Who are nymphomaniacs? The question is not quite correct, because the term refers to a sexual disorder in women and literally translates as "passionate" or "crazy bride." In Russia, such a deviation in sexual behavior was called simpler and brighter: uterine rabies. Nymphomaniacs are hypersexual women who are unable to control their intimate desires. This disorder is due to several reasons, but in any case it is equated with female diseases. Therefore, it is more correct to say not “Who are nymphomaniacs?”, But “Who are nymphomaniacs?”. Men who suffer from similar disorders are called andromaniacs. However, among the people, both of them are called the same.
Causes and varieties of nymphomania

Who are nymphomaniacs? These are unfortunate people with mental disabilities. There are congenital, imaginary and acquired deviations. The first can appear even in early childhood. In the case of imaginary deviations, women only imitate the disease, allowing themselves many connections with a large number of partners. Moreover, each such woman quite consciously pursues her own goals. Acquirednymphomania can result in:
- injury or infection of the brain;
- mental disorder;
- physiological features;
- hormonal disorders.
Not every person with an increased desire for sex is called the term "nymphomaniac". Its value has certain limits. Nymphomaniacs include:
- women who feel sexual desire but are unable to experience an orgasm;
- people who experience such a strong uncontrollable desire that they are able to disregard the rules of decency, morality, family to satisfy it. There are known cases of closeness of quite we althy women with homeless people, whole groups of drug addicts, etc.;
- women who constantly change partners due to an unconscious desire for sexual satisfaction.

Who are nymphomaniacs? People who can be cured. Actually, even in ancient times, grandmother healers quite successfully used decoctions from oregano, drugs from dope and nightshade. Today, treatment is carried out by physiotherapists, psychiatrists, gynecologists and other specialists working as a single team. At the first stages, they find out whether the woman is really sick with nymphomania, then they establish the cause of the deviation. After that, they begin to treat the underlying disease, simultaneously engaging in the correction of interests, special trainings, and physiotherapy. Not instantly, but the disease is cured permanently, allowing the person to return to a normal lifestyle.
How to treatnymphomaniacs?
Many "normal" people do not want to believe that the constant uncontrolled change of partners is not promiscuity, but a serious illness. However, this is so. Therefore, you should not insult a girl who is seen in inconstancy. It is better to first have a friendly conversation with her, try to find out what caused the constant change of partners, and then recommend a consultation with a good doctor. Don't let it scare you that it will be a psychiatrist. He will provide the secret of the cure, but the life of the nymphomaniac will enter a calm and safe track.