Calculous prostatitis in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Calculous prostatitis in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Calculous prostatitis in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Prostate disease is a common concern for older and middle-aged men. In addition, inflammatory processes can occur even in young people and children. In acute prostatitis, the problem can be solved by the appointment of antibacterial drugs. But getting rid of chronic inflammation is not so easy. Especially if calculous prostatitis has developed. This disease often leads to a violation of the outflow of urine. In addition, a man is not able to have a normal sex life, since the fluid of the prostate gland (sperm) also does not pass through the ducts. The result is pain and difficulty urinating. All this gives a man not only physical inconvenience, but also psychological discomfort.

calculous prostatitis
calculous prostatitis

What is calculous prostatitis?

Inflammation of the prostate in the elderly often has a chronic course. As a result of a long-term pathological process, the functions of the organ are disrupted. This leads to the formation of calculi (stones). These complications are more common in the elderly. Calculous prostatitis is a pathology in which stones form in the gland itself or its ducts against the background of chronic inflammation. A similar problem worries the representatives of the stronger sex. After all, 2 functions are violated at once - urinary and sexual. As a result, many men experience apathy, irritability and aggression. Due to such disorders of the psycho-emotional background, some patients do not seek medical help. It may also be due to embarrassment or the erroneous opinion that in old age this condition is the norm. It should be remembered that stones in the prostate can be removed. However, not all cases require surgery.

painful urination in men
painful urination in men

Causes of prostate stones

Of course, stones do not appear in the prostate just like that. This is preceded by an inflammatory process. The reasons why there are signs of calculous prostatitis are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Endogenous factors. It is understood that the formation of calculi was facilitated by disturbances in the functioning of the body.
  2. Exogenous factors. This means that the pathology is caused by external causes (not due to disturbances occurring in the body).

Endogenous factors include various harmful effects. Among them: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction. Also, the development of prostatitis contributes to irregular sex life (too frequent sexual contacts, rare relationships or masturbation). Exogenous causes includevarious organ injuries (injuries, complications after surgical interventions). In addition, this group includes inflammation of the prostate gland caused by the penetration of microbes into it.

difficulty urinating in men
difficulty urinating in men

There are 2 main pathological mechanisms that lead to the formation of stones in the prostate and its ducts. These include stagnation of prostate secretion and reflux of urine into the organ cavity.

Calculous prostatitis: symptoms of pathology

The symptoms of calculous prostatitis are similar to those of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, but are more pronounced. The main clinical manifestations are painful and difficult urination in men. Unlike non-calculous prostatitis, the disease we are considering is characterized by the fact that the symptoms disturb the patient at any time of the day, and not mainly at night. This clinical picture occurs due to a violation of the outflow of prostate secretion and urine. The reason for this symptom of the disease is partial or complete obstruction of the duct with a stone. In addition, there are other symptoms of calculous prostatitis. Among them:

  1. Pain in the pelvic region. They can occur not only during urination. Men complain of pain in the perineum, coccyx, lower abdomen.
  2. Erectile dysfunction. Due to the closure of the duct of the prostate gland, the seminal fluid cannot flow normally from the organ. As a result, it is not possible to complete sexual intercourse. In severe cases, there is a decreaselibido, lack of erection.
  3. Painful urination in men - often accompanied by false urges. In this case, the pain in the perineal region increases. In most cases, little or no urine is produced.
  4. Appearance of pathological impurities in semen. The most common is bleeding. Sometimes pus can be seen in the seminal fluid (rarely).
clinics where calculous prostatitis is treated
clinics where calculous prostatitis is treated

What to do with calculous prostatitis in men?

Clinics where calculous prostatitis is treated are available in any city. There may be no hospitals with a urology department in district centers, but a general surgeon can provide medical care for this problem. If you suspect inflammation of the prostate gland, you should contact the clinic to the local doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examination. If stones are found in the ducts of the prostate, the patient is referred to an outpatient surgeon. He assesses the situation and decides whether conservative treatment is possible, or planned surgical intervention is required. Symptoms that require medical attention are difficult and painful urination in men, pain during ejaculation, blood in semen.

treatment of calculous prostatitis
treatment of calculous prostatitis

Diagnosis of calculous prostatitis

When prescribing an examination, the specialist is based primarily on the patient's complaints. The most characteristic of them are the appearance of blood in the seminal fluid, pain during intercourse. These clinicalsigns are caused by trauma to the mucous membrane of the prostate ducts, which occurs due to friction of stones on the surface of the organ. Difficulty urinating in men also occurs with non-calculous inflammation of the prostate gland. It appears due to compression of the urethral tract by an enlarged prostate. If you suspect the formation of stones in the prostate gland, laboratory and instrumental studies are performed. General blood and urine tests can confirm the presence of an inflammatory process. Changes in KLA are characterized by an increase in the number of leukocytes and an acceleration of ESR. The urine may contain red blood cells, protein, and bacteria. It is also important to conduct a study of seminal fluid. With calculous prostatitis, there is a decrease in sperm activity, the appearance of blood. In addition, a digital examination of the rectum is performed. During rectal examination, an increase in the size of the prostate and a change in its shape are diagnosed. Of the instrumental diagnostic methods, ultrasound of the prostate gland, computed and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

calculous prostatitis symptoms
calculous prostatitis symptoms

Treatment for calculous prostatitis

Treatment of calculous prostatitis should be started at the first manifestations of the pathology. Some types of stones can be removed from the prostate without resorting to surgery. These include oxalate, phosphate and urate stones. Conservative therapy is indicated if the stones are small. Treatment is aimed at removing the inflammatory process. Apply antibacterialdrugs (drugs "Tsiprolet", "Ofloksatsin"). Anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed. Among them are the drugs "Voltaren", "Diclofenac". To get rid of stones, physiotherapy is recommended.

In the presence of calcium stones, surgical intervention is necessary. Operative methods include:

  1. Lithotripsy - crushing stones with a laser. It is an endoscopic procedure and leaves no scars.
  2. Surgery.

Complications of calculous prostatitis

signs of calculous prostatitis
signs of calculous prostatitis

Calculous prostatitis can lead to complications. Among them: rupture of the organ or ducts of the prostate gland, inflammation of the abdominal cavity - peritonitis, infertility. Large stones often cause bleeding from the prostate or urethra.

Prevention of prostate diseases

Prevention of calculous prostatitis is a he althy lifestyle, exercise. It is also important to avoid unprotected sex, which can lead to infectious diseases. It is necessary to periodically visit a urologist for a consultative purpose (once a year).
