Did your gynecologist diagnose you with thrush? Where do you think you can get money for expensive vaginal suppositories? Do not rack your brains, because there are inexpensive drugs that can help women get rid of thrush (candidiasis). Such cheap, but effective means are the candles "Clotrimazole", "Candide B6" and "Nystatin". Today we will find out how to use these drugs, what they cost, and what people think about them.

Drug "Clotrimazole": description
These cheap suppositories for thrush are white or yellowish suppositories, in which the main element is clotrimazole (100 mg), as well as additional substances: semi-synthetic glycerides.
This medicine is injected into the vagina in the evening, as deep as possible, in the supine position with legs slightly bent. It is necessary to determine suppositories every day for 6 days, 1 suppository (100 mg each). Question about a sequeltreatment should be decided together with the gynecologist.

Manufacturer of the drug "Clotrimazole". Cost
Candles are produced in Russia, India, Poland, Romania, Germany.
Suppositories for sale 6 pcs. packed.
Effective candles from thrush "Clotrimazole" cost between 30-70 rubles per pack. The price depends on the manufacturer, so it is cheaper to buy this Russian-made drug.
Feedback about Clotrimazole
These candles from thrush reviews are all flattering. After all, it would seem that the cost of the drug "Clotrimazole" is very funny, but the effect is excellent. So, many girls and women write that this remedy 100% eliminates thrush. After the first injection of the suppository, the patient's well-being improves significantly, and after another five days there is no trace of candidiasis. Some women did not trust Clotrimazole suppositories before, as they were embarrassed by the penny price. However, when the financial situation did not allow them to purchase funds against candidiasis for 600 rubles, then they decided to try this drug anyway. And, to their surprise, he coped in the same way as the super-expensive drugs for candidiasis. So why overpay then?
In addition, women note that they do not experience any side effects after therapy with Clotrimazole suppositories. Some, however, girls additionally purchase a cream with the same name so that they can relieve the itching of the external genital organs as quickly as possible.
And theseinexpensive suppositories from thrush can be used by pregnant women (from the second trimester), as well as nursing mothers. It turns out that this is an effective drug that helps a woman quickly get rid of vaginal candidiasis, as well as save her family budget.

The drug "Candide B6"
This remedy is excellent for genital infections caused by fungi of the genus Candida or Trichomonas vaginalis. The composition of Candide B6 suppositories is as follows: the active ingredient is clotrimazole (100 mg), the auxiliary components are corn starch, lactose, sodium glycolate, talc, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, tartaric acid, methylhydroxybenzoate, povidone, propylhydroxybenzoate, sodium bicarbonate.
These effective suppositories for thrush are inserted deep into the vagina. It is used 1 suppository once a day in the evening for 6 days. In the future, the gynecologist may prescribe a second course of therapy with this drug.
Inexpensive Candida B6 candles are produced in India.
The cost of the drug in this form of release ranges from 70-80 rubles per package, consisting of 6 suppositories.

People's feedback about Candide B6
Many girls did not even expect such an effect from this medicine. However, after using it, some women noted that these are the best candles for thrush. Firstly, what the fairer sex liked was the ease of use. Packed with candlesincludes an applicator, thanks to which the process of drug administration is facilitated. Secondly, the drug "Candide B6" is universal, as it is suitable for absolutely all women, including pregnant women after the 1st trimester, as well as nursing mothers. Thirdly, this is a quick removal of the symptoms of candidiasis: already on the second day the patient's condition improves (itching, discharge, swelling are eliminated, the feeling of discomfort disappears). Fourthly, women do not find any side effects. And fifthly, the cheapness of the drug. Unlike expensive drugs for thrush, Candide B6 is cheap, but at the same time effective, which is also important.
Despite the fact that this drug has some positive feedback from ladies, I still want to note that if a woman has a weakened immune system, then thrush can occur again. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of relapses, you need to raise your defenses: drink vitamins, play sports, lead a he althy lifestyle, harden.

Nystatin drug
citric acid.
The drug "Nystatin" is prescribed for vaginal administration in cases of treatment of candidiasis, as well as for the prevention of fungal complications during local antimicrobial therapy.
The medicine is sold for 5 or 10 candles in 1packaging.
Suppositories "Nystatin" are determined intravaginally for adults at 250 or 500 IU twice a day (morning and evening after taking a shower). The duration of therapy with this medicine can be from 10 to 14 days.

Manufacturer of the drug "Nystatin". Cost
These candles from thrush, the price of which will be affordable for any girl, are sold in every pharmacy. So, the cost of 10 suppositories of 250 IU varies between 50-60 rubles. And the same number of candles, but 500 units each will cost about 85 rubles.
The drug is produced in the Russian Federation, as well as in Ukraine.
Feedback from women about Nystatin
These candles from thrush have different reviews. So, some women note that this is an amazing remedy for vaginal candidiasis, which eliminates the problem literally the next day. Also, the advantage of this medication is that it is not addictive. Other representatives of the fair sex do not speak very well of this drug. So, they note that these suppositories leave greasy marks on linen that are not washed. Therefore, in order not to spoil the panties, it is necessary to use daily pads. And yet, according to some girls, one of the shortcomings is that you need to insert candles twice a day. It is inconvenient to do this in the morning, because then you still need to go to work, and the suppository will flow throughout the day. And it's not very pleasant. And these inexpensive candles from thrush are forbidden to usepregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. In addition, the drug can cause side effects such as redness, itching, severe burning, rash. True, the reviews of women who have observed such undesirable reactions for themselves are few. Be that as it may, there are both opponents of this drug and its supporters. Candles help someone, but they do not suit others. This, of course, is not a panacea for vaginal candidiasis. Anyway, after the course of treatment with these suppositories, it is necessary to restore the microflora, since the thrush will return again. And for effective therapy, you also need to treat your sexual partner.
Now you know what are the best candles from thrush, what are they called. These are drugs "Nystatin", "Candide B6" and "Clotrimazole". All these tools are distinguished not only by a good effect after application, but also by their low cost. These are drugs for people with below average incomes, however, people who do not have financial problems also use them. After all, the main thing is the effect, and the listed candles really give results.