How to increase potency: an overview of effective ways

How to increase potency: an overview of effective ways
How to increase potency: an overview of effective ways

With age, many men begin to suffer from the development of erectile dysfunction. Naturally, troubles in bed affect self-esteem and morale in the most negative way. If there are problems with potency, which doctor should I go to? What are effective means to increase potency? To find answers to these and other questions, just read our publication.

Problems with potency - causes

How to increase potency
How to increase potency

What factors negatively affect male power? There are a number of things that can lead to decreased erection. Among those it is worth noting:

  • Nicotine and alcohol abuse.
  • Being sedentary and overweight.
  • Irregular sex.
  • Unwillingness to treat chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system.
  • Emphasis on taking steroids during training aimed at gaining muscle mass.
  • Uncontrolled use of pharmacological agents in the treatment of certain diseases without consulting a doctor.
  • Regularly being in stressful situations, frequent emotional upsets and upheavals.


Preparations for potency
Preparations for potency

Compliance with the right diet is one of the most important things that affects the increase in potency. There are many products that contribute to the active production of male hormones. Many of them act like aphrodisiacs.

How to increase potency? First of all, an abundance of fresh meat and fish should be included in the daily diet. Such food is rich in amino acids, iron, as well as B vitamins. Sea fish contains an abundance of elements useful for the body, in particular iodine, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and molybdenum. These components are indispensable for maintaining men's he alth.

Among other products, the use of which is the key to the normal functioning of the prostate and ensures the maintenance of a stable erection, it is worth noting the following:

  • Almonds, walnuts, pistachios.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Fig.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Rye bread.
  • Shrimp, oysters, mussels, crabs, fish oil.
  • Cottage cheese, cheese, kefir.
  • Spinach, celery.
  • Linen and olive oil.
  • Med.

What should be excluded from the diet of men who want to know how to increase potency? Absolutely not recommended to eatof unknown origin, for example, semi-finished products. The main focus should be on fresh food, avoiding everything that is packaged on supermarket shelves. Products made with the use of dyes, preservatives, chemical additives - all this is harmful to men's he alth.

Physical activity

How to increase potency in men naturally
How to increase potency in men naturally

Modern lifestyle is increasingly forcing he althy men to spend most of the day chained to office chairs and computer monitors. Low mobility causes the development of stagnant processes in the body. Blood does not circulate actively enough in the tissues, which leads to oxygen starvation and insufficient nutrition of cells with useful substances. The result is often the development of thrombosis, varicose veins. However, the most terrible consequence of a sedentary lifestyle for men is impotence.

In fact, increasing potency is a relatively simple task, if you make the heart work more actively, increasing blood circulation and, accordingly, testosterone levels. Regular physical activity contributes to this. Among other things, during exercise, men get a boost of energy, which increases libido and causes sexual desire.

Of course, men who want to learn how to increase potency through training should not immediately plunge headlong into endless exercises and engage in lifting exorbitant weights. It is recommended to increase the load systematically.

Chemical preparations to improve potency

How to increase potency in 50 years
How to increase potency in 50 years

Positive effect on the improvement of male power has long been proven by means to increase potency containing sildenafil, an artificially synthesized phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Upon entering the body, this substance causes an active release of nitric oxide in the blood. The result is vasodilation in the genital area. Such chemicals have been successfully used for decades in the treatment of impotence caused by physiological factors.

Among the most effective means to increase the potency of this nature are the following:

  • Viagra;
  • "Silafil";
  • Cialis;
  • "Sukhara";
  • "Sildigra";
  • Edera.

Viagra and Cialis are in special demand on the market. The first remedy does not work immediately. The effect is observed approximately after an hour after ingestion. However, the subsequent effect of the use of "Viagra" persists for 4-5 hours. As for the drug "Cialis", its effect is observed after 10-15 minutes. An increase in potency after taking such a remedy has been noted for more than a day.

Despite their effectiveness, the above medicines are recommended to be used only after the approval of an andrologist. The active substances in the composition of such drugs have a rather significant burden on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, most of these drugs have numerous side effects and contraindications. To not have toto eliminate the consequences of unauthorized treatment, it is worth taking advantage of the advice of a specialist in advance, who will select the safest drug and determine the correct dosage.

Natural Medicines

How to increase the potency of folk remedies
How to increase the potency of folk remedies

Medications for potency, made using natural ingredients, are known on the market under the definition of dietary supplements. The use of such drugs is resorted to when the development of erectile dysfunction is due to psychogenic causes. Often these drugs are taken for prevention purposes. Medicines of this kind are popular because they contain an abundance of vitamins, minerals, useful elements synthesized from plants and marine organisms.

Effective natural drugs for potency are:

  • "Speman";
  • Stimerek;
  • Alycaps;
  • "Tribestan";
  • Biomanix.

The benefits of taking these drugs is a general strengthening effect on the male body. The intake of these funds ensures the saturation of body tissues with useful substances that are required to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

How safe is it to use such drugs for potency? Practice shows that the means of the presented nature are not capable of harming the body. The only negative point can be the presence of individual specific reactions to certain components in their composition. To experience positive changes, these medicinalfunds have to be used for several months. Only after the passage of this period will there be an increase in the level of libido and an improvement in potency.

Rejection of bad habits

Do not smoke
Do not smoke

How to increase potency at 50? Having reached such a respectful age, conscious men are simply obliged to begin to pay increased attention to their own he alth. If in youth regular attending parties and organizing feasts did not cause practically any complaints about well-being, then mature people, having smoked an extra cigarette or knocked over a glass of strong alcohol, often begin to experience difficulties in bed.

For the stronger sex over the age of fifty, it is better to forget about evening gatherings with friends after work. Of particular importance is the refusal to drink an abundance of beer. Undoubtedly, this popular drink contains many useful substances. At the same time, the abuse of beer causes the active production of the female hormone estrogen in the body. The latter directly affects the development of erectile dysfunction. In addition, the consequence of beer alcoholism often becomes breast growth, weight gain in the abdomen, hips and buttocks, which is typical for the female body type.

Men aged who suffer from a decrease in potency should establish the correct daily routine, in particular, clearly plan things, get enough sleep. Naturally, occasionally you can relax and drink a small amount of alcohol. However, you need to understand that bad habits, asaging of the body begins to cause much more harm to he alth than in youth.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

How to increase male potency in natural ways? One of the most effective folk remedies for increasing male power is a tincture prepared using the Rhodiola rosea plant. The use of the product helps to raise the level of libido and improve overall well-being.

How is the healing tincture prepared? The recipe for potency is distinguished by its simplicity. It is enough to get the root of the plant. Such raw materials are carefully crushed, after which they are poured with boiling water. Once the remedy is infused, it is consumed orally in a glass several times a day. The solution looks like a great safe way to fix erectile dysfunction in men over the age of fifty. Positive changes with this treatment can be felt already after 1-2 weeks.

Mint tea

Problems with potency causes
Problems with potency causes

Those who want to know how to increase male potency in natural ways should resort to mint tea. The plant contains many substances that activate the work of the cardiovascular system and promote blood flow to the genitals. Among other things, mint makes it possible to relieve nervous tension and eliminate stress, which becomes an important point when erectile dysfunction is caused by psychogenic factors.

However, you should not resort to drinking this tea too often. After all, the plant also contains elementsthe intake of which in the body entails a decrease in testosterone levels.


How to increase potency with folk remedies? From time immemorial, healers have used nettle seeds to prepare healing compounds. On the basis of such raw materials, medicinal teas, decoctions and tinctures were created, which not only eliminated inflammatory processes in the body and strengthened the nervous system, but also normalized the blood supply to organs. It has been proven that the use of a liquid brewed on the basis of nettle seeds restores an erection and increases sexual desire. This is facilitated by the production of testosterone in the body, which is actively synthesized in the case of using such a folk method.


There are many recipes for potency based on ginger. The root of the plant not only improves blood circulation, but also helps to activate the metabolism, which has a positive effect on sexual activity. You can resort to using a folk remedy as follows:

  • Add dried ginger to baked goods.
  • Use the plant as a seasoning for meat dishes.
  • Use spice when brewing tea.

Belladonna tincture

Still how to increase potency in men in natural ways? Those who do not want to resort to medical elimination of the problem should use belladonna tincture. A remedy is prepared using the leaves of the plant. Dried raw materials are poured with strong alcohol. For half a liter of alcohol, several tablespoons of belladonna are used. The resulting composition is stored in a dark place for a week, occasionally shaking. Then the liquid is carefully filtered. Use the medicine 10 drops three times a day.

In closing

As you can see, there are many effective solutions to restore male power. Therefore, if there is a decrease in potency, do not immediately panic. After all, any processes in the body can be restored. To fix the problem, it is important to be patient, minimize the factors that negatively affect the state of he alth, and once again not be nervous. You also need to visit a urologist or andrologist. Such doctors will determine the specific nature of the problem and suggest how to increase potency.
