No matter how science develops in the modern world, a remedy has not yet been invented that saves people from various diseases. Therefore, unfortunately, each of us can feel unwell at any time and turn to a doctor for help. For all employed citizens, absence from the workplace during illness is possible only with the provision of a special paper called sick leave.
How to fill out this document correctly, what special designations are used in it, and who should be involved in its design - all this can be found in this article.
What is sick leave
We all know perfectly well that absence from work without a good reason is considered a real absenteeism. Such absence from work in some cases can end very badly, and no one will listen to stories allegedly that a person was sick.

In order for any employed citizen in the Russian Federation to be able to legally confirm their temporary inability to go towork, there is a special document called sick leave. Sometimes this document is also called a temporary disability sheet.
This paper is initially issued and filled out by the medical institution to which the patient applied for help in a timely manner. At the same time, the clinic or hospital must have special approval from the Social Insurance Fund and pass all the necessary checks with dignity.
Since this document is an official paper, it has a statutory form that must be filled out in a special way. Any doctor who writes out a sick leave to a patient knows how to fill it out in accordance with all the rules. Therefore, you should not worry about this, and even more so try to write something in it yourself.
Dishonest citizens sometimes even seek to forge this document in their own interests. Of course, such actions are punishable by law, so you should not even think about trying to make a fake sick leave.
Legislative basis for sick leaves
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any citizen of the country must have compulsory social insurance. This measure is one of the points of the state program aimed at protecting the population of the country.
That is why the issuance of sick leave is not a whim of medical workers and not an ardent desire of workers to have an official excuse about the reasons for absence from the workplace. They are an official document that gives the employee the right to receive money during his disability.

All issues related to the procedure for issuing this paper and its payment are governed by the following laws of our country:
- Administrative, Labor and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation.
- The Law on Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases, adopted on July 24, 1998.
- The Law on Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and Maternity, which was adopted on December 29, 2006.
- The Law "On insurance premiums to the PFR, FSS, FFOMS and TFOMS", which was approved on July 24, 2009.
Each of these regulations contains its own provisions related to such an important document as sick leave. How to fill it out correctly describes a whole order that appeared in 2011.
Introduction of a new form of sick leave
So, another document regulating sick leave is the order of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development of the Russian Federation, which was issued on April 29, 2011 under the number 624n. It is called "On the Approval of the Procedure for Issuing Sick Leaves", and it was this document that initiated the use of new forms of sick leaves that are issued to citizens of our country today.
The very form of the sick leave and the codes of the diseases indicated in it are established by a separate Order number 347n, also issued in 2011, but on April 26. This document is called “On Approval of the Form of the Certificate of Incapacity for Work”. A sample of filling out a sick leave in thisthe order is missing. However, it contains brief information about what data must be indicated in the blocks and lines of the new form.
How sick leave was protected from fraudsters
The new form of disability certificates did not appear by chance. It was introduced in order to reduce the number of cases of fraud that were associated with payments under these documents.

In order to eliminate the facts of falsification of sick leave, the measures listed below were introduced.
1. Medical organizations now receive disability certificates exclusively from the regional offices of the Social Insurance Fund. Each form has its own unique number, consisting of a random sequence of numbers. All these numbers are taken into account in the FSS. Thus, in the event of a disputable situation, it is easy to find out whether the doctor working in a particular medical institution really issued the document to the patient.
2. The letterheads contain watermarks with the FSS logo and special microtext.
3. The form itself is pale blue, and the columns intended for entries are made in pale yellow.
4. Codes for diagnoses and other information have also been introduced to increase the security of sick leaves.
Special requirements for completing the document
The order that put into effect a new form of sick leave establishes not only its appearance and the list of information prescribed in the form. The document of the Ministry of He alth and Social Development also contains information aboutrequirements for the rules for entering data on the sick leave. How to fill out this form, which is important for many citizens of the country, should be known to all persons related to the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work.
You need to know that there is a cell for each character entered into the form. Therefore, each letter or number in the sick leave corresponds to only one cell, and in no case should you go beyond its boundaries. The beginning of each new entry should fall on the very first cell in the space provided for information.
The sick leave is filled in only in Russian, while all entries are made in capital letters. However, the FSS separately noted that some minor violations may be present on the sick leave, for example, capital letters, symbols that are in contact with cell boundaries, bad word abbreviations, and the like. If, if available, the text itself is perfectly readable, then the employer has no reason to refuse to accrue payments. This clarification is contained in the Fund's letter 14-03-11/15-11575, written on September 30, 2011.
Special attention should be paid to the subject that data is entered into the form. They can only serve as a capillary, gel or fountain pen with black ink. Also, the sick leave can be completed on the computer.

It is strictly forbidden to use a ballpoint pen when entering data into the form. This requirement was introduced for a reason. The fact is that any sick leave todayprocessed electronically. Unfortunately, the data that was entered on the form with a ballpoint pen is not readable by the equipment. Because of this, such a sick leave will not be processed properly.
Rules for seals and long titles
There are also requirements for seals. The names of medical institutions on them must correspond to the names contained in the charters of these organizations. A special place on the form is allocated for seals, while they can protrude beyond its borders. However, it should be borne in mind that the seal of the medical institution should not enter the cells that contain information data.
Sometimes when filling out a sick leave, there are problems with writing the name of the place of work. The fact is that 29 cells are allocated for it. They must contain the full or abbreviated name of the organization in which the sick person works. At the same time, spaces between words cannot be neglected: they are mandatory on sick leave. But it is not necessary to put down such signs as commas, quotation marks, dashes, numbers and dots that are present in the names. If the accepted abbreviated name does not fit, then it is necessary to shorten it further, but so that the identification of the organization is available.
What does the new sick leave look like
You can look at a sample of filling out a sick leave and see exactly how this document looks like in the picture below.

It should be noted that the sick leave certificate of the new sample is two-sided. On the front sideall the basic information that the medical worker and the employer enter is indicated. On the reverse side there is a detailed transcript of the sick leave, namely the codes that can be indicated in the cells on the form.
The sick leave itself is divided into several blocks. The first of them is filled directly in the medical organization where the citizen was treated. The second is to be completed at work. The bottom part, which is tear-off, is also filled out by the doctor and remains with the medical facility for reporting.
What is to be completed by the he althcare worker
So, the person who makes the first entries on the disability certificate is a medical worker. He needs to fill in the form with all the information about the patient and the medical organization, about the disease and the timing of treatment.
In the specially designated columns, the doctor writes down the name of the medical organization and its state registration number. You must also include her address. If a citizen applied to a doctor engaged in private practice, then the name, surname and patronymic of the doctor and his personal state registration code are entered on the form.
Next, the patient's data is indicated: what is his full name, when he was born, his gender, the name of the enterprise where he works. In a special column, a mark is made on whether the sick leave is issued to the main place of work or to where the citizen works part-time. If for part-time work, then the number of the form that was issued for the main job is indicated next to it. In the event that the patientis registered with the employment service, then a special mark is put on this, and the data on the workplace is not filled in.

The reason for the disability must be indicated. Thanks to the entered special codes, the doctor does not need to write down the diagnosis: he simply enters the necessary code in the cells.
If necessary, the doctor fills in other special cells, which reflect the following information:
- start and end date of the voucher issued for aftercare in a sanatorium;
- date of possible delivery;
- in the case of issuing a sick leave to care for a child, the relationship with him, the age of the child and his name are indicated;
- information about the violation of the treatment regimen can be indicated along with the dates when they were committed;
- duration of hospital stay;
- the date the patient underwent a medical examination.
In the table titled "Release from work", the doctor indicates the period during which the patient was released from his duties. The day when the citizen must start his work is recorded separately. If the sick leave is extended, then these dates are also fixed. These records are certified by the name and initials of the doctor, his signature and indication of the position.
On the right side of the form in the block filled out by a medical worker, the seal of the hospital or clinic must be affixed. Each seal must necessarily contain the words "for disability certificates" and be clear. Its form does not matter, buttoday, polyclinics mainly use triangular printing.
Code diseases on sick leave
In the new sick leave form, any disease is encrypted with special two-digit and three-digit codes. However, these diagnosis codes are not classified information, because they are written on the back of the form. Here is a list of them:

As you can see, the list of reasons is quite large. In this case, for example, disability code 01 is recorded if a person has suffered some kind of viral, cold or other disease. In case of injury or poisoning, other codes are already affixed.
The reason for disability is mandatory for filling in the sick leave. However, some of these reasons are indicated solely with the consent of the patient. This rule applies to codes 14 and 15.
If the medical worker made a mistake on the form
Any serious mistake on the sick leave sheet by a medical worker is a signal that the form is corrupted. No corrections to the sick leave made by a doctor are allowed. Such a document is subject to immediate return and re-issuance, because in the end it may not be accepted by either the employer or the FSS itself. That is why a doctor or other employee of a medical institution must be well aware of all disease codes and other service codes used in the sick leave.
Fields to be completed by the employer
The block that must be filled already at the patient's work is much smaller. Buthis importance is no less.

This indicates the name of the organization and the number that was assigned to it during registration by the territorial body of the FSS. A note is again made about whether this is the main job for a citizen or part-time.
Next, enter the code of subordination, the taxpayer identification number assigned to the employee, and the insurance number of the individual personal account (SNILS), which every citizen of the Russian Federation should have. There are also columns for specifying the conditions for calculating payments (in the form of a code), the insurance period the employee has, and non-insurance periods.
The codes used to indicate the conditions for calculating benefits are listed on the back of the disability certificate along with other codes used when filling out the form.
In separate columns, monetary amounts in rubles and kopecks are also recorded:
- average daily earnings;
- earnings for benefit calculation;
- the amount of the benefit to be paid out of the employer's funds;
- the amount of benefits from the FSS;
- total benefit amount.
The entire block of the sick leave, which is to be filled in by the employer, is endorsed by the signatures of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant, as well as their surnames and initials. The seal of the organization must also be affixed.
If the employer made a mistake when filling out
Unlike the mistakes of a medical worker, the mistakes of an employer on a disability sheet are not so terrible. Allthe fact is that on the part of the representatives of the enterprise corrections in the sick leave are allowed, if they are necessary. However, they must be made in a special order, which the people filling out these forms must be aware of.

It is important to remember that any error in the sick leave is never corrected with the help of clerical corrective means. Such a certificate of incapacity for work will be considered spoiled.
If an error is found, the employer carefully crosses out the incorrect information. The correction must be made on the reverse side of the sick leave in a free space. Next to it is written "to believe corrected", the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the enterprise are put.