What is a boil? This is a common question. Let's deal with it in more detail.
A boil is a local purulent inflammatory process, which is most often caused by staphylococcus aureus. Its development is carried out in the sacs of hair follicles. In some situations, multiple foci may appear, and a disease called furunculosis may occur. This disease is included in the list of pyoderma.
Let's consider the main causes of the disease and ways to treat a boil at home.

Staphylococcus as the main cause of inflammation
As noted above, the main causative agent of purulent inflammation of the hair follicles on the body is staphylococcus aureus. There are quite a few varieties of this microorganism, but only about ten percent of them carry a pathogenic principle. As a rule, malaise develops precisely when the active reproduction of these forms of staphylococcus begins.
What is a boil, not everyone knows. Let's deal with this in more detail.
What factorslead to the appearance of a boil?
The following factors usually contribute to the development of a purulent process in the hair follicles:
- The appearance of increased sweating with a violation of the function of protecting the skin.
- Obtaining minor traumatic skin injuries due to scratching, scratches and abrasions, through which an infection enters the hair structure under the skin.
What are the other causes of boils? Here are some of them:
- Contact of the skin with pathological secretions of the body against the background of rhinitis, frontal sinusitis and other inflammatory infectious pathologies.
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Another possible cause of boils is contact with construction or chemical household dust or chemicals.
- Reduced immunity due to severe chronic diseases.
- The development of hormonal dysfunction, which is formed due to diabetes mellitus or an overabundance of adrenal hormones. An imbalance of hormones leads to trophic disturbance of the skin, a decrease in the local protective reaction, which creates a favorable environment for the emergence of pathogenic microbes.
Let's take a closer look at what a boil is.

Forms of manifestation and stages of development
The development cycle of such a phenomenon as a boil usually consists of the following three phases:
- Stage of infiltration. At this stage, the skin around the site of infection thickens, turns red and swells. There is pain in this area. In the center of the infiltrate is visiblehair follicle. The common term for this stage is the ripening of the boil. Very often a boil develops in the nose.
- The stage of necrosis occurs on the third day of development. A certain core is formed around the hair with an inflamed follicle, which consists of pus and dead tissues. A convex abscess of white color appears on the skin surface. The tissue thin membrane that covers it is opened, and then the pus comes out. Against this background, the patient may feel relief associated with a decrease in pain. Puffiness at the same time completely subsides, and redness, in turn, decreases. The term that is used in folk medicine to refer to this stage is a breakthrough boil.
- At the healing stage, the skin defect formed after the rod rejection process, which resembles an ulcer, heals. Large boils may leave scars and scars.
On average, as practice shows, the full development cycle with the healing process of boils on the body is approximately ten days. The places of the most frequent localization of boils include the following areas:
- Cheeks, nose, behind the ear or forehead.
- Neck.
- Skin of forearms and elbows.
- Thighs, buttocks.
Very rarely boils occur on the knees or shins. A furuncle on the face is the most common occurrence, since it is there that the skin is abundantly supplied with sebaceous glands, into which all sorts of pathogenic organisms constantly penetrate. Especially unpleasant are those abscesses that are located on the nose or above the upperlip. Ear canal boils are very painful.
What do we know about boils on the face
Signs of furunculosis on the face include the following symptoms:
- Presence of severe pain and characteristic infiltration.
- Presence of violations of mimic, and, moreover, chewing function.
- Increased temperature along with chills and general weakness.
- In case of pressure on the boil, severe pain may occur.

It is important to emphasize that the process of self-extrusion of boils on the face is fraught with the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vascular bed. This can lead to subsequent inflammation of the veins and their thrombosis. As a result, the face may swell, turn blue, and severe pain at the site of inflammation is very likely. A sharp increase in temperature is not excluded, while the general condition becomes severe. In such a situation, it is better to seek medical help.
Infection can sometimes spread to the brain tissue, which leads to encephalitis, and inflammation of the meninges in the form of meningitis is not excluded. By the way, among the rules of dermatology there is a recommendation not to touch the boils (pictured) that are above the upper lip.
Appearance of boils in other areas
Furuncles can appear in the armpits. In this case, the occurrence of hidradenitis, a purulent process of the sweat gland, is not excluded. The complaints that accompany this pathology are usually similar to those that occur when the usualboil. Additionally, there is pain during hand movements.
A boil localized in the inguinal region can give a complication to the lymph nodes or vessels, the appearance of bumps is likely. Thus, regional lymphadenitis is formed along with lymphangitis.
In women, boils can occur in the area of the labia. This is often complicated by infection in the Bartholin glands. In this case, bartholinitis occurs, which is accompanied by severe swelling of the labia, soreness, pronounced redness.
The largest boils are usually formed on the skin of the buttocks and thighs.
Appearance of multiple boils
When a large number of boils (pictured) occurs, a disease called furunculosis appears. Often, multiple boils are located on limited areas of the skin surface. Depending on the localization of boils, they sweep aside:
- localized furunculosis, in which infiltrates are located in one area.
- Disseminated furunculosis. Painful foci are distributed in various parts of the body.
The symptoms of boils are very unpleasant. Boils are difficult to treat and cause severe psychological discomfort. Often ulcers are found in various parts of the body. Furunculosis can recur - new boils often develop in the old place. In this regard, the following phases of this disease are distinguished:
- Development of an acute form of furunculosis. At the same time, multiple boils can occur on the skin at the same time, whichgo through all stages of development. Pathology ends with full recovery.
- The chronic form of furunculosis is characterized by the constant emergence of new lesions that appear on already healed areas of the skin.

What complications can boils give?
The most common complications of furunculosis are:
- The appearance of inflammatory processes of regional lymph nodes. This complication is called lymphadenitis.
- Development of inflammation that occurs along the course of regional vessels. This medical complication is called lymphangitis.
- The occurrence of a septic process, that is, blood poisoning.
- The appearance of inflammatory changes in the membranes and tissues of the brain. We are talking about meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis and so on.
- The development of inflammation of the joints, that is, arthritis.
- The occurrence of kidney pathologies, for example, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis.
Treatment of boils
Symptoms of boils are the same for all people. The patient turns to the doctor only in the most severe cases of the disease or in the event of any complication. Home treatment is very common in this disease along with the use of traditional medicine. It is worth saying that often the question of how a boil should be treated is decided by people who are very far from medicine.
Use of conservative treatment methods
Measures related to the provision of assistance in the event of a boil at the first stage of infiltration includethe following measures:
- Applying a special bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution to the emerging abscess. For these purposes, medical alcohol is best suited.
- Cauterizing a boil with iodine solution.
- Infrared heating process.
- Using laser therapy.
It is important to emphasize that warming compresses are contraindicated for the treatment of boils, as they contribute to the spread of the purulent process to the surrounding skin areas. It is not recommended to squeeze out boils, this can lead to the spread of a pathogenic pathological process. In more severe situations, an antibiotic-novocaine blockade of the furuncle site is performed. When an abscess appears, it is necessary to create all the conditions for its quick opening as soon as possible.
Let's figure out how to treat a boil at the stage of necrosis.
Treatment at the stage of necrosis
At the stage of necrosis, when the stem has already formed, the boil is treated in three stages:
- Applying a dressing with salicylic acid to melt the lid of the boil. Thanks to this bandage, the release of purulent contents is accelerated.
- Carry out the careful removal of the rod by means of a special clamp.
- Immediately after cleansing the purulent cavity, rubber drainage will be placed in it for three days, which is subsequently removed, and the surface of the wound is treated with a solution of brilliant green.

In the treatment of such a phenomenon as a boil in the nose,various ointments are prescribed, for example, gentamicin or tetracycline. Ointments "Levomekol" and "Dimexide" are also suitable. A reliable and proven remedy for treatment is ichthyol ointment.
Is it necessary to remove the boil? Let's consider this question further.
Surgical Care
Surgical intervention is appropriate in the case of the spread of purulent infiltration into the area of the subcutaneous tissue, followed by the formation of an abscess. In this case, a person needs surgical opening of the focus and sanitation. In this case, it is very important to clean the cavity of the abscess. Surgical intervention is carried out in a hospital.
How to treat a boil with antibiotics?
Antibiotics in the presence of boils are prescribed only by a doctor, depending on the degree of sensitivity of a staphylococcal infection in relation to them. The tolerance of certain antibiotics by the patient is also taken into account. Among other things, antiseptic preparations are also used. They are necessary for a long healing process. Treatment of boils in children is carried out according to the same scheme as adults.
What activities are carried out to treat pathology?
Self-treatment by a person of severe forms of furunculosis, as a rule, does not bring any success, since with this disease people need long-term outpatient and inpatient treatment with repeated preventive courses.
As part of the treatment of boils, doctors very often use local methods of influencing them. Much attention, among other things, is paid to the stimulation of the immune system.system and general measures of medical impact on painful foci. For this, doctors often use ultraviolet radiation along with laser therapy. In addition, treatment can be carried out using immunoglobulins, interferon, and so on.
Antibiotics during the treatment of furunculosis are prescribed only after establishing the sensitivity to them of a particular pathogen. The patient's response to these drugs is also taken into account.
Very often people ask the question of whether mechanical removal of the boil is required and what should be done if it opens on its own. In this situation, it is necessary to wash your hands very carefully, then the purulent masses that stand out must be washed off with a solution of furacilin using a gauze swab. After that, the cavity in the skin should be washed several times with hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, you can seek medical help.
Next, let's talk about the treatment of a boil at home.

Therapy with folk methods
It is important to note that before starting independent treatment measures using one or another folk technique, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
How to treat a boil at home is interesting to many, since this disease is quite common.
Among the simple recipes that do not require a significant investment of funds, the following can be distinguished:
- Treatment with coniferous baths. In order to prepare them, you need to buy pine or fir essential oil at the pharmacy. Forcarrying out the procedure, twenty-five drops of oil are added to warm water. Immerse the affected area of the body in such water every day for twenty minutes. It is better not to stay longer than the specified time, as some side effects are possible. Treatment of a boil at home does not end there.
- Using aloe leaves. The leaves of this plant should be cut lengthwise. Then they are applied with pulp to the abscesses. Leaves should be fixed with a breathable gauze bandage. In case of its absence, an adhesive plaster is also suitable. Change this bandage once a day.
- For the treatment of boils, you can also prepare a homemade ointment. It is prepared from 100 grams of wax, to which half a liter of vegetable oil is added, as well as sulfur from coniferous trees. Wax with sulfur is added to the hot oil, and after half an hour another 100 grams of onion peel are poured. The resulting mixture is simmered over low heat for about an hour. Then it is poured into small jars for convenience. After the ointment hardens, it lubricates the areas where boils appear. It is very convenient to do this at home.

So, boil, and in the common people this phenomenon is simply called "boil" often gives people a lot of different troubles. This inflammation is usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Much less often it is caused by white staphylococcus aureus. The main reason for the development of the disease is severe skin contamination along with microtrauma and weakening of the body's defenses. These unpleasanteducation due to chronic diseases, diabetes and beriberi. There are many ways to treat a boil at home. Most often, treatment is undertaken with drugs that increase immunity and fight bacterial infection. Do not go unnoticed in the treatment of boils and folk methods that offer many fairly effective recipes based on the action of natural ingredients. Most often, boils can be eliminated in just ten days. But in the event that the disease has given complications, you must consult a doctor.
Now you know what a boil is and how to deal with it.