Drugs that produce an immunomodulatory effect have been used in medicine for many years. They are prescribed for a wide variety of pathologies, both for treatment and for prevention. Medicines are available in the form of suppositories, tablets, drops or syrups. However, there is a tool that can not only produce an immunomodulatory effect, but also overcome pathogenic microflora, become an antiseptic and get rid of a viral infection. Such are the candles "Superlymph". You will learn about the method of their application and some of the nuances from the presented article.

Composition of the drug and its appearance
Superlymph candles are a complex of natural substances that provide antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effects. The main component of the drug is the superlymph substance of the same name. It includes natural antimicrobial peptides and cytokines. Each suppository contains 10 or 25 units of the above substances.
As additional components, the manufacturer uses fats that can form a suppository. The medicine is produced in packs of ten, which are sealed in a cardboard box. Attached to eacha pack of the drug "Superlymph" (candles) instruction.
Analogues: are there any?
Medication is inherently unique. There are no more drugs with the same active ingredient. However, there are many other drugs that have a similar effect on the human body. If we are talking specifically about suppositories, then Superlymph candles have the following substitutes: Viferon, Genferon, Kipferon, and so on.
Immunomodulatory action, supplemented by an antiviral effect, can be obtained from the drugs "Interferon leukocyte", "Isoprinosine", "Ergoferon" and so on. It is necessary to choose substitutes for the described medication only with a doctor under certain conditions. Self-administering such drugs is prohibited.

Using medicine
Candles "Superlymph" are prescribed by physicians after a preliminary examination of the patient. Often they become an addition to the main therapy. Indications for the use of the drug are the following situations:
- genital herpes;
- bacterial and viral infections of the reproductive system;
- metritis and adnexitis;
- decreased immunity after treatment with antibiotics or chemotherapy and so on.
Contraindications for use
Candles "Superlymph", analogues of the drug for therapeutic action and other medicines are not allowed to be used in case of hypersensitivity to the main component and additional components. So, a contraindication to the appointment of suppositories "Superlymph" will be an allergy toactive substance. Also, therapy should not be carried out under the condition of hypersensitivity to proteins of porcine origin. After all, they are used to create the drug.
Do not prescribe medicine to patients with body temperature over 38 degrees. The manufacturer does not provide any data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. In these cases, it is necessary to correlate the risk to the fetus and the desired benefit to the mother. The medicine is not prescribed for girls who are not sexually active (virgins).

"Superlymph" (candles): instructions
About suppositories, the instruction says that their dosage is always selected individually. Much depends on the purpose of use and the condition of the patient.
- For viral infections (including herpes), the drug is indicated at a dose of 25 units once a day. At the same time, the method of administration is alternated - rectally and vaginally. The duration of application is usually 10 days.
- For preventive purposes and to increase immune protection, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 10 units once a day. The drug is administered rectally or vaginally (depending on the condition of the woman). The duration of application is determined individually, but usually does not exceed 10 days.
The most commonly prescribed suppositories "Superlymph" vaginally. Reviews of doctors say that after the introduction you need to take a horizontal position for 15-30 minutes. This condition will allow the drug to be distributed as correctly as possible.

Adverse reactions and overdose cases
About the drug "Superlymph" (candles), the instruction reports that so far there have been no reported cases of overdose. With proper use of the drug, the active substance is well tolerated.
The drug almost never causes adverse reactions. However, if there is a high sensitivity to pork protein, a rather serious allergy can develop. In this situation, you should immediately seek medical help. The medicine, according to patients, sometimes causes a burning sensation in the injection zone. However, after the distribution of the suppository, these symptoms disappear without a trace.

Medication opinions
The drug "Superlymph" (candles) has mostly good reviews. Patients say that the medicine must be kept in the refrigerator. The instruction says that the ambient temperature should not exceed 8 degrees. After removing the suppository, you need to enter it immediately. Otherwise, it will start to melt in your hands. After use, the drug dissolves quickly and spreads over the mucous surface of the vagina or intestines.
What else do women say about Superlymph (candles)? Patient reviews are advised to use disposable sanitary pads during treatment. The fact is that the medication is able to flow out of the vagina. The substance can damage underwear in this way.
Doctors warn that during menstruation, treatment is neededinterrupt temporarily. Also, douching should not be done during the procedure. The only exceptions will be those cases where such recommendations were given by a doctor. If the doctor has prescribed irrigation of the vagina, then you must first douche, and only then insert the suppository.
For rectal use, you must first clean the intestines and carry out hygiene procedures. Also remember to wash your hands before and after each use of suppositories. If you can’t perform an act of defecation on your own, then use the appropriate drugs (candles or tablets), but before that, consult your doctor.

Summarize the article
You learned that in pharmacology there is an effective drug "Superlymph". It is produced in the form of suppositories for rectal and vaginal use. The goal of therapy is to increase immunity at the local level, to provide antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. The drug has virtually no side effects and is characterized by extremely positive opinions from doctors and consumers.
Remember: despite all the advantages, the drug cannot be used on its own. If you have any complaints about your he alth and need therapy, be sure to consult a doctor. Perhaps, in addition to the drug "Superlymph" you will need another medicine. Very often it is combined with the oral form of taking other medications. Good he alth and well-being to you!