Cough is one of the main symptoms of a cold or hypothermia. You can get rid of it with some folk remedies. Consider below a list of the most effective ones that you can cook at home.

Anise brew
Practice shows that a decoction made on the basis of anise is a fairly effective folk remedy for coughing. To prepare it, you need to take the following components:
- 2 tablespoons anise seeds;
- glass of water;
- 2 spoons of honey
To prepare an infusion, pour anise seeds into a heat-resistant container and pour boiling water over them. After that, the container should be put on a slow fire and boiled for 20 minutes, after which the product should be cooled to room temperature and filtered through a fine sieve or gauze folded in half.
Add honey to the prepared broth and mix the mass well until the component is completely dissolved.
Eat cookedaccording to this recipe, anise decoction should be a quarter cup three times a day, before each meal.
Also, an excellent folk method for coughing is the use of anise-fennel decoction. In order to prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of fennel and anise. These components must be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then let the resulting mass brew in a closed container for half an hour. Next, the broth should be well filtered and consumed 2-3 tablespoons per hour.

Turmeric with milk
A good folk remedy for coughing is to drink milk mixed with turmeric. To prepare it, you need to pour a teaspoon of spice into a glass of natural cow's milk and, having thoroughly mixed the components, put them on a slow fire. Bringing the drink to a boil, turn off the fire, and drink the mass slowly.
Practice shows that milk with turmeric has the most effective effect if consumed before going to bed. The effectiveness of this remedy is due to the fact that turmeric has a warming property, having a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, in particular, on the mucous membrane of the throat.
Basil tea
This folk remedy for cough is very popular among adults. To prepare a miraculous decoction, place a handful of fresh basil leaves in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water over them. After some time, the prepared brothyou need to start using it warm, a quarter cup, about 2-3 times a day.
The peculiarity of this remedy is that the basil, on the basis of which it is made, has an active anti-inflammatory effect, and also has an antibacterial effect.
Milk with figs
In a short time, milk mixed with figs helps get rid of a cough. To prepare the product, you need to take 5 figs and pour them with two glasses of natural cow's milk. Next, the mass must be allowed to brew under a closed lid for a couple of hours. During the specified time period, the figs will have time to feed on milk, as a result of which the fruits will become very soft. Now they need to be kneaded and, having mixed, begin to use the mass in half a glass about 3-4 times throughout the day. In order to achieve a positive result from the use of the remedy in question, it must be drunk exclusively in the form of heat.
Experts in the field of traditional medicine note that both fresh and dried figs can be used to prepare such a remedy. As for milk, to prepare such a decoction, it is advisable to boil it in advance and immediately pour over the figs.
Milk with figs is a great folk method. With cough, bronchitis and sore throat, it helps perfectly.
It is known that honey is an excellent cough remedy. It is very often used as the main ingredient in the preparation of folk remedies for coughs. The wide popularity of this product is primarily due to the fact thatthat it contains a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins.
Traditional medicine experts quite often recommend to their patients suffering from coughs to periodically chew a piece of honeycomb for 15 minutes. During the period of exacerbation, it is recommended to carry out such a procedure every hour.
You can also make excellent healing pastes with honey. Of the total number of those, the most effective is warming pepper paste, for the preparation of which it is necessary to combine a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper with a spoonful of honey in one container. After mixing, the mass should be consumed, dissolving for the maximum possible time. To achieve a quick effect during the period of exacerbation, it is necessary to use such a remedy about three times a day. It should be noted that a fairly effective pasta can be prepared in a similar way by replacing pepper with cinnamon in its ingredients.
If necessary, children can be treated for coughing with a folk remedy based on milk. To prepare an effective drink, you need to take the following components:
- a glass of natural milk;
- egg yolk;
- a spoonful of liquid honey;
- a pinch of soda;
- a spoonful of butter.
To make a drink, put milk on the stove and bring it to a boil over low heat. As soon as this happens, butter should be added to the milk. Separately, it is necessary to beat the egg yolk with honey and soda, and then introduce the egg mass into the milk, stirring it. The prepared product must be divided intotwo equal parts, and then consume it during the day, preheating.
Practice shows that honey-mustard mixture helps to cope with coughing attacks faster. To prepare it, you need to take:
- 50g butter;
- a teaspoon of mustard seed powder;
- 50g natural honey.
To prepare the remedy in question, you need to mix all the ingredients listed, while melting the butter. It is necessary to use the prepared product before each meal, one teaspoon. Practice shows that if you follow the instructions exactly, you can achieve a positive result in treatment in just a couple of days.
Warm milk mixed with honey is said to be an effective folk remedy for a cough. However, this tool can not be taken by everyone. Milk with honey is the best method of folk treatment for dry cough, since the main action of its components is aimed at stimulating the formation of sputum in the lungs. In the event that the cough is wet, the use of the remedy prepared according to this recipe leads to the formation of even more moisture. You need to drink such a remedy only when it is warm.

Aloe decoction
A decoction made from aloe helps with any kind of cough. To prepare it, you need to take a finely chopped large leaf of aloe and 300 g of liquid natural honey. These ingredients must be combined with each other and, pouring half a glass of water,put the mass on a slow fire for cooking. After a couple of hours, the product must be thoroughly stirred and removed from heat.
After cooling, the prepared remedy should be taken in a tablespoon three times a day. It is recommended to store the decoction in a cold place.

Ginger tea
It is known that ginger is a natural and very useful natural component that has an excellent warming effect. It is these qualities that can be used when selecting components for the preparation of a healing mass for a sore throat.
To make he althy ginger tea, you need a minimum of ingredients:
- a quarter teaspoon of dried cloves;
- 0.5 teaspoon dried ginger powder (you can use grated fresh root);
- 1/5 teaspoon cinnamon
The considered folk remedy for the treatment of cough is prepared according to a rather simple recipe. To do this, combine all these ingredients in a thermos bowl and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. After that, the mass must be mixed and let it brew for 30 minutes. It is necessary to use the product prepared in this way throughout the day, dividing the mass into 4-5 equal parts.
Asafetida paste
Asafetida is a fairly common spice in the East, which is widely used in the preparation of dishes traditional for Indian cuisine. To prepare an effective folk remedy for a strong cough, only the product that is presented is powder form.
In order to prepare an effective pasta, you need to take:
- 1/4 teaspoon onion juice;
- a spoonful of natural liquid honey;
- 1/5 teaspoon asafoetida.
In order to get the desired paste, you need to mix all the ingredients indicated in the recipe. The prepared product should be consumed in a teaspoon 4 times a day, trying to dissolve the mass for the longest time.
Effective spice infusion
A decoction made from spices and spices is excellent for cough control. To prepare it, you need to pour 1/4 teaspoon of the following ingredients into a thermos flask:
- dried black cumin;
- dill seed;
- fennel;
- coriander;
- anise.
Next, the spicy mass should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. After the specified time, the product will be ready for use.
To quickly achieve positive dynamics during the treatment process, it is recommended to use this remedy only fresh, 4 times a day, one glass each.
Tangerine brew
It is known that an excellent folk remedy for treating cough in adults is a decoction prepared on the basis of tangerines. The effectiveness of this drink is due to the fact that mandarin is a product containing synephrine in its composition. This is a substance, the main effect of which is aimed at removing edema, as well as the active removal of mucus from the body. Thanks to suchthe properties of the fruit, a decoction made on the basis of mandarin, allows you to quickly remove the mucus that is present in the lungs and bronchi. That is why experts in the field of traditional medicine often recommend the use of tangerine decoction for people suffering from a wet cough.
To prepare this type of drink, you will need a minimum of ingredients: peels taken from three medium tangerines, as well as a glass of boiling water. These ingredients must be combined in one bowl and tightly covered with a lid. The mass should be allowed to brew for half an hour, after which the decoction should be consumed in the morning, before the first meal.
Experts in the field of medicine note that the treatment of children for coughing with a folk remedy prepared on the basis of mandarin is strictly prohibited. Also, this decoction is not recommended for allergy sufferers and pregnant women.

Onion broth
This remedy is a real find for those people who have long suffered from chronic dry cough. It is intended for rinsing the mouth, which should be carried out 3-4 times a day - only in this way will a positive result be achieved, and in a fairly short period of time.
To prepare an effective decoction, pour a handful of clean onion peel with a couple of glasses of boiling water. After that, the mass should be allowed to brew for a couple of hours in a tightly closed container, wrapped in a terry towel.
Garlic honey decoction
National cough treatment can be effectively carried out withusing an infusion based on honey and garlic. In order to prepare an effective decoction, you need to peel a couple of heads of garlic from the husk and, finely cutting the cloves, pour them with a glass of natural liquid honey, mix, and then put on a slow fire. The mass should be heated, stirring until the garlic is completely dissolved in it.
As soon as the garlic dissolves, it is necessary to remove the mass from the heat, cool it slightly, and then heat it again, stirring again until a liquid syrup is formed. As soon as this happens, the mass must be filtered through cheesecloth or a sieve without cooling.
To achieve a positive result, you need to take the prepared remedy for a tablespoon three times a day.
Egg honey mix
To fight a cough, an egg-honey mixture is often used, for which the most common and cheap products are used. Moreover, it is worth noting that the process of its preparation is simple.
To create an effective remedy, you need to take:
- a spoonful of butter;
- chicken egg;
- a spoonful of natural liquid honey;
- a teaspoon of baking soda;
- 250 ml of vodka.
All these components must be combined in one bowl, and then mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is necessary to use the product immediately after preparation, otherwise its beneficial properties will simply disappear later.
Practice shows that for an adult, alternative cough treatment with the help of a remedy prepared according to the specified recipe helps after the first application. Repeatedthe use of funds is required quite rarely - only in extremely advanced cases.
Onion jam
Natural onion jam is a particularly effective folk remedy for children's coughs, but adults can use it too. To prepare medicinal jam, you need to take a glass of onion gruel, made from heads, crushed with a blender. This mass should be covered with a glass of sugar and, after mixing well, boil over high heat for about five minutes. After the specified time, the mass must be removed from the fire, let it cool slightly and send a spoonful of honey into it.
You can use ready-made jam immediately after the mass has cooled to room temperature. As practice shows, a positive effect from the use of such jam can be observed after one day of regular use of the product for food (one spoon per hour).
If desired, you can cook onion jam according to a different recipe. To do this, take a large onion head, chop it and pour syrup made from 250 g of sugar and 250 ml of purified water. After connecting the elements, the mass must be mixed well and put on a slow fire in order to boil it.
It is necessary to use the remedy prepared according to the second recipe in the same way as the previous one. The effect of its use is felt already after the first spoon eaten - coughing fits begin to be eliminated. The course of treatment in this way is not limited - it should continue until complete recovery.
Pine cones with milk
This recipedry cough remedies are great for adults, helping to eliminate the problem within a couple of days. To prepare this remedy, you need to take washed cedar cones and pour them with natural milk so that it completely covers them. In this composition, the mass must be brought to a boil over low heat and boiled for several hours until tender.
After the specified time, the mass must be removed from the heat, cool it a little and, having added honey to the milk, drink it. You need to use this remedy every day for half a glass (3-4 times).
Herbal teas
From folk remedies for coughing, herbal teas consumed warm are excellent for adults. In order to achieve a positive effect, they can be prepared on the basis of pharmaceutical herbs, which may include plantain leaves, mint, linden flowers, medicinal chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oregano, and elecampane.
The principle of making teas from different herbs is the same: pour a teaspoon of the main ingredient with a glass of boiling water and let the mass brew for 15-20 minutes under a closed lid. After the specified time, the finished infusion should be drunk as tea. If desired, you can add a spoonful of honey or sugar to the broth.

Rubbing with lard
Since ancient times, lard has been considered one of the most effective folk methods for treating coughs in adults. This remedy is inexpensive and fairly easy to use.
In order to eliminate the cough, you need to rubfresh lard neck, back and chest. Before use, this product must be melted, and after the procedure, wrap the treated areas of the body with a terry cloth.
In order to enhance the effect of the procedure, you can combine melted fat with chopped garlic. Practice shows that in this case, the cough disappears after the first application, but in especially advanced cases, it needs to be repeated.

Iodine mesh
According to many fans of traditional medicine, iodine mesh is a great way to deal with coughs of any kind. Moreover, it is distinguished by its ease of implementation in practice, as well as quick results.
Experts in the field of medicine note that the application of the iodine mesh should be abandoned if there is an increased body temperature.
Apply the iodine grid with a cotton swab, drawing the grid in the chest and back, without affecting the location of the spine and heart muscle.
In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to apply an iodine mesh every day, until the cough symptoms disappear completely.