The use of ointments for sprains of various ligaments is considered an effective method of treating injuries. The complex usually uses fixing splints and elastic bandages, which is required for a speedy recovery. What ointment to treat an ankle sprain is described in the article.
When sprained, the following symptoms are likely to appear:
- Pain. When relying on an injured limb, the syndrome intensifies.
- Bruising. Hematomas will be intense if cold is not applied in a timely manner.
- Edema. The level of their appearance depends on the extent of the stretch.
- Heat temperature.
- Hyperemia.

If the sprain is minor, the injured usually do not seek medical attention. But if serious symptoms appear, then treatment should not be ignored.
When can ointments be used?
Such funds help if the connective tissuetissues holding bones and joints intact. But keep in mind that injuries affect not only connective tissue, but also muscle fibers.
With a complete rupture of the connective tissue areas, the articulation of the lower leg and foot loses its flexion-extensor function. Often, injury is associated with a violation of the integrity of bone structures. These injuries are dangerous and rarely resolve without surgery.
It is difficult for a person to assess the situation on their own. The symptoms of a sprain may be similar to a normal bruise, but may also mask an absolute or partial violation of the anatomical integrity of the bone. To quickly recover from an injury, you need a full examination. This will prevent complications and detect damage in a timely manner.
Benefits of ointments
For an ankle sprain ointment to be effective, it must:
- relieve inflammation and swelling;
- eliminate pain;
- repair damaged tissues and blood vessels.
Active therapy is desirable to start immediately after the injury. The more time passes without treatment, the more efforts will need to be made to fully restore the joint. The effectiveness of the ointment is associated with a direct effect on the injury.

When the ligaments are severely torn, the pain will be severe. In this situation, you need to consult a doctor, otherwise self-medication will lead to more severe injury or other complications.
Advantages and disadvantages
Ointments have the following advantages:
- availability;
- ease of use;
- quick action;
- harmless to the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
- effectiveness in acute pain relief;
- strengthening blood vessels;
- minimum contraindications.
Some products can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The disadvantages include leaving greasy marks on clothes. Often drugs must be combined with pills and potions to provide a stronger effect of the treatment.
Each ointment has its own properties. Remedies for sprains can eliminate unpleasant symptoms, improving a person's condition. After application, it is still advisable to consult a doctor to prevent complications.
How are ointments used for ankle sprains? After an injury, it is necessary to treat the damaged area as soon as possible. If there is no medicine nearby, something cold must be applied. This is required to slow down the inflammatory process.
Rub the ointment carefully, using circular motions. After it is completely absorbed, you need to continue massaging the area for another 5-10 minutes, which will enhance the effect of the active ingredient. If an ankle sprain is found, what ointments can help? Effective remedies are described below.
Complex funds
This type of ointment for ankle sprains allows you to get rid of inflammation and swelling, eliminate pain and restore blood circulation to painful tissues. They are chosen with littleinjuries and injuries of moderate severity. The following products are great:
- "Dolobene". This is an effective ointment for sprains and ankle muscles with heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide and dexpanthenol. Reduces the period of tissue repair to 2-3 days. The procedures can eliminate inflammation, pain, swelling, and also have an anticoagulant effect. The medicine should not be used for bronchial asthma, liver and kidney diseases, chronic diseases of the epidermis.
- "Finalgon". The gel is used 2-3 times a day. The drug provides an analgesic effect, it dilates blood vessels, irritates the epithelium, which increases blood flow, accelerates metabolism and tissue repair. Do not use if allergic.

Such funds allow you to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of stretching in a short time. Before using ointments, you must read the instructions for use.
When spraining the ankle, it is advised to use products with a cooling effect. Usually in such preparations there is menthol. After application, these funds, due to irritation, have a distracting effect. And due to the presence of an analgesic, ointments reduce pain.
Popular drugs:
- Gevkamen;
- "Menthol ointment";
- Efkamon;
- Bom Benge.
These funds can not be rubbed. The preparations must be applied in a thin layer and wait until they are completely absorbed. Procedures must be performed withfrequency, which is indicated in the instructions.
From edema
With bruises and sprains, blood circulation is disturbed, which leads to bruising, bruising, and swelling. In this case, ointments with decongestant properties are excellent. They do not allow the appearance of complications in the form of blood clots and varicose veins. The following drugs are used in therapy:
- "Heparin ointment". With an ankle sprain, this remedy is quite effective, as it has an anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, analgesic effect. It also dilates the blood vessels. Apply the drug should be 2-3 times a day, gently rubbing. The ointment is not used for ulcerative necrotic processes, reduced blood clotting, thrombopenia.
- "Troxevasin ointment". After its application, vasodilation is observed, due to which blood circulation improves. The drug relieves inflammation, swelling, improves tone and strengthens blood vessels. It should be applied 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Ointment for ankle sprains is applied in a thin layer and rubbed until absorbed. The medicine should not be used for chronic gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers, renal failure.

These ointments are effective as many people use them for sprains. Thanks to regular procedures, you can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
When an ankle is sprained, there is often severe inflammation that aggravates the injury. Treatment of this problemis performed with ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, which in parallel eliminate pain in the injured joint. It is necessary to use such funds 3-5 times a day.
The duration of treatment is no more than a week, due to the negative impact of the components on the gastrointestinal tract. If there are similar problems, then the doctor should prescribe another ointment. Ankle sprains can be treated with drugs containing the following active ingredients:
- Diclofenac - Diclovit, Voltaren.
- Ibuprofen - Nurofen.
- Nimesulide - "Nise".
- Ketoprofen - Artrisilen.
- Indometatsi - "Indovazin".
- Piroxicam - "Finalgel".
Warming aids
Treatment of ankle sprains with ointments is effective if they have a warming effect. Perfectly restore damaged tissue means with poisons, pepper and other potent components.
They should not be used in the early days when the injury has occurred and the inflammation has not yet disappeared. Otherwise, the swelling will only increase, as internal bleeding will begin. First, a little allergy test is applied. A slight irritant effect on the skin is considered a normal reaction of the body to the active ingredients.

Let's consider the best ointments for ankle sprains with a warming property:
- "Apizartron" based on bee venom.
- "Capsicam" contains camphor, capsacin, dimexide.
- Viprosal with viper venom.
- Gevkamen based on camphor.
After the procedure, some white coating may appear, which should be washed off before the next procedure. It is important to observe the dosage and wash your hands after application. Do not allow the product to get on the mucous membrane, especially in the eyes. Do not wash off with water in case of negative skin reactions, since the effect of the product will be enhanced, in these cases oil or petroleum jelly is used. The drug should not be used for cancer, during pregnancy and damage to the epithelium.
Homeopathic medicines
With a minor injury, herbal ointments help with ankle sprains. These drugs have a minimum of contraindications and side effects, but the strength of their impact is not worse than other drugs. It is advisable to use ointments with the following substances:
- Arnica, which has a decongestant effect, speeds up recovery with it.
- Calendula, which has anti-inflammatory and relaxing effects.
- Symphytum - improves recovery.
- Rutoy, which strengthens muscle tissue.
- Aconite that eliminates pain.
Which ointment to use for ankle sprains depends on the type of injury. But in any case, all of these drugs can eliminate pain and other unpleasant symptoms of this phenomenon.
Ointments with hormonal agents
Godrocortisone or prednisolone ointments are used to relieve the symptoms of sprains. But keep in mind that all steroid substances are associated with cortisol. BUTit is a glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal glands during stress.
If you use such drugs for a long time, then unwanted body reactions, addiction or withdrawal syndrome may appear. The skin suffers greatly from the use of hormonal ointments.
For kids
Very often, these injuries occur in children. First aid at home is as follows:
- Applying a cold compress.
- Taking an anesthetic - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
- Applying a tight bandage.
When stretching, the baby must be shown to the doctor. Of the medicines, they can be prescribed ointments with the least dangerous substances - heparin, resin, dexpanthenol. Suitable ointments such as:
- "Dolbene".
- "Traumeel gel".
- "Capilar".

It is necessary to use such drugs for 4-5 days (after the swelling and pain subside). Severe injuries require hospitalization. During rehabilitation, children are prescribed physiotherapy exercises. Classes are carried out in the exercise therapy room under the supervision of an instructor.
Homemade ointments
You can prepare a homemade ointment for ankle sprains on the leg. These products are also effective and safe. You can use the following recipes:
- You need to chop the onion, mix it with s alt and can be applied to the skin covered with a bandage. The tool has a decongestant, disinfectant effect.
- Needs to be clearedpotatoes, grate and apply the finished cream mass to the painful area overnight. The procedure accelerates tissue repair, relieves swelling and resolves hematomas.
To prevent stretching, follow these simple tips:
- Wear only comfortable shoes with stable soles.
- Watch your weight.
- Control movements.
- When playing sports, do not load the joint without warming up the muscles.

Preventive measures to prevent sprains.
But what to do when injured? First, anti-inflammatory and decongestant types of ointments help with ankle sprains. Then warming and complex products are perfect. And homeopathic remedies are suitable when the primary symptoms have already been eliminated. Any treatment will be more successful if it is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.