For the full functioning of the human body, it is necessary to regularly receive a sufficient amount of useful substances and elements. The lack of some may not even be noticed in everyday life, but iodine deficiency is manifested by serious consequences that are best prevented. One of the most popular iodine preparations today is "Iodomarin 100", and what are its features and benefits are described below.

Composition and release form
The main active ingredient of the drug is potassium iodide. In terms of pure iodine, each tablet contains 100 mcg of it, in the form of the main substance - 131 mcg.
Additional components of the composition:
- gelatin;
- magnesium stearate;
- silica;
- lactose monohydrate;
- magnesium carbonate;
- carboxymethyl starch sodium s alt.
The drug is produced only in the form of tablets packaged in dark glass bottles and packed in cardboard boxes. Each package must contain instructions for the use of "Iodomarin 100". Vials can hold 100 or 50 tablets. The cost depends on the packaging, and today you will have to pay about 140-150 rubles for the largest package, depending on the pharmacy markup.
External description and storage conditions
A photo of the drug packaging itself can be seen in the article. Its design will not allow you to confuse the medicine with other means. The tablets themselves are made in a standard flat-cylindrical form with a risk and a chamfer on one side. Tablets "Iodomarin 100" white, odorless.
Keep the product away from children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ˚C. The drug is available without a prescription, which is convenient for many patients who need lifelong iodine medication.

Pharmacological properties
"Iodomarin 100" is indicated for patients with various thyroid diseases and for the prevention of iodine deficiency. The lack of such an element in the body is manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular and reproductive, both in men and women. Iodine ensures proper metabolism, energy metabolism and is actively involved in the growth and development of the child.
To avoid serious problems in regions with insufficient iodine content in water and soil, as well as insufficient intake of the element with food, it is necessary to take iodine-containing preparations that can compensate for the lack of natural intake of an important nutrient. This is especially important for children, whose formation is largelydepends on the quality of the thyroid gland.
Additional iodine intake helps stabilize the size of the main organ of the endocrine system, normalize growth, mental development and hormonal levels in both children and adults.

According to the instructions, "Iodomarin 100" is almost completely absorbed through the epithelium of the small intestine and distributed throughout the body 60 minutes after ingestion. At the same time, the incoming iodine accumulates in the endocrine system, stomach, kidneys and mammary glands. The concentration of the element in saliva and breast milk exceeds the amount of iodine in the blood plasma by 30 times, therefore, during lactation, the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.
Iodine is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, but to a minimal extent, the substance can leave the human body through the lungs and together with waste products through the intestines.
Indications for use
Basically, the use of "Iodomarin 100", according to the instructions, helps to get rid of:
- diffuse euthyroid goiter;
- endemic goiter.
The drug is also widely used to prevent the appearance of goiter after its surgical removal, treatment with hormonal agents, or simply to eliminate iodine deficiency in the body.
Prohibited use
The main contraindication for the use of "Iodomarin 100" is the presence in the body of hypersensitivity to the main element of the drug. Of course, this is quite rare.

Use the medication is also prohibited in the presence of senile dermatitis and toxic adenoma. With iodine deficiency-induced hyperthyroidism, the drug can be used, with any other factors - it is impossible.
The prohibition is the presence or suspicion of a tumor of the thyroid gland, radioactive iodine therapy and treatment of nodular goiter in large doses. An exception in the latter case can only be preoperative treatment.
Pregnant and lactating
"Iodomarin 100" during pregnancy is allowed to be taken only in dosages not exceeding 2 tablets per day. At the same time, the intake of iodine in the body will be moderate, which will not harm the fetus. If the dosage is exceeded, then penetrating through the placenta to the baby, iodine can cause the development of goiter in him. A similar situation develops during lactation. An already born child can also get a disease in the form of a goiter when a high concentration of a substance is taken with milk.
The concentration of the incoming element in the body depends on the diagnosis of the patient and should be regulated by the attending physician. Of course, the annotation to the medication has certain recommendations in this regard. So, to prevent the development of goiter in children from birth to 12 years old, you should take 0.5-1 pill per day. With a similar diagnosis for adults and children over the indicated age, the daily dosage should be already 1-2 tablets. For pregnant women in the prevention of iodine deficiency, the maximum amount of the drug per day is 2 tablets.

If necessary, take a medication for prevention after removal of the goiter, you should consume no more than 1-2 tablets per day. For treatment, the dosage is adjusted according to the age of the patient. So, for children under 16 years old, no more than 200 mcg of iodine should enter the body per day, and for adults, the dosage can be increased to 500 mcg.
Duration of therapy is usually 15-30 days in young children, in adolescents it can already reach up to 1 year. Some adults are required to take pills for life as indicated.
Are there any special recommendations on how to take Iodomarin 100? Experts advise doing this only after eating, preferably in the morning, if the reception is single. For young children, the tablet is allowed to be dissolved in milk or juice, while adults just need to drink the medication with plenty of liquid.
Negative impact
Despite the fact that "Iodomarin 100" is not a serious drug of chemical origin, its use can still cause side effects, although in rare cases. Children, as a rule, always tolerate the drug well, and only in rare cases, weak signs of iodism may appear. They are a metallic taste in the mouth, inflammation of the mucous membranes, iodine acne, or a very rare Quincke's edema.
When high doses are used in treatment, the likelihood of side effects increases. Prolonged unjustified therapy can lead to the formation of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis, especially in the elderly and at a dosage exceeding 300 mcg.

If the amount of iodine in the body exceeds the required amount, the following symptoms may develop:
- reflex vomiting;
- diarrhea;
- pigmentation of mucous membranes in brown color;
- abdominal pain.
In especially severe cases, symptoms lead to dehydration and shock.
Treatment in this case is carried out symptomatically with the obligatory withdrawal of the drug. Severe cases may require hormonal administration and intensive care under strict medical supervision.
Special Instructions
The drug does not affect the ability to control mechanisms.
With simultaneous therapy with lithium s alts, the likelihood of developing goiter and hypothyroidism increases. When treating hyperthyroidism with Iodomarin, additional intake of the main element should be avoided. Parallel therapy with potassium-sparing diuretics leads to an excess of potassium in the body.
Analogues of the drug
According to the active substance, the synonyms of the drug in question are:
- "Iodide 100".
- "Yodbalance 100".
- "Vitrum Iodine 100".
- Yodandine 100 and so on.
Almost all of these drugs are completely synonymous with each other, and the main difference is only their cost. Of course, in some cases, you can notice the effect on the body of additional components that differ in the compositions.

Reviews about«Jodomarine 100»
Basically, all reviews on the web about the drug are positive. In some cases, patients complain of a pronounced manifestation of side effects, but such situations are very rare and represent exceptions in the form of individual intolerance.
In most cases, taking pills helps patients quickly cope with the disease, in a short time to reduce the manifestation of symptoms in the form of irritability, decreased concentration and memory impairment.
Those who took "Iodomarin 100" while carrying a baby were also satisfied with the stabilization of the amount of this element in the body. If the recommended dosage is observed, the drug is not dangerous for the fetus and only benefits the mother and the development of the unborn child.
In some cases, a violation of the thyroid gland leads to the formation of excess weight. At the same time, taking iodine-containing drugs, patients manage to bring their weight back to normal in a short time, even if earlier it was not possible to lose it with any loads. Of course, this should be done only on the recommendation of a specialist. Otherwise, uncontrolled intake of iodine in the body will only provoke new diseases.
Initially, if you suspect an iodine deficiency in the body, you should enrich your diet with natural foods with a high concentration of it: fish, beets, onions, garlic, radishes, and so on, or iodized s alt. Tablets may only be used as a supplement and only on the advice of a physician.