A burr on a finger is not a pleasant phenomenon. Unfortunately, almost every person at least once in his life faced a similar problem. Cracks and raised skin near the nail plate cause a lot of trouble and pain. So is it possible to remove burrs, and why do they appear? The answers to these questions will be of interest to everyone.
Why does a burr appear on my finger?

There are many reasons for these injuries - some are fairly harmless and easy to fix, while others signal the need for a change in diet and sign up for a full body examination.
- Most often, a burr on the finger is the result of insufficient care for the skin of the hands or its absence at all. By the way, that is why this problem is most often faced by men who consider regular hand care a feminine luxury.
- In addition, this problem is often associatedexposure to chemicals on the skin. Laundry detergents, household cleaners, and even some cosmetics can all cause gradual damage to the skin, causing it to become drier and more cracked. That is why you should not forget about rubber gloves, which are simply necessary when washing dishes, wet cleaning, etc.
- In some cases, a burr on the finger indicates the presence of very serious disorders in the body. First of all, it is worth mentioning malnutrition. Of course, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals affects the condition of the skin, and since it is the fingers that most often succumb to the traumatic effects of the external environment, skin lesions appear first here.
- On the other hand, the presence of cracks and lesions on the skin of the fingers can also signal some disorders of the digestive system, in which useful substances are simply not absorbed, even despite their sufficient amount. Dysbacteriosis can also be attributed to risk factors.
Burrs on the fingers: treatment and prevention

If such damage constantly bothers you, and there is no apparent reason to believe that their appearance is due to insufficient care, then it is still worth consulting a dermatologist. If barbs are associated with some internal disturbances in the functioning of the body, then first of all it is worth eliminating them.
It is worth considering that in no case should they be “teared off” from the fingers -the procedure for removing skin strips must be carried out under sterile conditions. After all, if you try to break the hangnail, you can injure he althy tissue. In addition, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate through wounds and cracks in the skin, which, in turn, leads to inflammation and even a purulent process. So how to treat burrs on the fingers correctly?
To begin with, the skin must be well softened - for this purpose, it is recommended to prepare a warm hand bath. By the way, you can add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to the water, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Dip your fingers in water for fifteen minutes and only then carefully cut off the skin with special nail scissors or “nippers”. After the procedure, the remaining wound must be treated with vodka or hydrogen peroxide.

As for protection measures, the best prevention in this case would be proper and constant care. Warm baths for fingers from vegetable oil will have a positive effect on the skin of the hands (you can take ordinary, sunflower). If the skin around the nails is too dry, treat it regularly with a rich cream or olive oil.