Dry cough in a child can be a serious cause for concern. However, is it worth giving your baby pills that have side effects when you can use alternative medicine? What is the best folk remedy for dry cough for a child and how to use tinctures and potions correctly so that they are really effective? You will find answers to these questions in our article.
Decoction of pine buds with milk
Thinking about what to give a child with a dry cough? Many parents are well aware that boiled milk is great for fighting these cold symptoms. However, for the treatment to be as effective as possible, pine buds should be added to the useful product.

So forFirst, boil about 0.5 liters of milk well. It is best to do this over low heat so that the animal product does not burn in the pan. As soon as all harmful bacteria die, add one tablespoon of pine buds to the product, after grinding them into powder.
It is necessary to leave the container with the infusion in a cool, inaccessible place for the child, so that the milk absorbs the healing power of the plant. After a couple of hours, strain the medicine and pour into a jar for storage in the refrigerator.
As for the use of tincture, it is best to carry out such a procedure on an empty stomach, in the morning. However, it is important to warm the milk so that the throat does not inflame from the cold product even more. Such a tool helps not only to moisturize the irritated mucous membrane, but also to alleviate the pain of coughing.
Inhalations with eucalyptus for children
Many parents know that this drug can be used to get rid of dry cough and runny nose. However, few people understand how to do inhalations correctly so that they are as effective as possible and do not harm the young body. The cooking process should look like this:
- Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
- Add 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil or 1 tablespoon of decoction.
- Pour 2 tablespoons of soda into the water and mix everything thoroughly.
After that, it remains only to make the correct inhalation. To do this, cover the child's head with a towel or thick cloth so that bothas much vapor as possible entered the baby's respiratory tract. In this state, the patient should spend from 15 to 20 minutes, and then go to sleep in a warm bed.
Is it possible to replace eucalyptus with other medicinal herbs? Yes, if you know the proportions for inhalation. For example, menthol, coltsfoot and oregano help to fight a cold quite well. However, inhalations are allowed only if there is a clear confidence in the proportions.
Honey, lemon and glycerin for colds
Another folk remedy for dry cough for a child, which helps fight unpleasant symptoms. The mixture will be especially effective if it was not possible to identify the cause of irritation of the mucous membrane, because vitamin C in combination with a bee product gives an antiviral effect.

To prepare a folk remedy, first of all, you need to peel the lemon, and then squeeze the juice out of it in any convenient way. After that, boil the liquid for 5 minutes over low heat to get rid of harmful organisms.
As soon as the juice has cooled down a bit, add two tablespoons of glycerin to it, as well as honey to taste. Next, the product is thoroughly mixed and sent to a cold place for infusion for three hours. After that, the mixture is considered ready for use.
To cure a dry cough in a child at home with this folk remedy, you need to give him a tincture 30 minutes before meals. In addition, the small patient is recommendedalso consume the mixture at bedtime to relieve unpleasant symptoms.
Milk and pine nuts for cough
This remedy will relieve the symptoms of a cold in a matter of days, as well as get rid of the root of the problem. However, to be effective, it must be properly prepared. To do this, it is important to clearly follow the algorithm described below.
- Carefully wash one cedar cone.
- Place the crushed product in milk (1 liter).
- Put the container on the fire and bring the product to a boil.
- The resulting broth is carefully filtered and poured into a bottle.
After that, it remains only to start using a folk remedy for dry cough. For a child, 2-3 tablespoons at a time will be enough. An adult can also cure an unpleasant symptom with a decoction if he drinks 1-2 glasses a day.
In some cases, a child may refuse to drink cedar milk due to strong bitterness. To prevent this from happening, place a few tablespoons of honey in the broth. The bee product will not only give the milk a sweet taste, but also enrich it with other beneficial properties.
How to properly use badger fat?
Many medical experts claim that this product is able to cope even with advanced stages of tuberculosis. What can we say about curing a dry cough in a child? Badger fat not only soothes an irritated throat, but also has an expectorant effect.

It is easy to guess that this productwill show the greatest effectiveness if used as a compress. Therefore, first you need to heat the fat on fire or in the microwave, and only then apply it to the skin. It is best to do this at night so that the product is properly absorbed inside.
As an alternative, you can use bear fat - an effective tool that not only alleviates unpleasant symptoms, but also helps to increase immunity. However, if you decide to purchase such a product from your hands, then be sure to check the expiration date of the fat.
As for contraindications to treatment, you should refrain from applying compresses if the child has a high temperature. In addition, many children also have an individual intolerance to the substance, which is expressed by a deterioration in well-being or allergies.
Honey and black radish against cough
But this alternative medicine is known to many people. However, not everyone knows that it can be effectively used for children as well. How to make black radish with honey for dry cough? Simply follow the steps below:
- Carefully wash the root crop and remove the core from it.
- Put two tablespoons of honey inside the resulting cup.
- Leave the product to infuse in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
During this time, a lot of juice will stand out from the radish, which will mix with the bee product. Just the same, this mixture should be consumed one teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment should notexceed more than one and a half weeks, otherwise side effects may develop.
By the way, the same radish can be used many times. It is enough to constantly cut several layers from the core so that the root crop begins to secrete more juice. But honey will have to be regularly added new, as it is consumed quite quickly.
Inhalations over potatoes
Very often there is a dry cough in a child at night. What to do in this case, every mother wants to know. A rather old, but very popular folk recipe is actively used to fight not only coughs, but also many colds. Potato steam has a beneficial effect on the body, relieves cough, and also eliminates nasal congestion.

Such inhalation practically does not require any preparatory procedures. It will be enough just to boil some potatoes, drain the water, then put a towel on the child’s head and place it over the pan. It is allowed to breathe steam for no more than 15 minutes.
Many parents are wondering if it is possible to breathe over potatoes at a temperature. Especially for such individuals, we answer: yes, but if we are talking about an adult. If you ask yourself: "Is it possible for a child to breathe over potatoes at a temperature?", Then the answer will be simple: no, you can't.
If you do not mind spoiling the product, you can add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil while cooking potatoes. After that, it is necessary to repeat the inhalation according to the above technology,but without draining the water. Of course, eating potatoes cooked in eucalyptus water is strictly prohibited.
Barley decoction to fight colds
Another homemade dry cough remedy for kids that can be easily prepared at home. The method is quite similar to potato inhalations, but there are still several differences. Therefore, be sure to follow the cooking process described below:
- Boil two liters of water in a large pot.
- Pour half a glass of barley grains into a container.
- Cook the cereal for 10 minutes and drain the water.
You need to breathe over the resulting slurry for 10-15 minutes, after covering your head with a towel. Steam from barley will not only reduce the pain of dry cough, but also save the little patient from stuffy nose.
Also, some traditional healers recommend not to get rid of the water that was used during the cooking of barley. It can be well strained, and then used as a medicine, which is taken 1 tablespoon half an hour before each meal.
Milk, butter and honey for coughs
So we got to the most interesting part. Many had to try out this folk recipe for coughing in childhood. Milk with butter and honey has a positive effect on a sore throat, and can also significantly alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

What will it take? First the child must swallowa small piece of butter to lubricate the throat. Of course, the taste of such a product will not be pleasant, so immediately let the patient drink it with boiled milk, after stirring a few tablespoons of honey in it.
Milk with butter and honey for cough is rightfully one of the best recipes used by our great-grandparents. All these components tend to deal with dry cough. Milk soothes the mucous membranes, oil lubricates the ligaments, honey has a complex therapeutic effect.
However, do not overdo it with this popular recipe. Few people like the taste of oil in their mouth, especially if it is swallowed in large quantities. It should be understood that even a small piece will be enough to fight a cough. But excessive consumption of the product can cause vomiting.
Baby Potato Compress
And what kind of folk remedy for dry cough for a child to use if a small baby is sick, who under no circumstances will breathe over potatoes or swallow butter? The ideal option would be potato compresses applied to the painful area, that is, the throat.
- Boil several large root crops together with the peel.
- Mash potatoes until mashed.
- Add 1 tablespoon of alcohol to the gruel.
- We form a couple of cakes from the mass.
As soon as the folk remedy is ready, you need to put it on the throat. If we are talking about eliminating a wet cough, then also place one lozenge on the chest,so that the child begins to better stand out sputum from the bronchi. However, carry out such a procedure at night so that the baby does not accidentally remove the compress.
To keep the cake better on the neck, it must be fixed with something. An ordinary winter scarf is best suited for this purpose. However, you should give preference to such a wardrobe item that is not made of wool so that the baby's skin does not start to itch.
Egg potion
What to give a child with a dry cough if he refuses to wear warm compresses? An egg mixture will show itself very well, capable of curing even exacerbated forms of bronchitis, which for a long time did not respond to treatment. A miracle cure is being prepared as follows:

- Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.
- Add one tablespoon of butter to the container.
- Shake the egg yolk and mix it with boiling water.
- Add one tablespoon of honey for flavor.
- Sprinkle a quarter teaspoon of baking soda.
After that, it remains only to remove the pan from the heat and leave the product to cool in a cool place. It is best to use a basement or a dark corner for this purpose, where the rays of the sun do not penetrate. In extreme cases, you can send the potion directly to the refrigerator, but you should not do this without special need.
This folk remedy helps to cope not only with dry cough, but also with other symptoms of colds and flu that occur in children. Considering that all the ingredientsare of natural origin, the mixture can be used even for the treatment of the smallest patients. Take 1 tablespoon twice a day (on an empty stomach and at bedtime).

All the above folk recipes have been tested over the years, so there is no doubt about their effectiveness. Most importantly, follow all the cooking algorithms exactly, and be sure to contact a medical specialist for help if the baby's condition deteriorates sharply. Do not forget that the child may also have an individual intolerance to a particular drug, so consultation with a doctor before treatment will not be superfluous.