Lower pain radiating to the groin: causes and treatments

Lower pain radiating to the groin: causes and treatments
Lower pain radiating to the groin: causes and treatments

If you are concerned about lower back pain that radiates to the groin, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the syndrome. Various factors can provoke the phenomenon: inflammatory foci and infection, degenerative changes in tissues and other pathologies of internal organs. Just based on the feeling of pain, it is almost impossible to understand what provoked it. A thorough study using modern instruments is required, as well as testing of organic liquids in the laboratory. Let's look at some possible triggers for soreness.

Where to start?

To understand where the pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin, came from, you should consult a qualified doctor. At the appointment, the doctor will clarify the nature of the sensations, the area of localization, and the features of the condition. This will allow the specialist to suggest a primary diagnosis, based onselected by research activities. With severe pain and active spread of sensations to the inguinal region, the patient may find a degenerative disease or an inflammatory focus. Most often they are formed in the spine. Perhaps the internal organs are affected. However, for some, the pain is formed against the background of excessive physical exertion.

Sometimes lower back pain that radiates to the groin bothers those who work too hard. Labor activity can cause severe discomfort with different nuances of sensations. A person who is often forced to carry heavy objects because of his work is prone to severe pain. Most often, they are activated during movement. If you stop and rest, gradually the sensations weaken, may disappear completely.

lower back pain groin leg
lower back pain groin leg

Injuries and pathologies

Sometimes lower back pain that radiates to the groin is caused by a trauma. A distinctive feature of sensations is an aggravation with an increase in the load on the back, spinal column. Usually the syndrome is very acute, but there is no strength to endure it. In the perineum, tissues may swell, and the skin turns red. For some, the pain is constant for a long time - a day or more. Relief of the condition can be achieved only by the use of painkillers. The victim constantly unconsciously takes a forced position, in which the symptomatology is somewhat weakened.

If the pain pulls, perhaps the cause is osteochondrosis. This is more likely if the disease has spreadlower sections of the spinal column. A distinctive feature is the thinning of cartilaginous tissues, a decrease in their density. These components of the musculoskeletal system cannot fully cope with their intended functions, which provokes pain. Being overweight can cause osteochondrosis. There is a possibility of the influence of prolonged and monotonous loads. There is a higher risk of developing the disease if a person does not move much.

Pathologies: there are different

Arthrosis can provoke discomfort. This occurs more often in women than men. Risk group - people over 45 years of age. One or more joints may be affected. Diagnosis is difficult due to the similarity of symptoms with many other diseases. With arthrosis, aches in the gluteal zone are usually felt, any load is accompanied by pain.

Sometimes pain becomes a symptom indicating the need for treatment of a herniated disc in the lumbar region. A distinctive feature is the activation of pain sensations at the time of increasing the load on the lumbar region of the spinal column. Those suffering from this pathology describe the syndrome as shooting. Gradually, the pain descends into the lower abdomen and covers the perineum.

Another possible disease that discomfort may indicate is necrosis of the femoral head. More often the disease develops in men. Risk group - people aged 30 to 50 years. As a rule, soreness comes suddenly, it is felt very sharp. Relief can be achieved by taking analgesics. With necrotic processes, only helpvery strong painkillers.

lower back pain radiating to the groin
lower back pain radiating to the groin

What to look out for?

It is known that pain can be disturbing due to diseases of the intestinal tract. There is a possibility of developing a pronounced syndrome that spreads to the perineum, with inflammation of the appendix, intestinal obstruction, and malignant processes. Some people feel sick and vomit, while others experience bloating. Possible stool disorder.

In men, lower back pain that radiates to the groin may indicate problems with the functioning of the reproductive system. About 15% of all males are victims of varicocele. This disease is formed due to a violation of the venous outflow of blood. The pathology is localized near the spermatic cords, while the pain spreads to the inguinal region, lumbar spine, and scrotum. Many testicles hurt, and the syndrome is often asymmetrical, localized only on the left.

Men: what other problems do they have?

In men, lower back pain radiating to the groin can be a signal of an oncological process that has engulfed the prostate. Soreness accompanies a long-term developing process that proceeds chronically. It is more often felt in the later stages, when the pathology has affected the urinary system, the kidneys. The pain syndrome varies from case to case both in character and in strength. When emptying the bladder, a burning sensation is noted, sexual strength weakens, and the intimate act itself is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Often the patient has a stomach ache.

Pain may indicate a cyst formed in the seminalchannel. In this case, a funicocele is diagnosed. A cyst is a hard shell with fluid inside. A funicocele is indicated by severe pain in one side of the perineum - on the right or left. The patient's scrotum swells, in some the swelling extends to the leg from the same half of the body.

Diseases: the fair sex can also overtake

In women, back pain radiating to the groin can be initiated by inflammatory processes localized in the small pelvis. At the same time, it is not possible to clearly determine the point of the syndrome. The patient notes that aches are felt in the lower back, and the lower part of the abdomen hurts spilled, completely. Feelings become especially strong if a person has recently become cold. The condition is accompanied by fever, fever, chills, malaise. As a rule, general weakness is observed. It is not uncommon to see specific vaginal discharge of an unhe althy shade, texture, volume.

Possible pain in the lower abdomen closer to the groin, if a woman is sick with cystitis. In many of our compatriots, this pathological process develops in a chronic form, slightly disturbs for a long time, but almost does not attract attention to itself. If an exacerbation begins, the condition can worsen dramatically. A relapse can be suspected if the pain is localized in the lumbar region, spreads to the perineum, accompanied by frequent urination, but emptying the bladder does not give a feeling of relief, disturbs with unpleasant sensations. Many women note that even with an empty bladder, there is an urge tourination. The discharge becomes unhe althy, the smell changes.

pain in lower abdomen groin
pain in lower abdomen groin

Women's diseases: what else are there?

Lower pain radiating to the groin and leg may indicate the formation of a cyst in the ovary. In many ways, ovarian apoplexy in the right half of the body is similar in its manifestations to inflammation of the appendix. The patient is nauseated and vomits. Measurements show a sharp decrease in pressure, the woman feels severe pain. The manifestations are similar in the case of a cyst of the left ovary, the only difference is that with such localization there is no danger of confusing the disease with appendicitis.

Sometimes pain is an indicator of trochanteritis. The term refers to the formation of inflammatory foci in the femoral tendons. Risk group - women in menopause. At this time, the concentration of sex hormones in the circulatory system is significantly reduced, which leads to various violations of biochemistry. With trochanteritis, pain can spread to the inner thigh areas.

First Aid

If there is very severe pain in the lower back, radiating to the groin, it is difficult to find where to go - in this state, the mind is clouded. If the pain is severe, it is difficult to endure them, it is necessary to call an ambulance team. The doctor, having arrived at the place, will examine the person and prescribe drugs that help alleviate the condition, or decide to urgently transport the person in need to the hospital, where he will be helped. If the pain is not so strong, the person believes that he is able to get to the clinic on his own, measures must be taken totemporary anesthesia, so as not to suffer while waiting in line for an appointment. Antispasmodics are best in this situation. The classic pharmaceutical product is No-Shpa. You can take Papapverine or Drotaverine.

There are low back pains accompanied by fever, extending to the groin. What to do with such a syndrome, the doctor to whom the person turned for help will tell. To alleviate the condition somewhat while waiting for the doctor's advice, you can use an antipyretic. Pretty reliable and safe drugs in pharmacies are sold under the names "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen". If the temperature is less than 38 degrees, antipyretics are strictly prohibited. You can neither cool the diseased area, nor warm it up, if the doctor did not give such recommendations. If possible, complete calm and bed rest is necessary.

Who will help?

For lower back pain radiating to the groin, the treatment should be chosen by a qualified doctor. Men should get an appointment with an andrologist, women should better consult a gynecologist. In some cases, they will be redirected to a surgeon, a neurologist. You can make an appointment with a therapist. The doctor will assess the patient's condition and analyze the symptoms, determine which specialist will help to accurately diagnose the disease and choose the appropriate course of correction. When a highly qualified doctor examines the patient, he will choose the current methods for examining the condition. Based on the results, they will make a diagnosis and prescribe procedures and drugs.

back pain where to go
back pain where to go

What matters?

To understand what causes low back pain,giving in the groin, at the reception the doctor will ask you to describe the features of the phenomena. What matters to the diagnosis is what the pain is and whether it changes as the condition progresses. Be sure to check your body temperature. The patient is asked about fever, chills, hot flashes. The doctor will ask you to accurately determine the focus of localization of sensations, and also to recall whether the patient felt sick, whether there was vomiting. To clarify the diagnosis, it is important to know if there were bleeding, fever, problems with emptying the bladder. When examining a woman, it is necessary to clarify the cyclical nature of monthly bleeding, to clarify the fact of a possible conception.

It is not always clear to the average person how to distinguish back pain from the kidneys that disturb such a syndrome, since the sensations are diffuse, they can radiate to neighboring tissues. Only by my own impression is it unlikely to be able to say what exactly provokes the syndrome. The doctor, in order to clarify the diagnosis, will take blood and urine samples to check and clarify the concentration of various formed elements. It is necessary to refer the needy to an ultrasound examination - it will help determine the presence of diseases of the urinary, reproductive systems. Cultures will be done to detect sexually transmitted infections. In some cases, an x-ray of the spinal column, pelvic skeletal system is shown. Irrigoscopy is recommended, endoscopy is sometimes indicated. If osteoporosis is suspected, absorption densitometry is done.

doa of the hip joint
doa of the hip joint

Gastrointestinal condition

There is a possibility of pain due to appendicitis. At the same time, the patientfeverish, vomit. Sensations are acute, less often - aching. Lack of qualified assistance comes with deadly risks.

In addition to inflammation of the pelvic organs, there is a possibility of the formation of such a focus in the intestinal tract. In this case, pain is first felt in the upper abdomen, gradually shifts to the lumbar zone and covers the perineum. In the absence of adequate treatment, the likelihood of an ulcer is high. Sometimes pain indicates an intestinal infection. At the same time, sensations cover the lower back, the lower sector of the body, and the inguinal zone. When defecation, you can see the inclusion of mucous secretions, blood. In the absence of adequate treatment, there is a possibility of sepsis. If the pulling soreness has been replaced by seizures and spasms, this is probably the initial stage of blood infection.

For some, pain indicates colitis. Despite the symptoms somewhat similar to the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar, the treatment in this case will be completely different, and only a qualified doctor can make a course. When colitis bothers bloating. Body temperature rises. At first, the pain is acute, but can change to dull. This indicates the transformation of the pathology into a chronic form.

What else is possible?

There is a possibility of a specific pain syndrome localized in the lumbar region, spreading to the inguinal zone, if stones have formed in the bladder. At the same time, discomfort appears from time to time, is described by patients as dull sensations. Less commonly, acute pain occurs, indicating the displacement of neoplasms.

Eatthe likelihood of cancer. In this case, the pains are very different, and only a qualified doctor can clarify the condition. The lower back, inguinal zone become foci of spreading pain during cancerous processes not only in the genitourinary system, but also in the gastrointestinal tract.

DOA of the hip joint is diagnosed somewhat less frequently. There is a possibility of rheumatoid arthritis and stenosis. For some, the pain syndrome is explained by scoliosis. It is possible to spread sharp discomfort to the lower back, the lower part of the body during a stroke.


DOA of the hip joint is not a very common pathology, and yet the probability of its development in a modern person is much higher than zero. The risk group is people over the age of forty. More often among patients with such a diagnosis there are women. There is a possibility of a violation of the viability of one joint, it is possible that two are affected at once. With bilateral pathology, pathological processes first develop in one part of the body, then spread to another. A typical manifestation of DOA is pain localized in the perineum. From here sensations spread to the femoral lateral plane, in front; some are given in the buttock, lower back. Occasionally, pain even extends to the knee, but almost never below. In a very small percentage of cases, pain covers the middle of the lower leg. Such localization makes it possible to distinguish the disease from injuries and hernias.

back pain men groin
back pain men groin

Increased soreness accompanies movement, an attempt to rise from a horizontal, sittingprovisions. The first few steps are the most difficult, then the sensations improve. With prolonged movement, the pain worsens again. In the sitting and lying positions, the soreness weakens and disappears completely.

Can I help?

DOA treatment should be practiced under the supervision of an experienced doctor. In general, the therapeutic course is similar to those recommended for other cartilage diseases. They provide the diseased area with maximum peace, since the progress of the condition in most cases is associated with excessive loads. The patient is prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. They may advise you to inject medications directly into the joint cavity - this is how the blockade of the affected organ is ensured. To make the treatment as effective as possible, the course is supplemented with vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements. Patients are recommended physiotherapy. Do exercises regularly to increase the ability of tissues to cope with stress.

intervertebral hernia of the lumbar
intervertebral hernia of the lumbar

If the case is severe, neglected, the patient will probably be referred for surgery.
