle of the heart thicken;

- possible problems with urination;

- emotional arousal makes itself felt.

arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 medical history
arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 medical history


The diagnosis of "grade 2 arterial hypertension, risk 2" usually comes with age, because the body wears out, the gaps narrow in the vessels and blood circulation becomes difficult. But in recent years, this diagnosis has been made in patients a little over 30 years old, and, more surprisingly, even very young people can find individual symptoms of this disease. Why is the pressure unstable, what provokes such high numbers?

  1. Atherosclerosis: because of it, the vessels lose their elasticity and narrow the gaps in the arteries.
  2. Hereditary factors and genetic predispositions.
  3. Bad habits: smoking and alcohol.
  4. Lifestyle: people move too little.
  5. High body weight.
  6. Increased blood sugar, hormonal changes in the thyroidgland.
  7. Kidney disease.
  8. Stressful situations.
  9. Excessive s alt intake causes water retention in the body.

Pressure and kidneys

With hypertension of the 2nd degree, the main excretory organ, the kidneys, is primarily harmed. First of all, the smallest vessels of the organ suffer. Narrowing, they are not able to provide normal blood flow, and a small inflammation first occurs in the kidney. In response to this, the hormone renin begins to be produced. Further, the process is aggravated, the renin-angiotensin system is activated, causing an even greater increase in pressure. The kidneys gradually deform and atrophy, become wrinkled, unable to perform their functions.

The brain and high blood pressure

Arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree can cause irreparable harm to the vessels of the brain. Due to the constant tone, they become thinner, lose their elasticity and become brittle. Cholesterol, accumulating in them, does not allow them to work normally and perform their functions. First, small foci of small hemorrhages form in the brain. Regardless of the origin of hypertension, brain disorders will be ensured if treatment is not started on time. This trial may result in a hemorrhoidal or ischemic stroke.

Heart and hypertension

High blood pressure puts the heart muscle to the test, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Firstly, the coronary arteries are affected, the number of atherosclerotic plaques increases in them. Secondly, the myocardium is colossally overstrained, deliveringblood to organs and tissues. Trying to cope with stress, the heart increases in size, which leads to myocardial hypertrophy, and then it simply begins to collapse due to excessive overvoltage. If a person had a he althy heart, then under the influence of these factors it suffers and wears out quite quickly.

arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2
arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2


Diagnostic methods for this disease are divided into 2 types - physical and instrumental, on this basis, the diagnosis "arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree, risk 2" is made.

The case history is the main document that reflects the data of all research methods. First, the results of the patient's survey, his complaints are entered there. They already give the specialist an idea of the characteristic features of the disease, and sometimes they can suggest the presence of grade 2 hypertension, but the level of risk cannot be determined. Therefore, the doctor prescribes regular two-week blood pressure measurements in the morning and evening.

The medical record reflects the condition of the skin, swelling, the results of listening with a stethoscope to the work of the heart and lungs, the size and location of the heart are determined. A good doctor already at this stage determines the degree of damage to target organs and can make the correct diagnosis.

Then instrumental methods are assigned, which will most fully present the picture of the developed pathology. Ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, thyroid and pancreas is prescribed. This helps to determine the cause of the disease based onstate of the organs and determine the harm that she has already done to the body.

Ultrasound of the heart and echocardiogram can determine the level of damage and see changes in the ventricle.

Narrowing of the renal arteries will help determine the dopplerography. Even if one vessel is damaged, there is a reason for the progression of this disease, especially when blood clots have already formed there.

Blood and urine tests are also ordered.

arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 medical history
arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2 medical history


The risk of developing a heart attack or stroke is about 20%, but there is a chance to reduce the risk of these severe complications by 4 times if you take medications.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a set of drugs that reduce blood pressure and prevent it from rising, as well as freeing the heart from excessive hypertensive stress.

  1. First of all, these are the main drugs that remove excess fluid from the body - diuretics.
  2. ACE inhibitors or ARBs that relax blood vessel walls.
  3. Drugs that slow down rapid heart rate and arrhythmia - beta-blockers and antiarrhythmics, renin inhibitors.
  4. Drugs that relax the heart muscle.
  5. Effective during the treatment period, the use of antioxidants and vitamins.
  6. Means that remove excess cholesterol.

It is worth using only medicines prescribed by a doctor, and if a pharmacist suggests replacing a drug with a similar composition in a pharmacy, it is better to refuse the offer and look for the drug in anotherlocation.

Hypertension 2, degree risk 2 - are they recruited into the army with such a diagnosis?

Hypertension is getting younger every decade, and it is not uncommon for young men aged 18-23 to be diagnosed with this. And if a young body has already been harmed, how will it cope with psycho-emotional stress and physical stress?

When a person comes to the recruiting office for the draft board with the results of the examination on his hands, in which it is written in black and white "arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree, risk 2", the army is contraindicated for him, and the doctors pass the verdict: unfit.

arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree risk 2 whether they take to the army
arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree risk 2 whether they take to the army

If, during a medical examination, an increase in blood pressure to 160/90 is revealed, then the young man will be given a delay for six months and will be offered to undergo a full examination for the diagnosis of "arterial hypertension of the 2nd degree, risk 2", and the army in case of his The recruit is no longer in danger of being confirmed.


Stay the further development of hypertension and reduce its indicators will help measures aimed at maintaining he alth, improving well-being, weight loss:

1. Increasing efficiency with the help of moderate physical activity: walking, light running, swimming, breathing exercises, general strengthening exercises, training on simulators. The complexity of tasks is selected carefully and increases gradually, at the initial stage, the duration should not exceed half an hour.

2. Animal fats must be minimized in the diet, they are a source of harmfulcholesterol deposited in the vessels.

3. Decreased sodium-containing foods: sausages, s alty preparations for the winter, smoked products, certain types of cheeses.

4. Preference should be given to low-fat foods, vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, instead of meat, it is better to include lean fish in the menu.

5. It is important to add foods high in potassium to your diet, it is necessary for the heart muscle during high loads.

6. Give up addictions that provoke high blood pressure - smoking and drinking alcohol.

7. Normalize sleep, observe the correct daily routine.

8. More positive emotions, walks in nature, auto-training and mastering the methods of psychological relief.

9. If there is no allergy, then, after consulting a doctor, you can use vitamins, fortifying herbs, antioxidants.

arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2
arterial hypertension grade 2 risk 2

Stable increase in pressure and arterial hypertension of 2 degrees, risk 2 is not a sentence, but the problem requires careful attention. If the disease is not treated, it will progress, take new positions, destroying the body. Therefore, you need to try very hard in order to maintain your he alth and a fulfilling life for many years.
