The main category of risk for the occurrence of such a disease as meningitis, the symptoms and consequences of which are very dangerous and unpredictable, are children and adolescents. This is due to the fact that their immune system does not yet know how to deal with many microbes. And if a pathogen capable of penetrating the brain gets into such an organism, then while the "protection" is "learning", inflammation of the meninges may well occur.
People who suffer from a chronic disease of the nervous system, premature babies, babies who have suffered intrauterine brain damage, meningitis most easily "clings". The symptoms and consequences of it in such people are much more severe.

How does meningitis manifest itself in adults and children (not babies)?
The manifestation of meningitis begins abruptly, against the background of full he alth. Although more often its symptoms occur after the manifestations of a cold (cough, weakness, runny nose, sore throat), less often - after diarrhea, sometimes - against the background of already subsiding measles, chickenpox, rubella or mumps. Bacterial meningitis, symptoms and effectswhich is the most dangerous, can develop against the background of treatment (or not seeking help) otitis media, purulent rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and even pneumonia. It is a complication of purulent inflammation of the eye, as well as boils or carbuncles located on the face or neck.
How to recognize meningitis?
Knowing some of the symptoms will help.
- Increased body temperature. She could have already decreased against the background of treatment for another disease or was absent altogether, but when meningitis develops, the temperature rises again. Usually - up to high numbers, but this is not a mandatory criterion.
- Headache: severe, diffuse, accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting. At first, she calms down when taking painkillers, then it becomes harder to remove her. The pain is aggravated by standing up, straining, turning the head, bright lights and loud sounds.
- Increased sensitivity of the entire skin, that is, a person just touched, tried to wash or wipe him, and he screams in pain.
- The fact that this is meningitis, the symptoms and consequences of which in this case are aggravated, can be judged by the appearance of convulsions of any intensity (with respiratory arrest or simply with a "glazed" look and unrecognition of relatives) and duration.
- May be dizzy.
- Rash. Meningococcal and some other infections (the most dangerous) are indicated by a dark rash that appears first on the buttocks, then on the legs, forearms, thighs and shoulders, only then on the trunk and face.
- Inappropriate behavior (aggressiveness, drowsiness,hallucinations, delusions), which usually appears some time after the person complained of a headache.

The consequences of meningitis are completely different, and not even the most qualified specialist can predict them in the acute period.
Usually after meningitis for a long time there are severe headaches "for the weather", impaired memory and attention. But strabismus, blindness, and deafness may remain.
Meningitis: symptoms and effects in babies
- swelling of a large fontanel;
- monotone crying and baby resists being picked up;
- convulsions against the background of a temperature below 38 degrees;
- lethargy, drowsiness, sometimes - the inability to wake the child;
- vomiting "fountain".
At the same time, the body temperature is elevated. There may be a rash, but this is not a necessary symptom.

Consequences in children are usually not so severe. Headache and disturbances in concentration, behavior, attention and memory are almost always present, strabismus is also a common residual symptom, but blindness or deafness is quite rare.