How to smear chickenpox? How many days to smear chickenpox. How to smear chickenpox, except for brilliant green

How to smear chickenpox? How many days to smear chickenpox. How to smear chickenpox, except for brilliant green
How to smear chickenpox? How many days to smear chickenpox. How to smear chickenpox, except for brilliant green

Chickenpox is a disease that needs to be ill once in a lifetime. Most often, it is young children who suffer from it, the likelihood of infection after 5 years is significantly reduced. Despite the low risk of the disease, any parent worries about their baby, noticing the first symptoms in him. The main symptoms of this disease are profuse skin rashes and fever. The pimples that have appeared itch and cause significant discomfort, so the question becomes relevant: “How to smear chickenpox?” Are there any alternative remedies besides the well-known brilliant green?

Traditional treatment

How to smear chickenpox
How to smear chickenpox

For more than one generation of parents, chickenpox has been treated with bed rest and rash treatment. In Russia, the most popular remedy is the "brilliant green" solution. Zelenka (like any other alcohol tincture) really dries inflamed skin areas well and prevents infection of wounds. Do not forget to ask your doctor how many times to smear chickenpox with brilliant green. Usually once is the very beginning of the disease, if the symptom does not become less pronounced, then the procedure can be repeated several times. Remember that baby's skin is very delicate. And if you renew the layer of alcohol antiseptic several times a day, its drying cannot be avoided.

What's wrong with brilliant green?

How to smear chickenpox except for brilliant green
How to smear chickenpox except for brilliant green

Outside of our country, no one has even heard that rashes with chickenpox should be treated with brilliant green. Foreign doctors consider such a treatment to be wild, since "brilliant green" is an alcohol antiseptic and can dry out the skin. A lot of dissatisfaction is also caused by the comical appearance of patients, carefully painted "speckled". Do not forget that brilliant green gets dirty, which also makes its use inconvenient. When asked how to smear chickenpox, except for brilliant green, any foreign doctor will answer with a list of easy-to-use and safe antibiotics. However, often in Europe or America, skin irritations are not treated at all, but are limited to recommendations on careful observance of personal hygiene rules. It is also advisable not to break bed rest and stick to a special diet.

Can I do without processing?

How to smear acne with chickenpox
How to smear acne with chickenpox

If for some reason you want to stop using brilliant green for chickenpox, you can let the healing process of skin irritations take its course. The bed linen of the patient in this case should be changed as often as possible. It is also important to take a shower regularly, with intense sweating - more than twoonce a day. It is also necessary to monitor the patient's clothes, only natural fabrics are allowed, it is necessary to completely change clothes at least once a day. Remember that tearing off a pimple is not at all difficult, and an open wound is the entrance gate for infection. In order to minimize the chance of infection, forbid the child to scratch the inflammation. And yet it is much more reliable to find out than to smear chickenpox, and choose from all the recipes the most suitable and reliable for you.

Popular antiseptics

If the cosmetic effect is of little importance to you, you should consider using a solution of potassium permanganate. You can buy powder at a pharmacy. With chickenpox, it is recommended to make a concentrated solution that leaves brown spots on the skin. You can simply wash the inflamed areas with a weak pink solution. But remember that this method is less efficient. If you ask a pediatrician: “How to smear chickenpox besides brilliant green?”, You will probably be recommended salicylic alcohol. You can buy it without a prescription, but if you use it too often, dry skin can occur. The use of "Tsindol" also gives good results. This tool has a low cost, it not only dries skin irritations well, but also speeds up the healing process.

How long to smear chickenpox
How long to smear chickenpox

Other pharmacy products

You don't know how to smear chickenpox abroad? One of the most popular drugs can be purchased from us. Its name is "Fenistil". If the entire tube is not used during the child's illness, do not rush to throw away the remnants. Meanssuitable for the treatment of any skin irritation, including allergic origin. It is used against chickenpox and "Fukortsin" - a pink-colored disinfectant solution. If we talk about the combination of the acceptable cost of the drug and its safety, tea tree oil deserves attention. Like other products, it is applied with a swab to the affected areas of the skin, and then left to dry completely.

How long to smear chickenpox with antiseptics?

Most often, skin irritation with chickenpox resolves within one week. In particularly difficult cases, the disease lasts about three weeks, but rashes are not observed for the entire period. If you listen to the doctors, each specialist will issue their own prescriptions. One will say that it is enough to smear pimples at the first detection, the other will argue that it is necessary to treat the inflammation until they are completely healed. If you decide to use antiseptics, it is necessary to disinfect the affected areas of the skin in the first days of the disease. Next, focus on the patient's condition. The question of how many days to smear chickenpox is purely individual. It is necessary to assess the patient's condition and make a decision on your own.

How many times to smear green chickenpox
How many times to smear green chickenpox

Itch relievers

Chickenpox gives the patient the greatest discomfort precisely because of the burning sensation and the desire to scratch the inflamed skin. It is possible and necessary to deal with this symptom. Pharmacological companies offer a number of lotions and ointments that have a cooling effect. With chickenpox, it is recommended to use Calamine. ByIn agreement with the doctor, you can also take drugs with a complex antiallergic effect. This is "Tavegil" and analogues. It is necessary to choose a medicine based on the age of the child; when taking, the dosage should be carefully observed. If you do not know how to smear chickenpox from sedatives, refer to folk wisdom. Many plants help to get rid of discomfort. These are chamomile, peony and string. You can use it in the form of lotions, washings or even baths. Zinc ointment copes well with itching.

Baths for chickenpox and folk remedies

How many days to smear chickenpox
How many days to smear chickenpox

Pediatricians of the past generation confidently said that water procedures for chickenpox should be minimized. This recommendation is not considered relevant today. In the absence of an increase in body temperature in a patient, water procedures are not only not prohibited, but are also recommended. It is useful to take baths with decoctions of herbs that have antiseptic and healing properties. The most useful are chamomile, sage, string and celandine. You can brew one herb or a collection of several. Lotions can also be made from the infusions of these plants. To do this, you need to brew the collection tightly: two teaspoons of herbs for half a glass of water. After cooling, the infusion must be filtered and moistened with a cotton swab or a piece of clean cloth. A lotion is applied to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for several minutes. You can use such an infusion instead of lotion, washing irritation with it. To the question of how to smear acne with chickenpox, traditional medicine gives other answers. safe inapplication are considered infusions of oak bark and calendula. If you plan to use a more complex recipe, such as a mixture of vodka and vinegar, to decontaminate an inflamed area of skin, consult a doctor.
