Hemorrhoids often suffer from specialists in certain professions that are associated with heavy physical exertion or, conversely, with a sedentary lifestyle. The disease may be accompanied by a deterioration in the patient's condition, severe pain and other unpleasant factors that complicate life. Physical labor can exacerbate the situation and contribute to the progression of the disease. Accordingly, the question arises: do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids? If the disease goes from an acute form of exacerbation, then the person loses the ability to perform work duties.
Hemorrhoids: what is it?

This ailment is a stretching and exhaustion of the venous vessels of the rectum. Pathology can lead to the fact that dystrophy of connective and muscle tissues occurs, blood flow is disturbed and, as a result, congestion appears in the small pelvis. Blood ceases to circulate properly through the vessels of the rectum due to the weakening of the walls, the vessels are filled with blood. Further, hemorrhoidal bumps appear in these places,causing process complications.
Causes of disease
The disease appears in cases where:
- often difficult to empty;
- have frequent bowel problems (constipation, diarrhea);
- is overweight;
- work activity is characterized by high or too low physical activity;
- woman in position or after childbirth, when there is a lot of pressure on the rectum of the venous veins during attempts;
- there is a possibility of heredity.
Unfortunately, the disease gets younger with age, for many it appears at a very early age.
Stages of the disease

Hemorrhoids are divided into external and internal. In the first case, the hemorrhoidal intestine is located outside the anus. In the second, bleeding appears, bumps may fall out of the anus.
This disease has 4 stages:
- In the first stage, hemorrhoidal bumps are located inside, they do not fall out. After a bowel movement, a person experiences itching and burning, conceived after spicy, s alty foods, alcohol, or after sitting for a long time on a hard surface.
- In the second stage, the buds fall out when emptying. And then they return to their place. Often a person delays defecation due to fear of pain.
- In the third stage, it becomes possible to set back the hemorrhoids only by hand. Emptying is accompanied by bleeding and pain.
- In the fourth stage, hemorrhoidsself-repair becomes impossible. He alth is in great danger, the mucosa becomes at risk of infection. Treatment is possible only through surgery.
Is a person en titled to sick leave?

This ailment in the exacerbation phase can significantly reduce the quality of life, preventing the patient from fully performing any work. Do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids and where should I go? First of all, you should visit a proctologist. There are a number of circumstances that determine how long a person will be officially disabled:
- disease in chronic and acute manifestations;
- profession of the patient;
- effectiveness and methods of treatment (surgical, medical).
With exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids, the patient experiences a deterioration in the quality of life. In practice, people seek help when the last stages of the disease are fixed, when it becomes impossible to solve the problem on their own. This is due, firstly, to the intimacy of the place, secondly, to the fact that a person does not want to miss work, and, thirdly, to the fear of pain and unwillingness to undergo an examination. Therefore, this category of people is concerned: "In what cases and do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids?".
What affects the duration of sick leave

At the initial stages of the disease, sick leave is not allowed, indue to the fact that the ability to work is not impaired. In this case, the doctor will prescribe treatment, which is possible to produce without interruption from work.
In what cases do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids? If the disease is of the 3rd and 4th stages, then the treatment requires an integrated approach, including not only medication, but also bed rest. It should be understood that at these stages of the disease, prolapsed hemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, infringement of the nodes are accompanied by severe pain and impaired performance. In cases where the work is not associated with strong physical exertion, it is still difficult for the patient to move normally, as well as to perform the most elementary movements. Accordingly, in this position, the patient is treated at home or in the hospital.
Do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids and for how many days with outpatient treatment? Of course, the doctor prescribes it, but for how long - there is no exact answer, because everything will depend on the course of the disease.
On average, with hemorrhoids of 3-4 stages, sick leave is issued for 7-12 days. It all depends on:
- patient condition;
- stages of illness;
- comorbidities;
- presence or absence of complications.
Usually this period is enough to relieve acute symptoms, which means that the patient can safely continue his work activity. If there are no improvements or complications arise, then the person needs inpatient treatment. The question of surgical intervention may also arise. In this case, sick leavecloses and when a patient is admitted to the hospital, a new one opens. It is imperative to warn the attending physician that the patient has previously been on outpatient treatment. In this case, there will be no problems with the documents.
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Women in position often suffer from this disease. Do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids during pregnancy? This disease is considered the most common among pregnant women. This is due to the strong pressure of the enlarged uterus on the venous plexus. Hemorrhoids very often appear after the transferred childbirth, when there is a strong pressure of the baby's head on the vessels. Another reason for the onset of the disease is frequent constipation.
So, do pregnant women get sick leave for hemorrhoids? Of course, under the same conditions as everyone else. The duration will also depend on the degree of the disease, the treatment prescribed and the ability to recover.
Sick leave after surgery

The length of time a person spends in a hospital bed after surgery to remove hemorrhoids will depend on several factors. First, the type of operation: emergency, planned. Secondly, the presence of complications or their absence. Third, recovery features.
The rehabilitation period depends on the individual properties of the body, which are responsible for its ability to self-heal: physical fitness, age, chronicdiseases, complications.
Do they give sick leave after removal of hemorrhoids and for how many days? Such an operation is not considered difficult. With a good outcome, the patient is in the hospital for no more than five days. But if there are complications: suppuration of postoperative sutures, external or internal bleeding, the stay in the hospital is significantly increased.
Who extends sick leave after surgery
After this operation, the sick leave is extended by the proctologist at the place of residence or by the surgeon, the therapist (if the proctologist is not available at this area). Basically, the doctor prescribes outpatient treatment for 10 days. Of course, everything will depend on how quickly a person restores his he alth, the nature of the work is also taken into account. Do they give sick leave for hemorrhoids to men who are engaged in labor associated with strong physical exertion? Up to 14 days of sick leave can be given by a doctor if the patient's profession implies:
- lifting loads;
- hard physical labor;
- Staying upright for a long time.
Even if a person feels satisfactory, some work will be contraindicated for him.
In cases where there is no positive dynamics or complications arise, only the social commission has the right to issue a disability certificate. With a positive opinion in favor of the patient, outpatient treatment is extended by 21 days, sometimes up to 1 month.
Controversial issues

There arecases when the doctor refuses to send a person on sick leave, and the patient is not able to perform his work duties due to poor he alth. What to do?
Firstly, upon receipt of a refusal, it is recommended to write statements addressed to the head physician of the medical institution with a request to take measures to resolve the situation. Based on this, a commission is created, which should conduct an investigation into this fact and give its opinion. The patient has the right to appeal the commission's decision to the insurance company.